So about a week ago I had to have some pre-cancerous skin on my elbow removed. I guess my dark dark childhood summers and the sunburns of my post-accutane 20's had taken a toll on my skin. Anywho I had a mole removed and then they had to go deeper and wider and so I needed some stithces. The lady on the phone originally made it seem like I wouldn't be able to use my elbow afterwards (cuz that's where the mole was ) but really it ended up being not that big an area , just a few stitches and just above my elbow mostly, so just no heavy lifting or hard arm exercising for me for 2 weeks (which is my normal life anyway). Anywho that is not even the point of the story...
So I love my dermatologist and have been going to her for prolly like 10 years for all my many skin issues and so I trust her completely. But we are in the room to have it removed and she had injected and numbed the area and asked the nurse for some scalpel or something and the nurse didn't bring that size or the next smaller size so she had to to go get the right equipment. It was no big deal she just hadn't brought the bigger size cuz they thought it was a smaller area..
BUT BUT BUT the doctor then says to me "You know Murphy's Law, if something can go wrong it will go wrong" UM PLEASE don't say that seconds before you are about to cut into me. That is not reassuring. I don't care how minor the procedure don't while yielding a large cutting instrument about to enter my arm be like so casually "oh things always go wrong!" I WAS TERRIFIED...but it worked out and my arm is fine but still come on now doc.
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/19/2011 14:00 #53868
My Stitches03/17/2011 00:02 #53853
skunkI saw a real live skunk for the first time in my life in the parking lot tonight at work. I wanted to take a picture but was afraid of getting sprayed. it was really cute though !
theecarey - 03/20/11 20:41
Skunks are cute! I see them around my place often. I've only once seen a baby skunk once, and they are head exploding cute.
Skunks don't have much (or really any) of an odor until they spray. People that keep them as pets have had their stink making sac removed.
Skunks are cute! I see them around my place often. I've only once seen a baby skunk once, and they are head exploding cute.
Skunks don't have much (or really any) of an odor until they spray. People that keep them as pets have had their stink making sac removed.
leetee - 03/17/11 12:15
Did you smell it too? Or is that just when they spray? I think there is a skunk living near our house. I returned home at 9am after a 10 hour night shift and the smell of skunk was everywhere. Yuck....
Did you smell it too? Or is that just when they spray? I think there is a skunk living near our house. I returned home at 9am after a 10 hour night shift and the smell of skunk was everywhere. Yuck....
paul - 03/17/11 00:05
They are so cute. I am sure I am allergic but we saw a documentary about a women who had like ten of them as pets including an all white one.
They are so cute. I am sure I am allergic but we saw a documentary about a women who had like ten of them as pets including an all white one.
03/03/2011 11:00 #53758
GloZell doesn't like it03/03/2011 10:56 #53757
Keith Richards?A little blurb in the Buffalo News about Keith Richards daughter being arrested for minor drug charges and grafitti in Manhattan ends in .......The leathered, craggy guitarist has two other seems really mean and unnecessary to the story...though entirely true
tinypliny - 03/03/11 23:12
Well... that's just code for stay tuned for further misdemeanors from the family.
Well... that's just code for stay tuned for further misdemeanors from the family.
03/01/2011 17:56 #53755
Seed BombsMy friend Eileen makes these seed bombs and sells them on her etsy website. They are awesome. They are little hearts or grenades and you can plant them and a wild flower mix will grow. But the great part is they are pretty hardy and you could like just throw them at empty lots and stuff and likely flowers will start to grow that's the whole bomb part of it. I feel like the hearts make great like wedding favors or something like that (cuz who really needs more jordan almonds) and the grenade shaped ones are more like for a hardcore flower spreading warrior. You should check them out, I find them to be pretty awesome if I do say so myself and I think I just did!
Here is a link to her site and a pic of some of the seed bombs I have

Here is a link to her site and a pic of some of the seed bombs I have

tinypliny - 03/03/11 23:01
I kind of like the idea of throwing them in parking lots and creating hippie trouble.
I kind of like the idea of throwing them in parking lots and creating hippie trouble.
libertad - 03/03/11 16:38
Per you, I thought you were talking about throwing them in a parking lot again, my bad. I can't wait to throw my bombs.
Per you, I thought you were talking about throwing them in a parking lot again, my bad. I can't wait to throw my bombs.
mike - 03/02/11 23:21
Per Eileen they are actually pretty sturdy and you can just kinda put them in dirt , it doesn't have to be planted. or at least I think that is what she said.
Per Eileen they are actually pretty sturdy and you can just kinda put them in dirt , it doesn't have to be planted. or at least I think that is what she said.
metalpeter - 03/02/11 19:02
I think he means you could use them like a toy or like how when people where kids they would pretend those empty juice things where Grenades they did kinda look like them.......
I think he means you could use them like a toy or like how when people where kids they would pretend those empty juice things where Grenades they did kinda look like them.......
matthew - 03/02/11 13:11
those are cool. (e:holly) is planning a garden-themed wedding for august. I'll let her know about this.
those are cool. (e:holly) is planning a garden-themed wedding for august. I'll let her know about this.
paul - 03/02/11 10:11
libertad - 03/01/11 21:58
You can't just throw them at empty lots, they need to be put in soil. It is best to cover them slightly.
You can't just throw them at empty lots, they need to be put in soil. It is best to cover them slightly.
BTW, where are the pictures?! You could be totally making this up.
In fact I would worry if the doc was unduly positive, bubbly and cheerful about everything. That's not the nature of medicine/surgery at all. They would be a businessman/woman or a rather sleazy medic if they didn't spell out the probability of failure and stress the unexpected.
hahah - its the worst case scenario. The idea is to be totally honest all the time. I used to say stuff like that all the time. It's like an internal joke. Don't worry. :)
Even though we know she meant about the tool yeah that might freak me out a bit I'm sure it would............
Yeah seriously why would you say something like that right before the surgery??? Kinda funny but not really because it's scary.