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03/17/2012 13:23 #56234

Looking crazy in my new orange pants
Category: clothes
I tried on all of my neon color stuff at once and then (e:terry) snapped the pic while I was looking up so it looks like my eyes are rolling back in my head.

Strangely, I bought three pairs of pants at H&M, all the same size, style, everything and only 1 pair fits. So much for consistency.

metalpeter - 03/18/12 10:00
Well inches should be inches or maybe CMs should be CMs but if they are a size then those could change.... Just ask any women ..... Now I've never bought womens clothes but my sis was buying some and sizes very by brand and then they have sub sizes like Petite so....... Of course though if they are different materials that could be a factor to... some things give more then others......
paul - 03/17/12 20:45
Its a gas mask. And all of the trousers were made in bangladesh. Clearly those people are not about consistency.
tinypliny - 03/17/12 18:49
What's the pink rectangular thing? And how does a gas mask count as neon stuff?
tinypliny - 03/17/12 18:47
I think those shoes are awesome. Btw, were the trousers made in the same part of the world?
metalpeter - 03/17/12 13:33
You don't look crazy just like Shaggy in the Zombie Apocalypse to bad those shoes aren't orange..... That being said the Phone does look a bit crazy....
tinypliny - 03/17/12 13:31
You are now the flashiest bloke on the planet. :)

03/17/2012 00:48 #56231

minimum wage in nys
Category: money
The range of minimum wage from 1960-now is pretty crazy. It seems so hard to imagine it being $3 in the 90s.

metalpeter - 03/18/12 10:02
I don't really want to get into this but also the raising of Minimum wage raises Inflation and could also cause it....

Not to mention do longer following the gold Standard.......

But also not everyone gets minimum wage so........
tinypliny - 03/17/12 18:47
Inflation? I bet you could buy a lot more things with $3 in the 90s than now.

03/16/2012 19:58 #56230

75 on Wednesday?
Category: weather
I am starting to get nervous about the end times. If its 75 in mid March, what is August going to be like?

I was going to take off on Monday but maybe I should work real hard m onxay Tuesday to get the evals thing out the door and then take off Wed, Thurs, next Monday and make it a vacation.


metalpeter - 03/17/12 13:28
we could fry or it cold snow?
paul - 03/16/12 23:53
After that it said 79. Now it says 70.
lilho - 03/16/12 21:42
Plus I can drive.
lilho - 03/16/12 21:42
lilho - 03/16/12 21:41
I think that's a great plan since I'll be there....

03/15/2012 10:15 #56223

Category: music
This enlightening musical commentary on the Spanish people may explain issues with their economy.


03/15/2012 00:35 #56221

I am so tired
Category: work
I am trying to wrap up this massive work project in the last few days so that i don't have to think about it during St. Patricks day weekend. I cannot wait for it to be freakin over. I have already worked 12-15 hours everyday this week. With 40 hours right now. Tomorrow hasn't even started yet. It better just go smooth and then I am going to take off.

I really hope in april we get a new position and I can finally have an assistant/partner in crime. I would love so much to have someone to work with directly so that I am not responsible for so much stuff alone. Plus its just more interesting to work with other people and have someone to talk to about the projects we would be working on together.

God I look strung out from programming.
metalpeter - 03/16/12 16:57
Even though I don't like Beer or Guinness that does sound good think one might kill me...........
ladycroft - 03/16/12 12:09
an Irish car bomb is a half pint of Guinness with a shot of Bailey's and Jameson dropped in it and downed. Delish!
tinypliny - 03/15/12 20:45
that and having no support from everyone (family, coworkers, friends) who should be supporting you at times when you are desperately working on deadlines but are instead whining about their own troubles :/
metalpeter - 03/15/12 19:43
@(e:Paul) I'm sure what ever you do you will Enjoy St. Pats.....
metalpeter - 03/15/12 19:43
@(e:Paul) I get the 12 Hour day is long.... Sometimes that is how long I'm out of the house But I can't imagine having to work that long let alone 15 argh.... At least though you are close.... Or maybe that makes it worse if people know you are close by?
metalpeter - 03/15/12 19:41
@(e:ladycroft) One thing I have all ways wanted to ask what is an Irish Car Bomb?
ladycroft - 03/15/12 13:03
i feel ya. i reaaaaaaaaaaaaally wish i could have a wreck of a st. pats weekend! have an irish car bomb for me!!!
tinypliny - 03/15/12 02:32
It will go fine. Your guinea pig thought it was peachy! :)