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03/10/2012 02:44 #56197

Such a fucking idiot
Category: programming
I seriously just lost an hour of my life working on android and location accuracy. I am not even going to talk about it because like all of my other outside of work projects it will just get eclipsed by the high demand for my time that my actual job has.

Anyways, I was trying to get an accurate location and it kept giving me lat/long of 42 by 78. It was weird because it was saying the accuracy was like 1-28m. At first I thought it was because it kept selecting the network provider as more accurate as I was indoors. This got me running in and out of the house to try and get it to work.

But it wasn't working. Even when I explicitly chose the GPS as the location provider and set the accuracy to ACCURACY_FINE, it still was 42 by 78. After tons of frustration I looked at my logging code and I was casting the lat and long to int instead of a fucking double. Duh, it was being rounded. I could kill myself for not having noticed this and wasting so much time. I guess this is what I get for programming as entertainment at 2:41am on a saturday.

double lat = (double) (location.getLatitude());
double lng = (double) (location.getLongitude());


int lat = (int) (location.getLatitude());
int lng = (int) (location.getLongitude());

metalpeter - 03/10/12 14:06
At 2:41 am I know I wouldn't be able to think clear but that is just me.... Or maybe the fact that drinking is the only reason I would be up at that time would be a factor.....
tinypliny - 03/10/12 12:20
I am rarely happier than when spending an entire day programming my computer to perform automatically a task that it would otherwise take me a good ten seconds to do by hand.

—Douglas Adams, "Last Chance To See".

03/09/2012 22:31 #56196

Wegmans Lunch
Category: food
The wegmans lunch was a lot more eclectic. Where else do you get Chinese, Japanese and chicken wings plus Mediterranean style veggies and asparagus salad.

tinypliny - 03/09/12 22:57
okay that's it! I am sautéing asparagus for dinner!!!!!!

03/09/2012 22:29 #56195

Blue Fin Lunch on elmwood
Category: food
This time we got the desserts. They were delicious. (e:enknot) got the fried soft shell crab which also looked amazing.



tinypliny - 03/09/12 22:55
I love those plates!

03/09/2012 22:27 #56194

Category: style
When terry meets emo.

tinypliny - 03/09/12 22:55
So handsome! :) It brings out his blue eyes!

03/09/2012 20:52 #56192

Who knew android could easily take USB
Category: mobile
I saw an article about a USB host mode chord for android phones and decided for $3.50 it was worth a try. Holy crap was it worth it. You can connect external keyboards, drives and even a mouse. The system says "Mouse connected" and you get a mouse pointer on the screen that works just like on a computer. Totally worth $3.50 and way easier thqan dealing with batteries, syncing, etc that comes with bluetooth. Plus it is ultra super fast.

Here is the purchase link


metalpeter - 03/10/12 16:52
If I had a cell phone that does sound pretty cool....
paul - 03/10/12 15:22
Ya thanks for catching that.
metalpeter - 03/10/12 13:59
I assume the second 350 is a typo and that $3.50 is correct....?
tinypliny - 03/09/12 21:52
You make me want to search for accessories! the transformer doesn't have a micro usb though. it has some weird multipin thing and an hdmi. I am looking for that weird multiple and hdmi to other things converters...