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03/09/2012 09:26 #56190

the weather is getting nice
Category: weather
It might end up snowing today but its gonna hit 60 this week. It has the potential to be one of the best St Patrick's days ever.

metalpeter - 03/09/12 17:56
Heard it did snow...And some places with wind it was a white out but didn't see it my self so....

03/07/2012 22:43 #56185

Night crows
Category: wildlife
I know its dark in these pictures but considering its taken with a cell phone, at night from far away its pretty good. I can't believe how many crows cover the trees of Linwood at nighttime. There are literally thousands of them.


lilho - 03/09/12 01:42
alfred hitchcock ruined birds for me.... i don't like them.
tinypliny - 03/07/12 23:30
Yes, there are always there. A murder of million crows. Its insane.

03/07/2012 22:40 #56184

Cornish Game Hens
Category: food
I am obsessed with them. They are the perfect sized animal for eating. I think I might want to grow them more than chickens. They pair well with a dark green salad.




paul - 03/09/12 09:29
Cilantro = never. That history of the Cornish hen is so interesting. I didn't realize the development was so recent and that it had nothing to do with Cornwall.
lilho - 03/09/12 01:44
i thought i saw cilantro in that salad for a sec.... i love the hens too.
uncutsaniflush - 03/08/12 15:44
They are small chickens. from :::link::: : The United States Department of Agriculture describes the Rock Cornish game hen or Cornish game hen as "a young immature chicken (less than five weeks of age), weighing not more than two pounds ready-to-cook weight, which was prepared from a Cornish chicken or the progeny of a Cornish chicken crossed with another breed of chicken."

03/06/2012 19:07 #56179

Lunch Interview and Oda
Category: food
I went for a interview for the beta techies awards in tonawanda this afternoon. after Del and I headed to lunch at Zaiga on Delaware ave in Kenmore. Their lunch buffet was so amazing and only $7.99 with plenty of vegetarian options. I meant to take pics but I got so caught up seeing Oda and momma Bob.

I am not sure how the interview went. It was so spontaneous. I know I said codes where I meant to say code at one point. Hopefully, they edit that part out.



paul - 03/07/12 23:53
I don't know yet? Not till April.
tinypliny - 03/07/12 22:44
Wow - congratulations! Are you getting the award?
mike - 03/07/12 22:28
which oda? oda ghetto piece?
lilho - 03/06/12 19:11
Oda? Random.

03/04/2012 19:01 #56171

Buffalo Maritime Museum
Category: buffalo
(e:Terry) and I headed over to the maritime museum for their open house. You have probably seen some of their collection at the inner harbor during the summer.




The cool thing is they have all of these 10 week courses where you build your own boat. I think I would enjoy it but in the end I would have a pretty heavy boat compared to a fiberglass kayak which I could more easily tote around. Still I think the experience might be something interesting. I snapped a shot of each class offered to remind myself.









The thing that stuck out most to me was the vacuums, but that is just because I am obsessed with vaccuums.


tinypliny - 03/04/12 19:05
so will you be taking any of those classes?