Setting up a server on linux and having your other devices access it is a supposedly simple thing but I am having a hard time with it.
Objective: To access one of my folders on my linux laptop from my android devices (specifically a tablet, which I use to read pdfs)
What I have done: Started an apache server on my laptop.
Like so:
Check if httpd exists on the system
- rpm -q httpd
Switch to /var/www/html directory
- cd /var/www/html
Crease a symbolic link to the directory I want to share
So here I am linking to ~/pdfs and naming it pdfs
- ln -s ~/pdfs pdfs
Switch to root user
- Su
Enable, start and check the apache server
- systemctl enable httpd.service
- systemctl start httpd.service
- systemctl status httpd.service
Now if I go to localhosts/pdfs or with any browser on my laptop, I can see the directory on my server.
The question is how do I see the wretched directory from a browser on my android tablet in the same wireless network?! The IP address of the wired connection on the linux laptop is: and the server is at port 80
So technically the address should work, correct? But it is not!!
Do I need to fiddle with my Apache configuration files?
Stumped for now.
Check out alternative solution at (e:tinypliny,56229)
Thanks for that insight. I changes the iptables configuration and I could finally see the files from my tablet/android devices (in my ubuntu, not in fedora where something is still screwy).
I was pretty happy till I realized that that's all I could do. see the files. The downloads never initiate. :/
I need to get this thing working fast so I have located another alternative. Posting about it next.
As long as apache is listening in all ips,which i think it os by defaut and if you can see it from inside but not from outside the machine then it is your firewall. You need to enable traffic on port 80 through the firewall. I am sure there is some GUI for that. Fedora uses iptables.
Or you can just copy the setup for port 22 that probably already in you firewall rules in /etc/sysconfig/iptables
Then just restart the service
sudo service iptables restart