So I get to sleep in On Friday, Yeah!!!!!
I'm going to try and have a great day we shall see if it works out
1. Go see Jackass in 3D (yeah some of it will be funny, some gross, some I won't be able to watch) but should be a good time
2. Over that way there is a Moe's in that target plaza on elmwood, I would like to try it I assume it is open. I have had some of their food at Bisons games see what it is like when I can sit down.
3. Assuming it isn't pouring I think I will go by zillycakes there are a couple new kinds of cupcakes I want to try.....
4. Hopefully I'll be able to give someone a review of all 3 of those here on (e:strip) on friday as well we shall see....
Metalpeter's Journal
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10/21/2010 17:53 #52991
Friday Plans?10/19/2010 19:25 #52981
Homosexuality and why I can't vote for PalidinoCategory: politics
I can't vote for Carl Paladino , granted I didn't see the debate last night. It is kinda based on his stand on homosexuality but I'll get to that in a bit. Yes that was the final straw or maybe really the only straw.
Some might ask why would you vote for that hater. Well he is no different than any one else. Now publicly no one can admit there is some group that they can't stand or who they think are evil. If you think this isn't true just think about Faith and how there is some crazy one out there that is a cult, there is your hate.
Now in Terms of the e-mails that was stupid on two accounts. First of all westernnymedia net or what ever they are called seem to think that they are the shit. Well if you guys are so great why did you post all the e-mails on your site (didn't view them myself) . If they are so evil and so bad why would anyone want to view them.... Also if they are so bad why would you share them, that would make you just as bad as him..... See they aren't bad. Everyone who works in an office or has e-mail has gotten mail that is funny and sometimes offensive and they pass it along to others who they think might think it is funny. That doesn't mean you hate women or want to go on lynchings it just means you think you know someone who might like it...
Now in terms of sexuality. I think that it is fluid and sometimes hard to label. As a society we do so anyways.... I personally think that Homosexuality isn't a sin, it is natural and occurs in nature, that there is nothing wrong with it. I also think that gays should have all the same rights. But I also think that people who think they are sinners and sick have the right to think that and say that. I'm not saying they have a right to attack them or to promote that. But everyone has a right to their own opinion and or faith.
That being said this entire legal thing with don't ask don't tell looks like it may never end. Here is my quick take on that. If you are gay you should have the right to fight for your country. You shouldn't be kicked out for being gay. That being said I have never been in a war and don't know how close quarters things are. There are some things like Football and Wrestling and Pro Wrestling that once it is known someone is gay can become sexual. At first that might sound crazy but think about wrestling with a chick vs. a dude. How you make it fair for everyone and keep people safe I don't have the answer for.....
Now back to Carl. I knew I didn't agree with some of, ok a lot of his views but I was going to vote for him because he was going to try and fix albany. He was going to shake up the system. Coumo is in it to gain I higher office. He is in cause his family is. He lists all this stuff he did as Attorney General like that will make him a good governor. News flash that is what Attorney Generals do is go after crooks but Governors don't so one has nothing to do with the other really. But now I have to vote for the status Qoumoe (however you spell it)....
Carl is supposed to be a man of the people as he would say. Well being real you don't have a speech writer. That is where the problem lies in. If you really don't agree with what was said then that means you didn't read what was written until you said it... Who does that, that is pretty bad I even know to do that I hate public speaking that says some bad things about Carl.... Now the other side to that coin is what if you really do believe what you said. Well then you throw the Rabbi under the bus to save your self.... That isn't the guy who you say you are. The other option is that you took back words you really meant, again that isn't what you are running on..... So I have lost respect for Carl. If he would have said "What I was trying to say or explain is" and made it more clear or stood up for what he really believes and backed it up I think I could still vote for him. But somewhere here he isn't honest and if that is the case then I have no reason to like him.... I think what he was trying to do was to say that kids shouldn't go to a Gay Pride Parade in NYC and that it isn't a kids event and maybe there he has a point.....
On a side note I like that he keeps making it onto the Bill Maher's show on HBO. Yes Bill Maher is funny but they also do talk Politics. What gets lost is that what makes his show good is the guests and the things like craziest politician I wonder if he will beat Linda McMahon?
