Just wanted to say real quick that today out on elmwood it was kinda crazy. Went into Zillycakes and got a couple cupcakes that I smashed up a bit not on purpose but they where pretty good. But you had kids out trick or treating. I think it is a pretty cool idea plus there where adults in costume as well. I saw a couple of zombies and when waiting on a bus zombies flew by in a car. Not sure if there was some walk or maybe a gathering some place. I was going to see the stripteasers tonight but I'm skipping them. The first problem is a bar won't let you bring bottles in.. Plus I'm guessing they won't go on stage till about 122-12:30 with multiple acts who knows. So The peterazzi will be at the 24 in full effect hope someone else is taking photos as well. Not sure I can drink and snap at the same time and bless the drinks, wish I had some type of old school cup to drink out of but couldn't find one. Oh back to Elmwood. I like the idea of having kids come into stores to get stuff. It is good for kids and the shops to get parents or kids to see the stuff that is in there. But also with Halloween on a sunday it gives an alternative or maybe an extra time for going out. Some families have church, and people over for sauce and then sunday there is football then going out and the next day is a school night maybe Baseball not sure about that, so it could be a crazy day... Well off to find a movie or two before the party........
Metalpeter's Journal
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10/30/2010 16:38 #53036
Halloween ElmwoodCategory: holiday
10/26/2010 19:28 #53016
The Glee MachineCategory: tv
So I admit that I like Glee. What I don't like is that makes me a gleek argh,,,,,, I was never a geek so how can I be a gleek. When it 1st came on I watched the Premiere episode. But then it wasn't on again for a month or maybe more so I didn't really get to watch it. It may have been on when I watched something else maybe wrestling not sure.... But I got caught up by watching the last few episodes of it.......
Yes Again I admit I do like that over dramatic way of singing (Musical Style) and that is why I watch it. But if it was all singing and no story would you keep watching I doubt it... There are some parts that are really funny... I wonder if the girl from the premiere who got the handler is going to show up again... I also wonder if the Asian girl is all ways the same actress (hey many people wouldn't be able to tell). Reason I say that is she doesn't all ways look the same.... But that is just me.... I also need to say that some episodes are better then others just like some songs are better then others.....
This leads me to the Glee Machine. Tonight is the Rocky Horror Picture show episode. Yes I hope it rocks and is very good. But you know you could buy the CD of the songs before the episode even airs.... That is just odd. That says to me that this is more then just a show it has turned into a selling machine. Not saying if that is good or bad really just what it is... Just hope that they don't put the selling of CDs and who they can get rights to, to sell to drive the show and base it off of that......
The Reason I say that is today On facebook I saw a link about a Glee Christmas CD that will be out before that show airs. Again I hope that is a good episode... If you go to a place like target you can buy the Glee CDs. I just hope that they are the product of the show catching on and maybe people doing there own parties or what ever and not the point of the show....
Just wanted to add that I do like musicals like Rent, Avenue Q, Phantom and I'm sure there are a lot of great ones I never saw like the Billy Joel one and the Green Day one........
I felt Like I had more to say going into this but kinda lost it someplace, ok off to make food and watch glee. Oh yeah two quick points. I have never seen the rocky horror picture show, somehow I need to change that...And somehow with Baseball the simpson's tree house of horror is after Halloween....
Yes Again I admit I do like that over dramatic way of singing (Musical Style) and that is why I watch it. But if it was all singing and no story would you keep watching I doubt it... There are some parts that are really funny... I wonder if the girl from the premiere who got the handler is going to show up again... I also wonder if the Asian girl is all ways the same actress (hey many people wouldn't be able to tell). Reason I say that is she doesn't all ways look the same.... But that is just me.... I also need to say that some episodes are better then others just like some songs are better then others.....
This leads me to the Glee Machine. Tonight is the Rocky Horror Picture show episode. Yes I hope it rocks and is very good. But you know you could buy the CD of the songs before the episode even airs.... That is just odd. That says to me that this is more then just a show it has turned into a selling machine. Not saying if that is good or bad really just what it is... Just hope that they don't put the selling of CDs and who they can get rights to, to sell to drive the show and base it off of that......
