Me and (e:mk) went to see Bridesmaids tonight at the MapleRidge AMC theater. I have not been to that theater in years I think and wow it is way cheaper than Regal. It is only 6.75 versus 10 at Regal. But it is not stadium seating and thus is much less comfortable for someone of my height. I think the 10 is prolly worth it for the comfort but still I was shocked it was so much cheaper. I don't like that there is not bucket size popcorn at AMC either. It is insane. Why not? Who doesn't prefer to eat out of a bucket? I swear popcorn does not taste even half as good out of a bag as out of a troughlike bucket! I guess it is back to Regal or Dipson for me and their huge size buckets!
Despite the lack of a bucket, Bridesmaids was hilarious. I seriously loved it! I love Kristen Wiig though but honestly I laughed a lot. Like a lot lot. I would totally see it again! It was so funny!
Mike's Journal
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05/24/2011 23:36 #54343
Movie Theaters and Bridesmaids05/21/2011 17:03 #54319
the graveyardwow walking around the river today with hollandaise I come across a stuffed animal graveyard

tinypliny - 05/26/11 21:53
Whoa, (e:strip) was full of pictures of rotting stuffed animals by the river, last week. Still, it doesn't come close to "the weekly roadkill (tm)" series.
Whoa, (e:strip) was full of pictures of rotting stuffed animals by the river, last week. Still, it doesn't come close to "the weekly roadkill (tm)" series.
libertad - 05/21/11 18:33
It is where the boy drowned last summer. I blogged about it at the time. There are signs now warning people of the dangerous current in the pond.
It is where the boy drowned last summer. I blogged about it at the time. There are signs now warning people of the dangerous current in the pond.
metalpeter - 05/21/11 17:06
odd wonder what the story behind that is... It doesn't look like a memorial where someone died and they left stuff.....
odd wonder what the story behind that is... It doesn't look like a memorial where someone died and they left stuff.....
05/20/2011 00:03 #54312
where I be05/19/2011 19:41 #54310
RaptureSo I heard the Rapture is this Saturday. See you lata suckas!
tinypliny - 05/26/11 21:54
I see you didn't get taken. Party on!
I see you didn't get taken. Party on!
metalpeter - 05/20/11 17:10
yeah since hell is coming all be running around chasing women with just that thing James posted about on that other site....HA... Seriously though does that go by east coast or west coast time... Do the people who are like day ahead of the us get taken a day earlier ??????? HA
yeah since hell is coming all be running around chasing women with just that thing James posted about on that other site....HA... Seriously though does that go by east coast or west coast time... Do the people who are like day ahead of the us get taken a day earlier ??????? HA
05/08/2011 02:41 #54241
tThis was a beer pong everything fell off the counter disaster at my boss's house for the intern's going away party last night. We couldn't find any more towels or paper towels so we had to resort to toilet paper which just doesn't work the same

tinypliny - 05/26/11 21:56
I guess when you are drunk, the fact that you could have wrung that cloth towel on the floor out and mopped wasn't very evident...
I guess when you are drunk, the fact that you could have wrung that cloth towel on the floor out and mopped wasn't very evident...
Found this and thought of you: :::link:::
I think the real question is what do you do with the bucket later? I think you should return it to the counter for a refund of 10.00 - 6.75 = $3.25 I am surprised you didn't know about this.
LOL @ (e:matthew)'s gaffe below.
I didn't realize who Kirsten Wiig was till I saw the trailer. I like her as well! I thought you were talking about that singer, Whigfield.
I wanted to see this. I also love Kristen Woof.