Mike's Journal
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02/17/2011 14:10 #53632
cyclorama02/17/2011 13:54 #53630
main place mallsadly my favorite odds and ends type store at the main place mall closed. I loved that place

tinypliny - 02/18/11 21:11
A coffee roastery/grindery. The 1-page expansive PDF directory is here: :::link:::
A coffee roastery/grindery. The 1-page expansive PDF directory is here: :::link:::
tinypliny - 02/18/11 21:08
There is also a clothing store with fairly decent clothes, a rather good barber shop, GNC and one more store that I am forgetting the name of - also a clothing store.
There is also a clothing store with fairly decent clothes, a rather good barber shop, GNC and one more store that I am forgetting the name of - also a clothing store.
mike - 02/18/11 20:17
foot locker, kids foot locker, payless, a dollar store, a scrubs store, and a gift shop that has a lot of buffalo themed things. And maybe a rainbow I think or something like that. Oh and a Labels. That's it. well and the food court
foot locker, kids foot locker, payless, a dollar store, a scrubs store, and a gift shop that has a lot of buffalo themed things. And maybe a rainbow I think or something like that. Oh and a Labels. That's it. well and the food court
flacidness - 02/17/11 22:16
There's a footlocker...........
There's a footlocker...........
paul - 02/17/11 20:52
What is left in that mall?
What is left in that mall?
02/16/2011 16:16 #53626
gotta quitI gotta stop getting so much take out. forget the cost and unhealthiness it is such a waste of tons of plastic .

paul - 02/16/11 21:14
The amount of plastic is unreal. I wish you could have taken pictures of it all. That what you should do. Take a pic of all of it from now and make a slideshow.
The amount of plastic is unreal. I wish you could have taken pictures of it all. That what you should do. Take a pic of all of it from now and make a slideshow.
flacidness - 02/16/11 16:28
I think you might have a problem. Lol!! Aleast too have a salad there. Cold turkey its the fastest way to go about it, I mighty get the shakes though.
I think you might have a problem. Lol!! Aleast too have a salad there. Cold turkey its the fastest way to go about it, I mighty get the shakes though.
02/13/2011 23:27 #53610

Oh wait not that one, though she is very special to me too! This is my true valentine...

I know it is not quite Valentine's Day yet but I work 830 am to 9 pm tomorrow so I thought I would post it now . I like that the golden girls are represented in both pictures.

Oh wait not that one, though she is very special to me too! This is my true valentine...

I know it is not quite Valentine's Day yet but I work 830 am to 9 pm tomorrow so I thought I would post it now . I like that the golden girls are represented in both pictures.
flacidness - 02/15/11 14:59
You guys look so cute!!! Hope you had a great day.
You guys look so cute!!! Hope you had a great day.
libertad - 02/14/11 10:20
Awe, I like that picture. Happy Valentines, Valentine!
Awe, I like that picture. Happy Valentines, Valentine!
02/08/2011 23:46 #53575
Gym Time?So two weeks ago I joined a gym, Fitness 19 cuz it is near my house and near my work and seems not too hardcore and had a card to join for free with my insurance. BUT...I have not gone at all! When I signed up he was like so you wanna work out today...and was like heck no! maybe next week, but now its been 2 weeks and I just cannot get myself up to it. I think I need someone to go with me the first time and show me the machines and stuff. Why am I so anti-gym, When I actually do it I don't hate it, not that I like it like other people say how good they feel, I don't feel that, but I don't hate it. Ugh, maybe next week!
leetee - 02/09/11 12:40
I've heard that all the time, that people feel better after working out. Never happened to me. I usually give up after about 6 weeks because it continues to be a struggle and i don't feel any better or get that post work out rush people talk about.
I hope you start to go and once you get it into your routine, you get that great feeling from it!
I've heard that all the time, that people feel better after working out. Never happened to me. I usually give up after about 6 weeks because it continues to be a struggle and i don't feel any better or get that post work out rush people talk about.
I hope you start to go and once you get it into your routine, you get that great feeling from it!
matthew - 02/09/11 11:12
I'm with you mike, I can't get myself to the gym. Although, I do agree with dave's comment on feeling good after a nice workout. I wish I could've been one of those people who get addicted to feeling good & healthy! I started a new workout "regime" last week, minus the gym. We'll see how that goes...
I'm with you mike, I can't get myself to the gym. Although, I do agree with dave's comment on feeling good after a nice workout. I wish I could've been one of those people who get addicted to feeling good & healthy! I started a new workout "regime" last week, minus the gym. We'll see how that goes...
libertad - 02/09/11 10:31
I told you I would go with you. We can maybe go this weekend.
Don't knock the gym Tiny! Lifting weights has many positive health effects. It also allowes people to get cardio in a controlled environment. I really enjoy my time at the gym. I do agree it is time consuming but for me it is worthwile. I feel much better since working out again, despite having this really annoying cold.
I told you I would go with you. We can maybe go this weekend.
Don't knock the gym Tiny! Lifting weights has many positive health effects. It also allowes people to get cardio in a controlled environment. I really enjoy my time at the gym. I do agree it is time consuming but for me it is worthwile. I feel much better since working out again, despite having this really annoying cold.
tinypliny - 02/09/11 05:05
I don't even like the idea of going to the gym to workout. It feels like a deadening time-sucking chore to me, time that could have spent improving my mind or experience. I'd rather dance.
I don't even like the idea of going to the gym to workout. It feels like a deadening time-sucking chore to me, time that could have spent improving my mind or experience. I'd rather dance.
Wait, I thought the roller-skate thing was true. Wasn't it?! Were YOU the one who told me that the office that worked there had secretaries and clerks and messengers wear roller-skates inside the building?? Don't tell me that is not true - because I must have told this to the hundreds of people who have walked me across the parking lot of the cyclorama. I mean, the name itself suggest that the building is a cycling chronicle. One would naturally assume that who ever inhabited that building cycled or roller-skated at one time.
It was a roller skating rink at one point in it's history. It has also been used as an entertainment center, a livery stable, a warehouse, a taxi garage, a library room and finally an office building. Very cool building.
Haha over would think they would. Keep that fantasy!!!