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03/13/2012 00:09 #56216

Liberte vs chobani yogurt
Category: food
The liberate is 1000% tastier but check out the fat on that. 0% fat vs almost half the daily allowance of saturated fat. The chobani is also not very many calories in general. My puffed rice cereal is the same way. Its like 50 calories a bowl. I think I need to up the significance of my breakfast.





tinypliny - 03/13/12 20:15
Butter makes everything better.
tinypliny - 03/13/12 20:15
Yogurt and cereal is your only breakfast? Really? don't you eat eggs??

03/13/2012 00:04 #56215

Time for a new grill
Category: food
The grill had a run in with the wind storm last week that might have been life threating. I got it to start up again buy I think it might be time to just start over. I feel bad because it cooked so many good meals.


tinypliny - 03/13/12 20:15
Whoa - was it tipped during the storm?

03/12/2012 23:52 #56214

When dishwashers go bad
Category: appliances
I spent the good part of two hours on Sunday night cleaning out the dishwasher parts. I took it apart down to the motor and cleaned out every tube and part. The thing just wasn't washing right anymore and the dishes were coming out disgusting.

It was totally worth it because afterwards they came out sparkly clean like when it was new. I also soaked the glasses that had residue buildup in vinegar overnight. I think everything is back to normal now.


tinypliny - 03/12/12 23:55
Don't ask me why, but whenever you say you took something apart to the core or fixed some complicated screen or window or whatever, I feel so... inadequate and compelled to learn new skills.

03/12/2012 23:48 #56213

Emo kids stoned to death
Category: world
When I first read the title in an aggregator I thiught it was some war on drugs propaganda but its worse.

This is why religious people terrify me. I wonder if being emo can get you political assymlum now.

metalpeter - 03/13/12 17:45
That is insane...
ladycroft - 03/13/12 13:42

03/12/2012 14:27 #56211

The weather
Category: weather
Its 66 right now. Almost 70 and its March 12th. I think I will swim within a week at this rate to beat the record of April 1.

tinypliny - 03/13/12 20:16
I hope that app isn't lying once again.