Some might ask why would you vote for that hater. Well he is no different than any one else. Now publicly no one can admit there is some group that they can't stand or who they think are evil. If you think this isn't true just think about Faith and how there is some crazy one out there that is a cult, there is your hate.
Now in Terms of the e-mails that was stupid on two accounts. First of all westernnymedia net or what ever they are called seem to think that they are the shit. Well if you guys are so great why did you post all the e-mails on your site (didn't view them myself) . If they are so evil and so bad why would anyone want to view them.... Also if they are so bad why would you share them, that would make you just as bad as him..... See they aren't bad. Everyone who works in an office or has e-mail has gotten mail that is funny and sometimes offensive and they pass it along to others who they think might think it is funny. That doesn't mean you hate women or want to go on lynchings it just means you think you know someone who might like it...
Now in terms of sexuality. I think that it is fluid and sometimes hard to label. As a society we do so anyways.... I personally think that Homosexuality isn't a sin, it is natural and occurs in nature, that there is nothing wrong with it. I also think that gays should have all the same rights. But I also think that people who think they are sinners and sick have the right to think that and say that. I'm not saying they have a right to attack them or to promote that. But everyone has a right to their own opinion and or faith.
That being said this entire legal thing with don't ask don't tell looks like it may never end. Here is my quick take on that. If you are gay you should have the right to fight for your country. You shouldn't be kicked out for being gay. That being said I have never been in a war and don't know how close quarters things are. There are some things like Football and Wrestling and Pro Wrestling that once it is known someone is gay can become sexual. At first that might sound crazy but think about wrestling with a chick vs. a dude. How you make it fair for everyone and keep people safe I don't have the answer for.....
Now back to Carl. I knew I didn't agree with some of, ok a lot of his views but I was going to vote for him because he was going to try and fix albany. He was going to shake up the system. Coumo is in it to gain I higher office. He is in cause his family is. He lists all this stuff he did as Attorney General like that will make him a good governor. News flash that is what Attorney Generals do is go after crooks but Governors don't so one has nothing to do with the other really. But now I have to vote for the status Qoumoe (however you spell it)....
Carl is supposed to be a man of the people as he would say. Well being real you don't have a speech writer. That is where the problem lies in. If you really don't agree with what was said then that means you didn't read what was written until you said it... Who does that, that is pretty bad I even know to do that I hate public speaking that says some bad things about Carl.... Now the other side to that coin is what if you really do believe what you said. Well then you throw the Rabbi under the bus to save your self.... That isn't the guy who you say you are. The other option is that you took back words you really meant, again that isn't what you are running on..... So I have lost respect for Carl. If he would have said "What I was trying to say or explain is" and made it more clear or stood up for what he really believes and backed it up I think I could still vote for him. But somewhere here he isn't honest and if that is the case then I have no reason to like him.... I think what he was trying to do was to say that kids shouldn't go to a Gay Pride Parade in NYC and that it isn't a kids event and maybe there he has a point.....
On a side note I like that he keeps making it onto the Bill Maher's show on HBO. Yes Bill Maher is funny but they also do talk Politics. What gets lost is that what makes his show good is the guests and the things like craziest politician I wonder if he will beat Linda McMahon?
metalpeter - 10/20/10 18:09
I don't know as they all are liars but that being said I found who I'm voting for with out looking at all the people.....
Kristen Davis.... Yes she is hot but she wants to legalize things I think should be legal. People might say it is a waste of a vote, but if everyone who wanted one of the things she wants legalized voted for her she might win or at least it would get interesting
I like that (e:theecarey) made her picture purple I should have done so but I didn't look into it, or know how I would turn it back.....
I don't know as they all are liars but that being said I found who I'm voting for with out looking at all the people.....
