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05/08/2011 02:41 #54241
t04/29/2011 23:45 #54179
Royal Fever 2Just a little addendum....it must be so great to be Queen knowing everyone curtsys to you and you curtsy to noone!
04/29/2011 21:29 #54178
Royal FeverI heart the monarchy. I heart all royalty. I seriously am a big fan of royalty and wish we had some in America and more importantly that I was part of it. I don't even really wanna just be rich I really want and have always wanted to be royal. THere is something so great of not really having to have done anything to earn but just be born into it. That is the best kind of money and power to have. I like all the pomp and circumstance and ridiculous rules of who curtsies to who and who can continue to eat when other people stop and what order to enter a room in. Frankly I think I might start enacting rules like that into my daily life. I think it would be much more entertaining.

I am a little disappointed in myself that I did not get up at 4am to start watching but I did start at like 7:30 and watched til 10 and then read about it incessantly online and watched clips. IT really was awesome. I just wanted to be there so bad and not in the freakin crowd outside but inside the abbey. OH what I would have done to be there. I also love all the crazy hats the British wear. Why don't we do that here?

I did like that at work I was the go to guy for royal information about everything. Speaking of which Prince Harry's girlfriend..she doesn't look so great.
I know people think royalty is stupid and unnecessary in this day and age and everything but I do think overall they really do help to unite and build something for a country to rally around. and I just like it so I don't want it to go away. I am by no means particularly in love with just British royalty, give me Danish, give me Norwegian, give me pushed out and destitute Italian or French even. I love it all and IL ove how serious people that are within that level of social class really like follow a lot of ridiculousness in rules and whatnot and take it all very seriously! I want it! but really in the end I think I just want a fancy tiara!
P.S. Did you all see the almost emergency when the wedding ring DID NOT easily glide over her fingers, someone's hands must have been bloated even though she was such a skinny minny

I am a little disappointed in myself that I did not get up at 4am to start watching but I did start at like 7:30 and watched til 10 and then read about it incessantly online and watched clips. IT really was awesome. I just wanted to be there so bad and not in the freakin crowd outside but inside the abbey. OH what I would have done to be there. I also love all the crazy hats the British wear. Why don't we do that here?

I did like that at work I was the go to guy for royal information about everything. Speaking of which Prince Harry's girlfriend..she doesn't look so great.
I know people think royalty is stupid and unnecessary in this day and age and everything but I do think overall they really do help to unite and build something for a country to rally around. and I just like it so I don't want it to go away. I am by no means particularly in love with just British royalty, give me Danish, give me Norwegian, give me pushed out and destitute Italian or French even. I love it all and IL ove how serious people that are within that level of social class really like follow a lot of ridiculousness in rules and whatnot and take it all very seriously! I want it! but really in the end I think I just want a fancy tiara!
P.S. Did you all see the almost emergency when the wedding ring DID NOT easily glide over her fingers, someone's hands must have been bloated even though she was such a skinny minny
metalpeter - 05/01/11 10:01
1. We Have Royalty they are called The Kennedy's
2. See to me Kings and that thing are from History... Now I don't know how they lost there power and how a form of elected people took over but once that happens just Vanish.... I'm sorry but If You are called queen you have to rule the country it is kinda like how the south re does battles they lost ....
3. Some places still have Kings But we call them Dictator lets use the movie example think of what an evil king does and how he hurts the people and keeps all the power to himself then His son gets the throne sounds like Kim Jong ill to me
Of course this being said if I lived in England or really any where in Europe I would feel differently...... Yes I'm part English and If I wasn't working it would have been cool to see......
1. We Have Royalty they are called The Kennedy's
2. See to me Kings and that thing are from History... Now I don't know how they lost there power and how a form of elected people took over but once that happens just Vanish.... I'm sorry but If You are called queen you have to rule the country it is kinda like how the south re does battles they lost ....
3. Some places still have Kings But we call them Dictator lets use the movie example think of what an evil king does and how he hurts the people and keeps all the power to himself then His son gets the throne sounds like Kim Jong ill to me
Of course this being said if I lived in England or really any where in Europe I would feel differently...... Yes I'm part English and If I wasn't working it would have been cool to see......
paul - 04/30/11 10:32
The British ones even gave their own religion build around them. That's power. The tan hat is perhaps the stupidest hat I have ever seen.
The British ones even gave their own religion build around them. That's power. The tan hat is perhaps the stupidest hat I have ever seen.
04/19/2011 22:51 #54099
New! Now! Next!Everyone do yourself a favor and go to logotv.com and watch the New , Now Next awards. It is the most randawesome thing ever! It seriously is hilarioulsy wonderful. It is an awards show about what is new, now and next for 2011 and features tons of pseudo-celebs and reality stars and drag queens with some real celebs mixed in. (and why are some of them there?)
The first award was for something I can't remember but all I know was the NKOTB /Backstreet Boys concert beat out angry birds, netflix, and the assistant from The A-list (which prolly noone has ever seen)! The thing about it was Joey Mcintire actually seemed really excited to win, like it was possibly the best night of his life.
Oh and did I mention it is hosted by James Vanderbeek (who is definitely not New Now or Next?) whose catch phrase for the night is Fierce Bitch and was just fondled by a drag queen. IT is only like a quarter of the way thru and I am loving it! DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND WATCH THEM!
OK i swear even I , the celebrity /reality show junkie has not heard of half these people but i still love it!
The first award was for something I can't remember but all I know was the NKOTB /Backstreet Boys concert beat out angry birds, netflix, and the assistant from The A-list (which prolly noone has ever seen)! The thing about it was Joey Mcintire actually seemed really excited to win, like it was possibly the best night of his life.
Oh and did I mention it is hosted by James Vanderbeek (who is definitely not New Now or Next?) whose catch phrase for the night is Fierce Bitch and was just fondled by a drag queen. IT is only like a quarter of the way thru and I am loving it! DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND WATCH THEM!
OK i swear even I , the celebrity /reality show junkie has not heard of half these people but i still love it!
04/14/2011 14:50 #54049
premier hit spotdespite what this sign says nothing about this sign makes me think premier hot spot

paul - 04/14/11 19:11
You shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Maybe its the hottest club ever.
You shouldn't judge a book by its cover. Maybe its the hottest club ever.
metalpeter - 04/14/11 18:21
Maybe at night all lite up and with out those signs ........
Maybe at night all lite up and with out those signs ........
I guess when you are drunk, the fact that you could have wrung that cloth towel on the floor out and mopped wasn't very evident...