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11/08/2010 18:49 #53082

Odd thoughts today
Category: potpourri
So today I got into a weird mood.... Has this ever happened to you? I was on the bus and saw one of those designer back packs that has a piece of shiny gold or maybe brass. That reminded me of back when I had a Karl Kani shirt that had that metal piece on it, how is one supposed to wash it. Then that reminded me other stuff not sure everything but like different kids dressed differently back in high school. There used to be some deodorant Called Power Stick. I few people from school and it was kinda mind blowing... Well maybe mind blowing isn't the right word but it was odd...

But that also gets me to I saw an add for Glee on Tuesday Night, I guess it is about Bullying. As I try and think back to High School I don't really remember any back then. Yeah my School was small and yeah maybe you had little groups of people but I was kinda known by a bunch of people and kinda on the fringe of how ever you might call those groups, at least from my perspective... Well there is one thing I can think of, off hand but don't remember all the details...

Yes Bullying has been in the News lately with the suicides. But what people don't get is that this movement should have started a long time ago. Most of those school shootings where because the kids where picked on or put into some social circle and where sick of it so they went shooting... The Problem I have with the shootings is that they weren't planed correctly. What I mean is if the metal kids are picked on and they did nothing to deserve it Then if they came in with guns and knew where the people who picked on them where and got them all together then that I could live with. Eye for an Eye right.... But in all these cases they just go after everyone.....

That is true in the Ft. Hood shooting as well. That guy was an Arab so he was put in like a circle of one and then he went nuts...

Now in Bowling for Columbine my favorite part is the Marilyn Manson Interview. It really is. Well now that I'm into movies I did watch a few over the weekend maybe that is part of what has effected my mood. It could also be that (e:JoyBlue) looks as if I have seen her someplace or somewhere before but that happens to me so often when I'm out walking... I think it happens from over the years being on a lot of social networking or free dating sites or some mix of those. But another thing about those that is so odd is that no one really looks like their user picture. Yes Part of it is that some pictures are old and some are new. but women change so much with hair style and cuts and makeup. There are couple Pictures of (e:Theecarey) on facebook that look really good (now I'm not saying she doesn't normally look like that) it is just a different perspective or a light I'm not used to seeing her in. There is a picture of me with (e:ladycroft) and (e:Imk2) at Edgefest where they both look amazing, and I can remember someone commenting about how young they both look. In that picture they both did.... Oh yeah Back to the movies. X-games the movie was pretty good. The Box was wild.. You get a box and can either push a button and someone dies but you get a $1,000,000 now that doesn't sound like a lot but it is set back in time so it was more money then. It gets pretty good I think and reminds me of The Twilight zone in some places with the Humanity Tie in. I also watched Avatar on the small screen and it was still good....

Ah I lost my train of thought so long ago... Oh yeah Friday met up with some ex-employees and current one of where I work... It was a good time. That being said I did see a few pictures on line from Mass Appeal it looked pretty cool.. Fridays sure does make a good Mojito is there any such thing as a bad one. And the server was pretty hot. Plus there was a beavy of hot ladies there as well, the one by the Galleria mall is pretty nice....

Sunday was Football and the quick thing is at least the team is looking better in their losing efforts... I think if they can get it together and get a win they could become good and that might lead to a good season next year?????

I think that is all I got sure I left something out, I do wonder what happened to some people from the HS though.....
metalpeter - 11/09/10 18:51
Yeah Ok Cupid is most likely the place. That is such an odd site. I joined it for the tests and have never (well once I almost met someone from the site) met anyone from the site in person. Of course I have seen people on there (A few (e:peeps) at least) that I all ready know. I'm sure I have seen other people around town who I think are on it or some other site.. Now some people might be from like the concert or The Square scene or at other wrestling shows but that is kinda different.......
vincent - 11/08/10 20:49
Yea that "Internet Deja Vu" is an odd thing. I'm almost willing to bet I saw (e:JoyBlue) on OkCupid. It's funny as I saw someone out in public last week at a lecture and sure enough I realized I saw her profile on OkCupid as I reconfirmed it the other day.

I wonder sometimes if when I'm out in public women laugh at me when they see me in person, as I'm just about ever site you are!

