I want everyone to learn this dance before the next (e:strip) party. Step, Clap, JAZZ HAND BURST!!!!!!!!
Mike's Journal
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04/09/2011 10:31 #54001
Get Your Double Dream Hands Ready04/04/2011 20:55 #53981
Square One TelevisionFor years I have been trying to figure out if there really was a show or if I had made it up about these detective kinda like Drag Net but they solved math problems. I was also pretty sure one episode involved a gorilla, well a man dressed as a gorilla. Noone else I have ever talked to about it has ever remembered it at all. Then today I'm looking at wikipedia about Zoobillee Zoo and what is on the bottom as related but SQUARE ONE TELEVISON and I was like I think that's it. And so I go to the page and it was. It was a whole show about math on PBS from 1987-1994 and each episode ended with an episode of Mathnet. I still haven't found mention of a gorilla but this is definitely it! It feels so good to finally find it and know I didn't make it up. I could always picture it so vividly I knew it had to be real .
P.S. I just found it on a fan website episode 100-105 the episode of the missing monkey:
1.2 "The Problem of the Missing Monkey"
Episodes 101-105. Rerun in 136-140.
Directed by Charles S. Dubin
Co-Starring Yeardley Smith (Jane Rice-Burroughs), Dale Park (Grunt), J. Downing (Stock Boy), Lou Cutell (Store Manager), Dick Wilson (Grocer), Paul Tuerpe (Pie Balboa), Joseph Whipp (Buck Clyde), Sandy Gimpel (Stunt Double - Jane), Mike Cassidy (Stunt Double - George)
The Mathnetters are in the midst of a wild caper when local grocery stores report being robbed -- first food, later money -- by a gorilla. In a major twist, Grunt the gorilla is reported missing from the zoo. Jane Rice-Burroughs, Grunt's best friend, claims that Grunt could never have robbed the stores, and fake gorilla tracks found in a pizzeria support her claim. When gorilla sightings are made in different places at the same time, Kate and George conclude that a man, Janos Prokedzion, committed the robberies in a gorilla suit using kidnapped Grunt as a scapegoat. However, while Prokedzion pretends to be Grunt at the zoo, Grunt, having really escaped from Janos, climbs the Hollywood Sign and puts the mistaken George in grave danger.
P.S. I just found it on a fan website episode 100-105 the episode of the missing monkey:
1.2 "The Problem of the Missing Monkey"
Episodes 101-105. Rerun in 136-140.
Directed by Charles S. Dubin
Co-Starring Yeardley Smith (Jane Rice-Burroughs), Dale Park (Grunt), J. Downing (Stock Boy), Lou Cutell (Store Manager), Dick Wilson (Grocer), Paul Tuerpe (Pie Balboa), Joseph Whipp (Buck Clyde), Sandy Gimpel (Stunt Double - Jane), Mike Cassidy (Stunt Double - George)
The Mathnetters are in the midst of a wild caper when local grocery stores report being robbed -- first food, later money -- by a gorilla. In a major twist, Grunt the gorilla is reported missing from the zoo. Jane Rice-Burroughs, Grunt's best friend, claims that Grunt could never have robbed the stores, and fake gorilla tracks found in a pizzeria support her claim. When gorilla sightings are made in different places at the same time, Kate and George conclude that a man, Janos Prokedzion, committed the robberies in a gorilla suit using kidnapped Grunt as a scapegoat. However, while Prokedzion pretends to be Grunt at the zoo, Grunt, having really escaped from Janos, climbs the Hollywood Sign and puts the mistaken George in grave danger.
03/27/2011 13:17 #53925
big lotsso at big lots yesterday I got shark bite fruit snacks. toy story shaped cheezits and the olsen twins movie double double toil and trouble. why could my basket of stuff always be confused with that of an 8 year old girl.

tinypliny - 04/04/11 23:39
I would LOVE to shop with you and get more cheez-its. (Maybe not the olsen twins stuff... but maybe some cheerleading bitchy movies...)
I would LOVE to shop with you and get more cheez-its. (Maybe not the olsen twins stuff... but maybe some cheerleading bitchy movies...)
libertad - 03/27/11 19:52
This is why I rarely go into line with Mike.
