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03/16/2012 14:22 #56229

Take 2: Sharing files between Linux desktop and Android device
Category: linux
This is an easier method than setting up own server and hoping that it would work well but as (e:Paul) pointed out in the comments, it's also somewhat non-transparent. Why do you need to go to an external site and get a code? What other data does this application collect from your android device? The answers are floating in the wind and possibly in the developer's mind.

et voila EDIT
The developers frank and informative responses to these answers
are in (e:tinypliny,56245)

Here's how to use EZ Drop (File Sync) to share files between your linux laptop and android device:

Install EZ Drop (File Sync) from Google Play here:

on your android device.

Go to to get your code (from your linux desktop browser).

Fire up the now installed EZ Drop (File Sync) in your android device.

Input the code from in your android device.

An interface to transfer files appears in your browser at after you input the code in your android device.

You can drag and drop the files you want to share there.

The files you share get saved in the download folder in your android device.

Navigate to those files using ES Explorer - another awesome application from the Google Play Store.

That's it. No more struggles with FTP/HTTP servers on this linux machine and bemoaning that the ASUS transformer does not mount as a USB. It doesn't matter anymore.I found another method after some searching that also works very well. More in the next post: (e:tinypliny,56232)

tinypliny - 03/17/12 11:48
Okay - the misgiving reached a crescendo after your comment. This method does makes me uneasy and I feel like transparency is missing. So I have found a newer method - that kind of builds on the method I found for transferring files from android to linux. It works the opposite way as well.
tinypliny - 03/17/12 09:16
I had around an hour of misgiving about this. I mean what else is the application dredging out from the device? You never know. But it kind of became very desperate because I need to be done with reading around 50 odd full PDFs and skim 100 more by end of next week. I am going nuts with the lack of time for this mammoth task ahead. I got the transformer expressly to make this easier. Why not dropbox? Well because I am on a crappy DSL and dropbox bandwidth needs are ENORMOUS. With this I can transfer via the local wireless at nearly 54 MBps/
paul - 03/16/12 23:51
That process sounds sketchy, like why the middle man and the code. I would never trust it. Why not just use dropbox like everyone, if that is what you are going for? I am a much bigger fan of the home server. Want me to come by one day and help you figure it out.

03/15/2012 02:41 #56222

Sharing files between Linux and Android
Category: linux
UPDATE: Those who are stumped at this method should preferably read about a waaaay easier method to share files between the Asus transformer TF101 (or any android device) and the desktop at (e:tinypliny,56229) or (e:tinypliny,56241) (e:tinypliny,56232) or choose to struggle some more with uncertain results (on Fedora 16) by clicking on the comment bubble below. Your choice!

Setting up a server on linux and having your other devices access it is a supposedly simple thing but I am having a hard time with it.

Objective: To access one of my folders on my linux laptop from my android devices (specifically a tablet, which I use to read pdfs)

What I have done: Started an apache server on my laptop.

Like so:

Check if httpd exists on the system
  • rpm -q httpd

Switch to /var/www/html directory
  • cd /var/www/html

Crease a symbolic link to the directory I want to share
So here I am linking to ~/pdfs and naming it pdfs
  • ln -s ~/pdfs pdfs

Switch to root user
  • Su

Enable, start and check the apache server
  • systemctl enable httpd.service
  • systemctl start httpd.service
  • systemctl status httpd.service

Now if I go to localhosts/pdfs or with any browser on my laptop, I can see the directory on my server.

The question is how do I see the wretched directory from a browser on my android tablet in the same wireless network?! The IP address of the wired connection on the linux laptop is: and the server is at port 80

So technically the address should work, correct? But it is not!!

Do I need to fiddle with my Apache configuration files?

Stumped for now.
tinypliny - 03/16/12 18:29
Check out alternative solution at (e:tinypliny,56229)
tinypliny - 03/16/12 13:03
Thanks for that insight. I changes the iptables configuration and I could finally see the files from my tablet/android devices (in my ubuntu, not in fedora where something is still screwy).

