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04/14/2011 14:50 #54049
premier hit spot04/14/2011 14:29 #54048
horse drawn railroads ?were there really trains pulled by horses ?

tinypliny - 04/14/11 22:45
They must have been stagecoaches not real rail cars...
They must have been stagecoaches not real rail cars...
paul - 04/14/11 19:08
I want one. No seriously, how can it be. I would think it would be so slow.
I want one. No seriously, how can it be. I would think it would be so slow.
metalpeter - 04/14/11 18:20
I'm not a history bluff but I would believe the sign... It seems I have seen some black and white photo of it or maybe it was in some movie.... is it possible that rail cars where put on boats that where pulled by donkey on the erie canal but that is different there are horses that are just for pulling stuff so it makes sense that they could pull freight .... I also wonder if maybe there is land they could travel that a train couldn't like hills not sure.... Sounds like a good research project for ya I expect a 7 page paper in a week... HA....
I'm not a history bluff but I would believe the sign... It seems I have seen some black and white photo of it or maybe it was in some movie.... is it possible that rail cars where put on boats that where pulled by donkey on the erie canal but that is different there are horses that are just for pulling stuff so it makes sense that they could pull freight .... I also wonder if maybe there is land they could travel that a train couldn't like hills not sure.... Sounds like a good research project for ya I expect a 7 page paper in a week... HA....
04/13/2011 14:30 #54044
Smooth real smoothSo after my haircut I decided to shave off my facial hair today. I am not sure how I feel about it. I look younger and I do like the change of pace but I prolly look better with facial hair. what do u think ?

tinypliny - 04/14/11 09:31
Aha! I was thinking of whom you reminded me of... and its Shia LeBeouf when he was younger and funnier. (Nickelodeon, Even Stevens)
Aha! I was thinking of whom you reminded me of... and its Shia LeBeouf when he was younger and funnier. (Nickelodeon, Even Stevens)
tinypliny - 04/14/11 01:00
That's an interesting look for you... You should try the handlebar moustache next. ;-)
That's an interesting look for you... You should try the handlebar moustache next. ;-)
flacidness - 04/14/11 00:25
I love it smooth!!! U so cute!!!!
I love it smooth!!! U so cute!!!!
paul - 04/13/11 23:03
I think you look better with a beard. I feel the same way about me.
I think you look better with a beard. I feel the same way about me.
libertad - 04/13/11 20:36
I guess I will have to see in person. You're cute either way.
I guess I will have to see in person. You're cute either way.
04/11/2011 20:25 #54032
first cookoutMe, Dave and Julie went for our first cookout of the summer at Lasalle Park the other day. Or Front Park? Or are those really the same thing? Anywho it was nice to get some grilled hamburger and hotdog goodness and potato salad and grilled asparagus and yumminess. It was a little cold at night by the water so we hastily had to leave when we all started to freeze but not before first trying to take a picture infront of the sunset/water...unfortunately none of the photos came out wel, these were prolly the best.

libertad - 04/13/11 20:32
That was my stupid idea (e:metalpeter). I knew it wouldn't work but I wanted to show the ice, we definitely should have had the camera in the other direction.
Definitely enjoyed a good time. I love me my barBQ.
That was my stupid idea (e:metalpeter). I knew it wouldn't work but I wanted to show the ice, we definitely should have had the camera in the other direction.
Definitely enjoyed a good time. I love me my barBQ.
metalpeter - 04/12/11 17:36
Front Park is the 1st one and is to the right as you head towards the water there is like a big hill not sure if the old ice rink is still at the bottom of it..... laSalle is right on the water with the pool and that pumping station thing.... As for that huge grass area where Ted's used to be not sure......
So shooting into the sun that is a sunset and your faces coming out visible good luck with that.............
Front Park is the 1st one and is to the right as you head towards the water there is like a big hill not sure if the old ice rink is still at the bottom of it..... laSalle is right on the water with the pool and that pumping station thing.... As for that huge grass area where Ted's used to be not sure......
So shooting into the sun that is a sunset and your faces coming out visible good luck with that.............
paul - 04/11/11 23:08
Oh I looked for you at Delaware Park and didn't see you but I guess we had the wrong park, lol.
Oh I looked for you at Delaware Park and didn't see you but I guess we had the wrong park, lol.
tinypliny - 04/11/11 22:20
I really like those pics. You all look so happy! :)
I really like those pics. You all look so happy! :)
04/09/2011 10:31 #54001
Get Your Double Dream Hands ReadyI want everyone to learn this dance before the next (e:strip) party. Step, Clap, JAZZ HAND BURST!!!!!!!!
enknot - 04/12/11 16:25
Shoulder, shoulder, shoulder!
Shoulder, shoulder, shoulder!
enknot - 04/12/11 16:25
I've been practicing this for 3 days now and I feel like I will never get it, oh gawd I hope I don't screw up.
I've been practicing this for 3 days now and I feel like I will never get it, oh gawd I hope I don't screw up.
tinypliny - 04/09/11 23:13
That's complicated. Maybe you could teach it to the rest of us...
That's complicated. Maybe you could teach it to the rest of us...
paul - 04/09/11 19:33
How did you find this? Its so you. Can you do it yet?
How did you find this? Its so you. Can you do it yet?
You shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Maybe its the hottest club ever.
Maybe at night all lite up and with out those signs ........