(e:terry,56315) mentioned, I won the infotech Niagara Beta awards for Techie - Large Company. I was genuinely surprised and excited about the award. I didn't know what to say when they called me up in front of like 500+ people so very spur of the moment I said something like,
I would like to thank Roswell Park Cancer Institute for presenting me with an endless series of interesting puzzles to solve, my coworkers for making it fun to solve those puzzles and my awesome boss Del Reid for allowing me the freedom to solve the puzzles as I see fit. Here is to a world without cancer.
Then I held up the award. It was cheesy but I think it worked. All in all it was a good day. Even more exciting was going to a morning meeting I was dreading and having someone there refer to me as a wizard and say that I was able to significantly up their productivity with one of my creations. Its nice to hear some positive feedback.
Strange and cool all at once....