Kristen Davis.... Yes she is hot but she wants to legalize things I think should be legal. People might say it is a waste of a vote, but if everyone who wanted one of the things she wants legalized voted for her she might win or at least it would get interesting
I like that (e:theecarey) made her picture purple I should have done so but I didn't look into it, or know how I would turn it back.....
theecarey - 10/20/10 01:16
I was going to type out the active candidates, but this was easier. Each name is a link to more info on them, too. :::link:::
I was going to type out the active candidates, but this was easier. Each name is a link to more info on them, too. :::link:::
paul - 10/20/10 00:51
Unfortunately, I think all politicians are liars.x
Unfortunately, I think all politicians are liars.x
tinypliny - 10/19/10 22:16
It is so sad when opinions for/against homosexuality have become the focus of any political campaign. It's almost like fighting over lilliputian questions and ignoring major finance and state policies. This is exactly why the whole lot of these political nitwits will never rise in my esteem ever. "Gay rights" are not a debate. The very fact that someone needs to fight for "gay rights" is a disappointing lack of tolerance and respect for mankind.
It is so sad when opinions for/against homosexuality have become the focus of any political campaign. It's almost like fighting over lilliputian questions and ignoring major finance and state policies. This is exactly why the whole lot of these political nitwits will never rise in my esteem ever. "Gay rights" are not a debate. The very fact that someone needs to fight for "gay rights" is a disappointing lack of tolerance and respect for mankind.
tinypliny - 10/19/10 22:10
That's it? You have these two people as choices and no other? Doesn't really sound like like both of them are any good. :/ What kind of decisions would they make?
That's it? You have these two people as choices and no other? Doesn't really sound like like both of them are any good. :/ What kind of decisions would they make?
10/12/2010 18:42 #52940
Niagara FallsCategory: travel
So back around the time that I went to The fair I went to Niagara falls between those days. The maid of the mist was a lot of fun and so was The Hardrock Cafe, I posted pictures. But what I never posted cause I forgot to upload them to youtube are two videos of the falls.
metalpeter - 10/16/10 15:05
You are welcome. I wish my hands could handle the cold cause I think it would be fun to go up there when there is like ice running over the falls or how ever that works but my hands can't deal with taking pictures in the cold, I learned it the hard way last winter.......
You are welcome. I wish my hands could handle the cold cause I think it would be fun to go up there when there is like ice running over the falls or how ever that works but my hands can't deal with taking pictures in the cold, I learned it the hard way last winter.......
tinypliny - 10/14/10 19:33
Makes me want to visit the falls once more! Thanks for sharing!
Makes me want to visit the falls once more! Thanks for sharing!
10/17/2010 10:41 #52964
My Sweetest Day 2010Category: holiday
I can admit my Sweetest Day was kinda Lame. Ok Really lame but I knew there was a strong chance of that. I forget how that Holiday got started but it is all over the net something about giving little gifts or something......
It started out with waking up and going to work. They wasn't so bad... Orders need to be done and it wasn't work that was hard so.... Plus the OT will be nice. But orders have to go so......
I almost went to see Jackass 3D but time wise watching that and what I taped and the sabres wouldn't work out..... Didn't know it was an 8:30PM game. Plus I was tired and Full I mean really full. I didn't know if I would enjoy it as much as I should plus what if I get grossed out and laugh to much either way stuff might hurt or come up so it got skipped.....
On the good side though I watched this really interesting Documentary on HBO (yes it does remind me of me in a few places, kinda scary really) called Teenage Paparazzo (not sure on the spelling). It is done by the guy from Entourage. It is really good and really interesting. It was spawned by when Adrian sees a 13 year old kid as part of the Paparazzi . I found it very interesting......
So Next up was the Sabres. They Looked good in those White Sweaters. I thought those where the Home ones only. Maybe it is like football where the hope team picks the color and then the away team goes with the opposite ? I didn't make it through the entire game but from what I saw the sabres looked good.....
What I wanted to do I decided not to do. At Club W they had a Lingerie show by X-senutals or something like that they would have people modeling it and The Stripteasers where going to be there women that wore Lingerie would get in free (no cover). I'm sure it would have been a great time to ogle at everyone there but there where a few things that kept me at home......
