Another entry in the Nisha on laps project. This time she's with my client Annie.
lilho - 11/24/11 10:21 i really never care for animals... but i'll give this lil doggie a few points or the purple feather because it's pretty awesome.
11/20/2011 16:44 #55563
Occupy everywhere Category: politics
The antique man, allen street, buffalo
metalpeter - 11/21/11 17:36 yes a bald Natlie Portmen.......................
tinypliny - 11/20/11 19:53 What was this about? It reminds me of the Guy Fawkes movie about some secret revolution.
11/19/2011 17:16 #55555
Chestnut ridge Category: hikes
(E:puddlediving), Nisha and I took a 5.72 mile hike at chestnut ridge today. Nisha needs a bath!
lilho - 11/20/11 21:57 so foresty!!! like a different world... i miss trees.
tinypliny - 11/19/11 23:44 I like that feather ornament. Nisha in her element. ;-)
metalpeter - 11/19/11 20:06 that is one steep hill
Or wait from that point would that be a valley below?
paul - 11/19/11 19:03 So cute. I always wanted to have a pet I could take places.
11/19/2011 11:39 #55549
More Nisha on laps Category: pets
With Margie at the Victoria Theater during the VIBE meeting where we prepared our business directory and newsletter place mat for mailing. And with (e:flaccidness). Puppy love!
I kind of prefer vertebrate road kills.
Nice worms.