1. It was a great time and I really enjoyed myself
2. The Ho Family is awesome
3. Where was (e:tinypliny) she all ways has an interesting take or perspective of things
4. The Grapes and the mosh pit and the hug or was it a tackle was funny
5. Not that there is a contest But Cindy and Keith had the best costume again this year!
6. Mike's changing costume was pretty intersting
7. Paul's costume was pretty out there, how he didn't fall out I have no idea, wish I could pull that costume off but on me I don't think it would work
8. The Pulling of the call reps hair was great and funny or maybe it is just me......
Well here are some Photos

Just a thought here I think Tony should crop out that little bit to the left there and new avatar aka user picture, hey but that is just me..........
I don't know as my shots really explain the changing outfit of mike, hopefully the others who took pictures will post some of them as well. Again thanks to (e:pmt) for having this. Also picture wise I know I didn't get everyone. A few of these will make facebook but not all of them. If you like your picture or a picture of someone you know go for it, and it doesn't have to only be facebook there are places like myspace and friendster... A great time was had... I was a monk and saying I was Prior Philp from "The Pillars of the Earth" . Yes he did god's work and not the Church's but he still seemed to do bad things or where they things that turned out bad?
(e:metalpaeter) you describe what happened perfectly; I didnt move quick enough! Next time, I'll be prepared (e:heidi) or (e:tinypliny) if you try ;)
(e:tinypliny) dont remember what I look like?! what the what now!? ouch! Just unacceptable!! Time and place and I will be there.
well there are various pain levels. As an example if say my hair gets tangled and I'm brushing it or combing it. I learned quickly that if you pull through the hair and hit the snag it hurts (sis has done this to me on occasion and it hurts like a son of a bitch). But If start at the snag and pull it is way less painful.
The point I was getting to is. When I saw it what it looked like to me is she grabbed you by your hair and expected you to move and you didn't move as fast as she pulled....
In any event it was a great party and I hope everyone had a great time.......
Why one earth were people pulling your hair?! I now wish I had been there to pull it...
But hold on - didn't you say you didn't have dreads? Now, I can't remember what you looked like! Gaah. I may have to stop by the 901 one of these days.
i dont think there is more than one way to get your hair pulled..getting your pulled in any way by a drunk heidi/anyone results in the same experience, shock followed by pain! ;)
its ok heidi...i know it was the alcohol.
So If I'm reading into this correctly the being pulled by the hair was ok, it was just that some how the technique was wrong and so hair was pulled........?
I'm sorry for pulling your hair, (e:samathon86) :-(
getting my hair pulled was not fun at all! :-|
Well I'm not an Italain mother so I don't do the "Guilt Trip" or in the words from some trailer from many years ago by charlie sheen in some car action adventure move I neve saw "Pack your Bags cause where Going on a guilt Trip"
Now in terms of what Terry was not sure some else will have to answer that, maybe a bird. He had on multiple color toe socks and on his back kinda around his ass where wings....
In terms of the passing out I have done that many times, it happened last night watching football I wanted to stay up and watch this new Zombie show.....
Who or what was (e:Terry)?!
I saw (e:matthew) on the way back from work today - he shut the door before I could say hi...
PS: I am sure he wanted to get out of the cold but that is how guilt feels. LOL
Nice guilt-trip there. ;-) I would have come had I not fallen asleep! I must have been completely unconscious, I didn't even turn my lights off and bright sunlight was streaming in when I woke!
OHHHHHH so that's what they were... sameer, cindy and the 7 footer.
That Zombie isn't James I forget his name but from my understanding he came with the girl in green the Boarder Agent or knew her not 100% on that I think her name is Sarah.
I'm still not sure how Paul or maybe he did and it got missed keept everything in there, at one point he hung a Startrek onorament.
Couple things to add there where Samir (hope I spelled that right) had some funny stuff going on as the Call Center guy and even had some stuff with The boarder agent (she's hot). Now for those that didn't catch it I shoul explain Keith and Cindy's costume. Keiths is animal control and there are even red paw marks on his shirt someplace or maybe they where hoves not sure. I can't think of the offical name of that whip crop thing he had hanging on one side. He then also had a chain. Cindy was the cat and had cufs on her wrist and on what ever you call a cat collar......
On a sidenote (e:tinypliny) now I kinda sort of know how (e:beast) use to feel when I would say I'll be there and then wouldn't show at the party....
In Terms of the monk costume I saw and thought that was the way to go. They also had a prior costume that came with a cross and like a chest piece that I thought about but with my hair I knew the wig wouldn't get used so... Now on the show Prior Philp didn't have a beded cross from what I remember but I went with that one cause I thought that was more traditonal ..........
" I Follow God's Laws and not the laws of the Church" I think I only got to use that line twice......
Nice job on the pics, Peter!
and Paul, your Halloween outfits are now the one thing I can say that I like about Christmas ;)
whole new side to you Paul
Oh and the girl with the olive-green costume - is that (e:mtornow)?
Is that (e:James) in the last picture (as the zombie)?? Looks awfully like him. See the chat (e:metalpeter). Your costume was spot on. :)
You know, I don't think I have eaten that much in around 1 year now. I must have breathed down 4000 Kilocalories at the other party.
LOL (e:paul). I totally missed your wegmans xmas. hahah
I love (e:mike)'s costumes - was he the epitome of all the glittery greek water gods?
Looks like I missed a tonload of fun. I really repent having eaten too much at another party I was at earlier. I put on my costume and everything and felt somewhat groggy, so I thought I would sit down for a while but I think I fell asleep (in costume on my papasan!) and didn't wake up till today morning at 11:00AM. I have no idea what happened. One of the skeletons in my costume dug into arm and I have a nasty bruise there. I had a LOT of cheese/butter at the other party. I think my system must have gone into overload since I have been off cheese and butter for a LONG time now...
Just to be clear I was wegman's christmas this year. Last year I was target brand christmas.