1. Sabres
2. Amy Pohler hosting SNL (that would have been great)
3. 11pm start (not that is so late but when tired it is)
4. Sweetest day= Guessing mostly couples, didn't want to be the creepy single guy at the bar type thing and I had a funny feeling that might happen, I could be wrong on this
5. Again Tired (I bust my ass at work like anyone who does a physical job should, if you do a physical job and don't go home tired then you maybe should write them a check cause you aren't doing your job). But also dealing with people and having a long day 5 days a week is draining. That is one thing I miss about the old Wilson Farms days is not working everyday.......
6. No Cash I would have had to go find some
7. Not really sure if I have the money the spend out on the town: Bills, Halloween, pictures to pay for (Hey being "The Peterazzi" isn't all fun and games), need food, and other things as well
8. Plus once I found out it was a no photos event that kinda took my heart out of it (Well at least for the stripteasers) not sure about the models....
All in all it just didn't feel right, plus I don't want the tiredness to creep into Monday.... That being said if anyone really celebrates the holiday hope they had fun and hope they had a blast at that event last night.....
It started out with waking up and going to work. They wasn't so bad... Orders need to be done and it wasn't work that was hard so.... Plus the OT will be nice. But orders have to go so......
I almost went to see Jackass 3D but time wise watching that and what I taped and the sabres wouldn't work out..... Didn't know it was an 8:30PM game. Plus I was tired and Full I mean really full. I didn't know if I would enjoy it as much as I should plus what if I get grossed out and laugh to much either way stuff might hurt or come up so it got skipped.....
On the good side though I watched this really interesting Documentary on HBO (yes it does remind me of me in a few places, kinda scary really) called Teenage Paparazzo (not sure on the spelling). It is done by the guy from Entourage. It is really good and really interesting. It was spawned by when Adrian sees a 13 year old kid as part of the Paparazzi . I found it very interesting......
So Next up was the Sabres. They Looked good in those White Sweaters. I thought those where the Home ones only. Maybe it is like football where the hope team picks the color and then the away team goes with the opposite ? I didn't make it through the entire game but from what I saw the sabres looked good.....
What I wanted to do I decided not to do. At Club W they had a Lingerie show by X-senutals or something like that they would have people modeling it and The Stripteasers where going to be there women that wore Lingerie would get in free (no cover). I'm sure it would have been a great time to ogle at everyone there but there where a few things that kept me at home......
1. Sabres
2. Amy Pohler hosting SNL (that would have been great)
3. 11pm start (not that is so late but when tired it is)
4. Sweetest day= Guessing mostly couples, didn't want to be the creepy single guy at the bar type thing and I had a funny feeling that might happen, I could be wrong on this
5. Again Tired (I bust my ass at work like anyone who does a physical job should, if you do a physical job and don't go home tired then you maybe should write them a check cause you aren't doing your job). But also dealing with people and having a long day 5 days a week is draining. That is one thing I miss about the old Wilson Farms days is not working everyday.......
6. No Cash I would have had to go find some
7. Not really sure if I have the money the spend out on the town: Bills, Halloween, pictures to pay for (Hey being "The Peterazzi" isn't all fun and games), need food, and other things as well
8. Plus once I found out it was a no photos event that kinda took my heart out of it (Well at least for the stripteasers) not sure about the models....
All in all it just didn't feel right, plus I don't want the tiredness to creep into Monday.... That being said if anyone really celebrates the holiday hope they had fun and hope they had a blast at that event last night.....
metalpeter - 10/18/10 18:45
The Only way I knew it was Sweetest day was from someone at work and something else was also going on that day. Fuck I should have gone to Zillycakes (wonder if they have heard of it?). I really don't want to get into how I first new of sweetest day it was guessing 10 years ago..... That me was like an entire other place, and I try to keep the blogs present no sense in bringing up the past really....
Hoping to maybe see it this weekend we shall see. I'm all ready tired and it is only Monday but I was feeling congested and had a headache so had some Alka seltzer cold stuff Non Drowsy my ass that wiped me out and I can still taste it a bit today!
I just wish I could have stayed up for the Sabres game and then SNL but I couldn't.......
