02/17/2011 13:54 #53630
main place mallsadly my favorite odds and ends type store at the main place mall closed. I loved that place
02/16/2011 16:16 #53626
gotta quitI gotta stop getting so much take out. forget the cost and unhealthiness it is such a waste of tons of plastic .
02/13/2011 23:27 #53610
Oh wait not that one, though she is very special to me too! This is my true valentine...
I know it is not quite Valentine's Day yet but I work 830 am to 9 pm tomorrow so I thought I would post it now . I like that the golden girls are represented in both pictures.
02/08/2011 23:46 #53575
Gym Time?So two weeks ago I joined a gym, Fitness 19 cuz it is near my house and near my work and seems not too hardcore and had a card to join for free with my insurance. BUT...I have not gone at all! When I signed up he was like so you wanna work out today...and was like heck no! maybe next week, but now its been 2 weeks and I just cannot get myself up to it. I think I need someone to go with me the first time and show me the machines and stuff. Why am I so anti-gym, When I actually do it I don't hate it, not that I like it like other people say how good they feel, I don't feel that, but I don't hate it. Ugh, maybe next week!
01/31/2011 20:20 #53525
Phone Number HoarderSo along with many other things, it turns out I hoard phone numbers. I was transferring numbers to my new phone and whoa! Who are half these people, I don't know, yet I keep transferring them from phone to phone just in case someday I remember who they are and need their number. Half of them probably aren't even people's numbers anymore. I seriously have like all of my friends ex boyfriends/ people they were even talking to a little bit's phone numbers plus like all these random people and even a number for Musical Emergencies...as you know there are many many musical emergencies in my life. Then there are the standard ones titled like Creepo , Creeps, Crazy Mendez, who I don't even know which creepo or creeps that refers too. And then the random local "celebrity" (both real or just in the minds of my friends) or whatnot whose number I somehow got ahold of. And then there are the people who I despise whose numbers I got in case I have had a revenge crisis. It would almost be fun to call all the numbers and see who they are and if they are still there. I also love how I also keep people's names listed not by like first and last but by first and how I know them. For example, Dave is still Dave (Coffee &) in my phone and always will be! I really wanted to cut out some numbers this time but I just could not bring myself to do it, even if I had no idea whose numbers they were!
A coffee roastery/grindery. The 1-page expansive PDF directory is here: :::link:::
There is also a clothing store with fairly decent clothes, a rather good barber shop, GNC and one more store that I am forgetting the name of - also a clothing store.
foot locker, kids foot locker, payless, a dollar store, a scrubs store, and a gift shop that has a lot of buffalo themed things. And maybe a rainbow I think or something like that. Oh and a Labels. That's it. well and the food court
There's a footlocker...........
What is left in that mall?