Maybe it's all a bit too much, but is it?
I currently use:
A laptop with fedora (Heavyduty (for me!) computing, coding and writing)
A laptop with an ubuntu derivative (madbox) (experimentation with linux)
A laptop with a lean modded WinXP (communicating with the non-clued in world. Read: people who don't know what LaTeX and linux are, live in the past and deal with the painful M$hit word.)
A tablet with honeycomb and considering dual boot with ubuntu LXDE. (Heavyduty PDF reading)
A smartphone with Ice cream sandwich (Camera with panorama)
A smartphone with gingerbread (Alarm Clock with fancy tunes.)
At work:
A paleolithic machine with some ancient slow version of WinXP (good for pretty much nothing really, because its so slow and terrible).
I bet
(e:paul) has more devices (actually I would love to see your list,
(e:paul). :)) and whatnots but what about you all?
i want to see a photo of this long hair!!!!
hahaha, yes, it was way better when it was short. :) I am considering a trim as soon as I get some time!
i would much rather lose hair than put a placenta on my head. maybe you could cut your hair shorter and you would notice it a lot less!
maybe I should try placenta-cream? But who knows what other side-effects it comes with...
I honestly don't know how to make it stop. Seriously, it is beyond nuts. The thing is EVERYWHERE. I scoop out hairball after hairball from tub every weekend. its very disturbing.
Your hair stopped falling out when you were pregnant! That is so fascinating in so many ways. Pregnancy is a very high-estrogen state. I was looking at hair-product use recently. A number of women of colour use placenta-based hair products. Its very popular in conditioners and whatnots. Placenta = high source of estrogen. I wonder if estrogen has the same effect applied externally as it does when one is pregnant. If it does, what other attributes of pregnancy do these hair products simulate? You have to wonder...
yah. my hair stopped falling out while i was pregnant. now it's starting to again and i realize just how much it drives me nuts! i can't stand hairs on things other than attached to the body in the right places.
HA..Is this the blog of the Chinese people making macs.... Sorry had to toss that in.... The real problem is if you have rugs and not a wood floor.... Wood you can sweep but hair on a rug is tough and does bad things to a vacuum.....