(E:hodown) and I are headed for the grey skies of blo in two weeks. To what do you owe this excellent surprise?! A bday party for one littlest ho who happens to be turning 2 yrs old! I'm pretty excited....
Now I must find winter clothing damnit. Seriously... Not so excited about winter but I love my family and that baby and all my blo boyfriends.
Apparently because I am going to be a teacher that means I have to become bff with my classmates... Also one instructor passed around a list for each person to sign up to bring snacks in. Ok, I worked 40hrs a week in addition to my internships and 16 credits so sorry but I will not be wasting extra time providing a snack for 35 people. I don't have time for that. Also, while it would be nice to make a friend, I barely have time for the friends I already have so no - will not be making tons of friends at school. The only true friend I made thus far in college is
Do I just have a bad attitude? I just want to do well and keep to myself I don't like revealing a ton about myself to strangers which is why I have a blog... Ok that makes no sense. I doubt many people read this shiz anyway. And if they do I am not required to converse with them or provide them with snacks.
I have the weekend off go hiking!!! And hw... Boo. Maybe an adventure...yay!