Maybe because it was my third day in a row, or maybe I was going much faster than usual. Not sure... Anyway it was good either way.
Then I was late to work... The children I nanny keep getting home earlier and earlier. What is the point of having school until 3PM when the buses leave at 245? Their mom will have to figure this out because my classes and internship don't end until 245 and I am tired of speeding and risking my life to get here on time.
I just applied for scholarships, grants, and extra loans. I am saying a prayer I get some financial help because it will be near impossible to work next semester. I am doing well now but that is because I have a very strict schedule and little to no free time or social life.
I was so out of breath!!! If you can see the winding road way down at the bottom, that's where I started.

yeah, totally kate winslet. Anyone who doesn't see it... well, is not me.
wow that is so awesome! Wish I was ten minutes from that place you posted!
Ten minutes by walk, right? Or ten minutes by highway?
Its about ten minutes, maybe less. Where I live is among the most beautiful places I've ever been. Come visit! I'm moving in a year!
Where you live looks so nice. How many minutes is this from your house?