The Reason I say that is today On facebook I saw a link about a Glee Christmas CD that will be out before that show airs. Again I hope that is a good episode... If you go to a place like target you can buy the Glee CDs. I just hope that they are the product of the show catching on and maybe people doing there own parties or what ever and not the point of the show....
Just wanted to add that I do like musicals like Rent, Avenue Q, Phantom and I'm sure there are a lot of great ones I never saw like the Billy Joel one and the Green Day one........
I felt Like I had more to say going into this but kinda lost it someplace, ok off to make food and watch glee. Oh yeah two quick points. I have never seen the rocky horror picture show, somehow I need to change that...And somehow with Baseball the simpson's tree house of horror is after Halloween....
metalpeter - 10/27/10 16:32
(e:libertad) I will admit that all the ladies on that show are pretty hot, is it wrong since they are playing High School Kids? Not sure, but Cheerleader uniforms are really more then that just that....
(e:matthew) I'm not sure when I first saw the Simpson's Tree House of horror. There have been times when it was way before Halloween. I have no idea how they do sports scheduling but this past Sunday Baseball was over and they could have had it on. The Problem is that, that would have been unclear there was no baseball since the series ended but if it would have gone another game then there would have been a game on that Sunday. I don't hate baseball I just wonder if keeping with Glee effected when baseball gets played I'm guessing it is the other way around. As a side note the world Series starts tonight.
As a way to catch up.... Thought Glee was pretty good and thought John Stamos was pretty good. Looking forward to 2 weeks when they do Living On a Prayer......
(e:libertad) I will admit that all the ladies on that show are pretty hot, is it wrong since they are playing High School Kids? Not sure, but Cheerleader uniforms are really more then that just that....
(e:matthew) I'm not sure when I first saw the Simpson's Tree House of horror. There have been times when it was way before Halloween. I have no idea how they do sports scheduling but this past Sunday Baseball was over and they could have had it on. The Problem is that, that would have been unclear there was no baseball since the series ended but if it would have gone another game then there would have been a game on that Sunday. I don't hate baseball I just wonder if keeping with Glee effected when baseball gets played I'm guessing it is the other way around. As a side note the world Series starts tonight.
As a way to catch up.... Thought Glee was pretty good and thought John Stamos was pretty good. Looking forward to 2 weeks when they do Living On a Prayer......
matthew - 10/27/10 12:45
ARGH!! I hate it when they air The Simpsons Halloween special AFTER Halloween. Stupid baseball! I remember watching the first one after I was done trick n treating, I was 8 years old. Wow, that was a long time ago.
ARGH!! I hate it when they air The Simpsons Halloween special AFTER Halloween. Stupid baseball! I remember watching the first one after I was done trick n treating, I was 8 years old. Wow, that was a long time ago.
10/24/2010 10:13 #53009
The Fall and (Micheal) MoreCategory: movies
First of all I thought (e:tinypliny) had an entire blog about The Fall but all I could find was this: 
Not sure how to talk about it with out giving anything away. Yes it starts out slow with like this little girl. Yes there is some kind of love story in there as well but that is ok. There is like this epic story/journey where like in the wizard of oz the people at the hospital are in the adventure as well. I may have said to much all ready. The Hospital is kinda stark and the adventure is vary vivid. Even if you don't like the story from an artistic sense you should see it, I watched it on Starz on demand.....
Capitalism A love story by Micheal Moore. Ok this movie pissed me off and made me want to go out and burn down banks and stuff. That being said it was very good. I love how he compares us to Rome (didn't give away how). There where some parts where he did some stuff I really liked. Where we disagree is that He says you have to bring down Capitalism and that it can't be regulated. But he showed how good (before he died) FDR was. Maybe we need to go back to FDR I don't know.... In any event it was interesting.
Armored is a action suspense movie about robbing and Armored car by the crew that drives it. It was fun to watch......
Did I want to get UFC or find a couple more movies. I should have went with the movies. Don't get me wrong the UFC was good, but I got it for one match and the Champion I like Brock Lesnar lost the Tittle in the 1st round, argh........