This is why I rarely go into line with Mike.
paul - 03/27/11 15:25
This was true even when you were a 3 year old boy.
This was true even when you were a 3 year old boy.
03/20/2011 00:48 #53876
honey03/19/2011 14:00 #53868
My StitchesSo about a week ago I had to have some pre-cancerous skin on my elbow removed. I guess my dark dark childhood summers and the sunburns of my post-accutane 20's had taken a toll on my skin. Anywho I had a mole removed and then they had to go deeper and wider and so I needed some stithces. The lady on the phone originally made it seem like I wouldn't be able to use my elbow afterwards (cuz that's where the mole was ) but really it ended up being not that big an area , just a few stitches and just above my elbow mostly, so just no heavy lifting or hard arm exercising for me for 2 weeks (which is my normal life anyway). Anywho that is not even the point of the story...
So I love my dermatologist and have been going to her for prolly like 10 years for all my many skin issues and so I trust her completely. But we are in the room to have it removed and she had injected and numbed the area and asked the nurse for some scalpel or something and the nurse didn't bring that size or the next smaller size so she had to to go get the right equipment. It was no big deal she just hadn't brought the bigger size cuz they thought it was a smaller area..
BUT BUT BUT the doctor then says to me "You know Murphy's Law, if something can go wrong it will go wrong" UM PLEASE don't say that seconds before you are about to cut into me. That is not reassuring. I don't care how minor the procedure don't while yielding a large cutting instrument about to enter my arm be like so casually "oh things always go wrong!" I WAS TERRIFIED...but it worked out and my arm is fine but still come on now doc.
So I love my dermatologist and have been going to her for prolly like 10 years for all my many skin issues and so I trust her completely. But we are in the room to have it removed and she had injected and numbed the area and asked the nurse for some scalpel or something and the nurse didn't bring that size or the next smaller size so she had to to go get the right equipment. It was no big deal she just hadn't brought the bigger size cuz they thought it was a smaller area..
BUT BUT BUT the doctor then says to me "You know Murphy's Law, if something can go wrong it will go wrong" UM PLEASE don't say that seconds before you are about to cut into me. That is not reassuring. I don't care how minor the procedure don't while yielding a large cutting instrument about to enter my arm be like so casually "oh things always go wrong!" I WAS TERRIFIED...but it worked out and my arm is fine but still come on now doc.
tinypliny - 03/19/11 17:15
BTW, where are the pictures?! You could be totally making this up.
BTW, where are the pictures?! You could be totally making this up.
tinypliny - 03/19/11 17:08
In fact I would worry if the doc was unduly positive, bubbly and cheerful about everything. That's not the nature of medicine/surgery at all. They would be a businessman/woman or a rather sleazy medic if they didn't spell out the probability of failure and stress the unexpected.
In fact I would worry if the doc was unduly positive, bubbly and cheerful about everything. That's not the nature of medicine/surgery at all. They would be a businessman/woman or a rather sleazy medic if they didn't spell out the probability of failure and stress the unexpected.
tinypliny - 03/19/11 17:06
hahah - its the worst case scenario. The idea is to be totally honest all the time. I used to say stuff like that all the time. It's like an internal joke. Don't worry. :)
hahah - its the worst case scenario. The idea is to be totally honest all the time. I used to say stuff like that all the time. It's like an internal joke. Don't worry. :)
metalpeter - 03/19/11 16:55
Even though we know she meant about the tool yeah that might freak me out a bit I'm sure it would............
Even though we know she meant about the tool yeah that might freak me out a bit I'm sure it would............
flacidness - 03/19/11 15:57
Yeah seriously why would you say something like that right before the surgery??? Kinda funny but not really because it's scary.
Yeah seriously why would you say something like that right before the surgery??? Kinda funny but not really because it's scary.
Shoulder, shoulder, shoulder!
I've been practicing this for 3 days now and I feel like I will never get it, oh gawd I hope I don't screw up.
That's complicated. Maybe you could teach it to the rest of us...
How did you find this? Its so you. Can you do it yet?