I was pretty happy till I realized that that's all I could do. see the files. The downloads never initiate. :/

I need to get this thing working fast so I have located another alternative. Posting about it next.
paul - 03/16/12 01:46
As long as apache is listening in all ips,which i think it os by defaut and if you can see it from inside but not from outside the machine then it is your firewall. You need to enable traffic on port 80 through the firewall. I am sure there is some GUI for that. Fedora uses iptables.

Or you can just copy the setup for port 22 that probably already in you firewall rules in /etc/sysconfig/iptables

Then just restart the service
sudo service iptables restart

03/11/2012 20:03 #56207

I want my hour back.
Category: whine
I hate today. Hate it. Hate it.


I hate you, whoever came up with the loony idea of robbing people of their time!
You suck.
metalpeter - 03/12/12 18:03
I find the entire thing kinda silly really but that is just me....
uncutsaniflush - 03/11/12 20:32
If you stick around here, you'll get your hour back in the late fall. If you move all bets are off on when you get your hour back.

03/11/2012 01:00 #56202

You are guessing...
Category: the odes
TP's drawing

03/09/2012 22:11 #56193

Random annoyances.
Category: the odes
My hair is very long now. And my stress levels are at an all time high. The combination is a bad one.

There is hair everywhere. In the bathtub, on the floor, inside the keyboard, everywhere! Strange little hair creatures live in corners of my flat. It's so aggravating. I really don't have time to clean now or recycle. So my flat looks abysmal and weird. The omnipresent hair makes it worse. It's like my head has transformed into a human cat/shedding machine. I reckon I must be losing at least 200-300 strands a day.

And I seem to have entered a joyless cooking phase where I just make things as fast as I can so that I can gobble them up and get back to work. On top of it, my tea consumption has gone up to nearly 30 cups a day. I am not so concerned about drinking so much tea (it's mostly water and some milk). The main problem is I am out of my favourite teas (tetley and harrod's) because I just kind of burned through my stash. I don't have the time or inclination to go to the Indian store so I am stuck with my less-liked teas.

I am finding out that I really hate Chamomile tea. Worst pathetic tea in the world.

ladycroft - 03/15/12 13:00
i want to see a photo of this long hair!!!!
tinypliny - 03/15/12 00:22
hahaha, yes, it was way better when it was short. :) I am considering a trim as soon as I get some time!
oda - 03/14/12 21:48
i would much rather lose hair than put a placenta on my head. maybe you could cut your hair shorter and you would notice it a lot less!
tinypliny - 03/13/12 20:13
maybe I should try placenta-cream? But who knows what other side-effects it comes with...
tinypliny - 03/13/12 20:12
I honestly don't know how to make it stop. Seriously, it is beyond nuts. The thing is EVERYWHERE. I scoop out hairball after hairball from tub every weekend. its very disturbing.
tinypliny - 03/13/12 20:11
Your hair stopped falling out when you were pregnant! That is so fascinating in so many ways. Pregnancy is a very high-estrogen state. I was looking at hair-product use recently. A number of women of colour use placenta-based hair products. Its very popular in conditioners and whatnots. Placenta = high source of estrogen. I wonder if estrogen has the same effect applied externally as it does when one is pregnant. If it does, what other attributes of pregnancy do these hair products simulate? You have to wonder...
ladycroft - 03/13/12 13:40
yah. my hair stopped falling out while i was pregnant. now it's starting to again and i realize just how much it drives me nuts! i can't stand hairs on things other than attached to the body in the right places.
metalpeter - 03/10/12 14:02
HA..Is this the blog of the Chinese people making macs.... Sorry had to toss that in.... The real problem is if you have rugs and not a wood floor.... Wood you can sweep but hair on a rug is tough and does bad things to a vacuum.....