Not sure how to talk about it with out giving anything away. Yes it starts out slow with like this little girl. Yes there is some kind of love story in there as well but that is ok. There is like this epic story/journey where like in the wizard of oz the people at the hospital are in the adventure as well. I may have said to much all ready. The Hospital is kinda stark and the adventure is vary vivid. Even if you don't like the story from an artistic sense you should see it, I watched it on Starz on demand.....
Capitalism A love story by Micheal Moore. Ok this movie pissed me off and made me want to go out and burn down banks and stuff. That being said it was very good. I love how he compares us to Rome (didn't give away how). There where some parts where he did some stuff I really liked. Where we disagree is that He says you have to bring down Capitalism and that it can't be regulated. But he showed how good (before he died) FDR was. Maybe we need to go back to FDR I don't know.... In any event it was interesting.
Armored is a action suspense movie about robbing and Armored car by the crew that drives it. It was fun to watch......
Did I want to get UFC or find a couple more movies. I should have went with the movies. Don't get me wrong the UFC was good, but I got it for one match and the Champion I like Brock Lesnar lost the Tittle in the 1st round, argh........
10/21/2010 17:53 #52991
Friday Plans?So I get to sleep in On Friday, Yeah!!!!!
I'm going to try and have a great day we shall see if it works out
1. Go see Jackass in 3D (yeah some of it will be funny, some gross, some I won't be able to watch) but should be a good time
2. Over that way there is a Moe's in that target plaza on elmwood, I would like to try it I assume it is open. I have had some of their food at Bisons games see what it is like when I can sit down.
3. Assuming it isn't pouring I think I will go by zillycakes there are a couple new kinds of cupcakes I want to try.....
4. Hopefully I'll be able to give someone a review of all 3 of those here on (e:strip) on friday as well we shall see....
I'm going to try and have a great day we shall see if it works out
1. Go see Jackass in 3D (yeah some of it will be funny, some gross, some I won't be able to watch) but should be a good time
2. Over that way there is a Moe's in that target plaza on elmwood, I would like to try it I assume it is open. I have had some of their food at Bisons games see what it is like when I can sit down.
3. Assuming it isn't pouring I think I will go by zillycakes there are a couple new kinds of cupcakes I want to try.....
4. Hopefully I'll be able to give someone a review of all 3 of those here on (e:strip) on friday as well we shall see....
metalpeter - 10/22/10 17:21
I was to full to make it today I'm thinking about sat. I haven't heard of the mud one I know they have a few new flavors I want to try....
I was to full to make it today I'm thinking about sat. I haven't heard of the mud one I know they have a few new flavors I want to try....
jbeatty - 10/22/10 16:22
I went there last night! I love that place. I love the mud cupcake. It's a little crumbly but delicious.
I went there last night! I love that place. I love the mud cupcake. It's a little crumbly but delicious.
paul - 10/22/10 15:41
I still have not made it to zillycakes. Every time someone writes about it, I mean to go and then forgot.
I still have not made it to zillycakes. Every time someone writes about it, I mean to go and then forgot.
10/22/2010 18:00 #52999
jackass moe'sCategory: movies
So went to see Jackass 3D and had a good time. Not sure how much 3D stuff there was in it... There where some nice surprises that I liked. It was gross like I thought. But not as gross as in person. What I mean is there is some stuff where the members who aren't doing the stunt or bit or what ever you want to call it puke. There was also funny stuff as well. I was hoping it was going to be funnier but it was still a good time. The One thing I wish was that some of the bits they could have shown with other people. What I mean is they get a reaction but it would have been cool to see how other people react to the same thing. But I guess that might be tough since people have to sign releases and things like that. Good times......
So after the movie I went to Moe's. It was weird that when you enter they yell welcome to Moe's. I got some big Burito thing that was pretty good as a meal and some Chili and am still stuffed it was very good. Now then onto Target and I couldn't find a small belt argh being so thin is a curse sometimes..... I skipped Zillycakes as to how full I was hoping to make it there on Sat. We shall see
So after the movie I went to Moe's. It was weird that when you enter they yell welcome to Moe's. I got some big Burito thing that was pretty good as a meal and some Chili and am still stuffed it was very good. Now then onto Target and I couldn't find a small belt argh being so thin is a curse sometimes..... I skipped Zillycakes as to how full I was hoping to make it there on Sat. We shall see
mmmmmmm cupcakes!