My friend Eileen makes these seed bombs and sells them on her etsy website. They are awesome. They are little hearts or grenades and you can plant them and a wild flower mix will grow. But the great part is they are pretty hardy and you could like just throw them at empty lots and stuff and likely flowers will start to grow that's the whole bomb part of it. I feel like the hearts make great like wedding favors or something like that (cuz who really needs more jordan almonds) and the grenade shaped ones are more like for a hardcore flower spreading warrior. You should check them out, I find them to be pretty awesome if I do say so myself and I think I just did!
Here is a link to her site and a pic of some of the seed bombs I have
I kind of like the idea of throwing them in parking lots and creating hippie trouble.
Per you, I thought you were talking about throwing them in a parking lot again, my bad. I can't wait to throw my bombs.
Per Eileen they are actually pretty sturdy and you can just kinda put them in dirt , it doesn't have to be planted. or at least I think that is what she said.
I think he means you could use them like a toy or like how when people where kids they would pretend those empty juice things where Grenades they did kinda look like them.......
those are cool. (e:holly) is planning a garden-themed wedding for august. I'll let her know about this.
You can't just throw them at empty lots, they need to be put in soil. It is best to cover them slightly.