In Terms of Halloween one thing as a kid I never understood is why the day after isn't a day off. I get that people have to work. But kids like to stay out late and sort their candy or maybe when older have a Halloween party, oh and eat it or trade it..... Their is no way the next day they are able to learn......
with the niece and the cat lost my track of thought I know I wanted to say something in addition
The Only way I knew it was Sweetest day was from someone at work and something else was also going on that day. Fuck I should have gone to Zillycakes (wonder if they have heard of it?). I really don't want to get into how I first new of sweetest day it was guessing 10 years ago..... That me was like an entire other place, and I try to keep the blogs present no sense in bringing up the past really....
Hoping to maybe see it this weekend we shall see. I'm all ready tired and it is only Monday but I was feeling congested and had a headache so had some Alka seltzer cold stuff Non Drowsy my ass that wiped me out and I can still taste it a bit today!
I just wish I could have stayed up for the Sabres game and then SNL but I couldn't.......
In Terms of Halloween one thing as a kid I never understood is why the day after isn't a day off. I get that people have to work. But kids like to stay out late and sort their candy or maybe when older have a Halloween party, oh and eat it or trade it..... Their is no way the next day they are able to learn......
with the niece and the cat lost my track of thought I know I wanted to say something in addition
theecarey - 10/18/10 00:51
wtf is sweetest day?!! Please, these "holidays" have to stop! No one I know of has mentioned it, and if I find out anyone has taken to doing anything to support it, I am going to kick their ass.
The only holiday I support is "Halloween" :D
anyway, Jackass would have been a perfect way to spend the day. I expect it to make me laugh and want to vomit repeatedly. I look forward to seeing it eventually.
You always amaze me with how many activities you engage in, despite your work hours and type of work you do. You have a long day start to finish! I think you deserve to use some of your weekends to just veg out, relax and skip whatever is going on around town.
wtf is sweetest day?!! Please, these "holidays" have to stop! No one I know of has mentioned it, and if I find out anyone has taken to doing anything to support it, I am going to kick their ass.
The only holiday I support is "Halloween" :D
anyway, Jackass would have been a perfect way to spend the day. I expect it to make me laugh and want to vomit repeatedly. I look forward to seeing it eventually.
You always amaze me with how many activities you engage in, despite your work hours and type of work you do. You have a long day start to finish! I think you deserve to use some of your weekends to just veg out, relax and skip whatever is going on around town.
dimartiste - 10/17/10 17:55
Happy Sweetest Day! If you are not part of the pair of a couple then you need to be sweet to yourself. I think you had the almost best Sweetest Day you could have given yourself. Given money and energy you might have gone out. Mine was home wathing one of the marathons House, NCIS or Law and Order while crochetng a christmas present for my cousin. Remember to be Sweet to yourself!
Happy Sweetest Day! If you are not part of the pair of a couple then you need to be sweet to yourself. I think you had the almost best Sweetest Day you could have given yourself. Given money and energy you might have gone out. Mine was home wathing one of the marathons House, NCIS or Law and Order while crochetng a christmas present for my cousin. Remember to be Sweet to yourself!
10/16/2010 15:24 #52958
Chicken Wing Eating contest 2010Category: photos
Everyone knows that I like to take pictures and I'm not the only one on the site. To be honest even the greatest picture as much as it can convey it can't convey the feeling. George Shea the guy in the hat with the glasses is funny and he plays it up with being overly dramatic. When "The black widow" walks through the crowd you even with a picture from the stage or by someone who knows she was going to do that would be great, you can't get that same feeling. Well hope you enjoy this..... Hopefully some one at least yeah with hear and facebook and webshots (wish I had time for myspace cause they used to have the best way to do photos, yes a slide show right on your page).........

I don't like Beer but I love that Labbatt Refreshment duo. Who Knows some day I may get my Music is art photos up here..... The National wing fest was a lot of fun this year it really was (wish I wasn't so behind with the postings......)

I don't like Beer but I love that Labbatt Refreshment duo. Who Knows some day I may get my Music is art photos up here..... The National wing fest was a lot of fun this year it really was (wish I wasn't so behind with the postings......)
I was to full to make it today I'm thinking about sat. I haven't heard of the mud one I know they have a few new flavors I want to try....
I went there last night! I love that place. I love the mud cupcake. It's a little crumbly but delicious.
I still have not made it to zillycakes. Every time someone writes about it, I mean to go and then forgot.