10/30/2010 16:38 #53036

Halloween Elmwood
Category: holiday
Just wanted to say real quick that today out on elmwood it was kinda crazy. Went into Zillycakes and got a couple cupcakes that I smashed up a bit not on purpose but they where pretty good. But you had kids out trick or treating. I think it is a pretty cool idea plus there where adults in costume as well. I saw a couple of zombies and when waiting on a bus zombies flew by in a car. Not sure if there was some walk or maybe a gathering some place. I was going to see the stripteasers tonight but I'm skipping them. The first problem is a bar won't let you bring bottles in.. Plus I'm guessing they won't go on stage till about 122-12:30 with multiple acts who knows. So The peterazzi will be at the 24 in full effect hope someone else is taking photos as well. Not sure I can drink and snap at the same time and bless the drinks, wish I had some type of old school cup to drink out of but couldn't find one. Oh back to Elmwood. I like the idea of having kids come into stores to get stuff. It is good for kids and the shops to get parents or kids to see the stuff that is in there. But also with Halloween on a sunday it gives an alternative or maybe an extra time for going out. Some families have church, and people over for sauce and then sunday there is football then going out and the next day is a school night maybe Baseball not sure about that, so it could be a crazy day... Well off to find a movie or two before the party........
ladycroft - 10/31/10 05:16
mmmmmmm cupcakes!

11/01/2010 17:54 #53046

Is It Wensday Yet?????
Category: politics
I Will be so happy once Election day is here, and then overwith. All the canidates suck......... It isn't all their fault though the system is broken. I'm sick of all the attack ads. I'm sick of all the that person said this and that is wrong I'm not like that. Then on top of that you have these shiny fliers that come in the mail and they say 1 of 3 things and none of them are what they should say. They attack the person they fighting often times calling them a person who votes along the same lines as someone else.... They list all the great things this person has done. The 3rd isn't as common it is about how they are a great family person or there are pictures with some other family.... Shut the fuck up allready this is what we want to know....

1. What your stand is on every issue or at least core ones
2. What you are going to try to do or things you are going to try and fight for
---If you combine those two the right way that should cover it, maybe you could ad in some personal beliefs if they fit in politically but that is all we need to know..

Now on one news update they had on the radio they mentioned something about How Sarah Palin said a lot of democrats are getting voted out. Then some democrat disagred and said how they are getting stornger. See this shit is the problem it is all about The Dems. Vs. The Republicans. I have an idea there needs to be a political revoulution......

A. Maybe for non Presidental Ellections there should be A law that you can't do any promoting or campagining with the exception of gettin on the Ballot more then 2 months before the Primary.

B. All this Bipartiansianism needs to go out the window. It is all crap. The dems hated Bush cause he was Bush. Don't get me wrong I hate a lot of the stuff he did but not because he was on the other side. There where people who where glad Chicago didn't get the olympics cause that is where Obama is from. Hello love of Country first ass hole..... This stuff gets so ugly. The president told Paterson not to run cause it would hurt the Dems.... What a President told someone who was running for state office not to run, that sounds illegal and unconsititonal to me. Why because of all this Dems control this and Republicans control this....

C= The Two Party System has to go.... It causes to many problems. Yes it is good that the Tea Party is a 3rd party but they seem to line up with the Republicians. Yes there is the green Party and some others but there isn't really a 3rd storng party and there needs to be hey why not a 4th.

>D I think the only way to really get out of the two Party system is to change the way we vote on the national level and then that would go down to the regional level. There have been many suggestions on how to change it like things with run offs that I don't tottaly get. But here are a few ideas....

With the exception of others throw out the majority rules rule. In other words one person by percentage gets 36%, then 34% and then a 3rd gets 30% the person that got the 36% wins! Now if you used a system like this the winning the state thing wouldn't really be a fair but why not what ever Percentage you get in the state You get a Percentage of those points in the state that seems fair..... And it is understandable by everyone...

My other idea is the Rank system. It is kinda like when you rate the top 10 of something #1 gets 10 points #2 gets nine and so on. You would pick your top 3 people or you know what math might work better with four. Say one gets 100 points #2 gets 75 there would be some system in place for every state....

On a side note these new machines in the city suck. The problem is you walk in. Then you find where you are. Then they give you this big sheet. Then you have to hide it in an envelop type thing. Then sit down and fill it out. Then after that recover it and get into line again. With just a few people it turns into a fire drill quickly, the old machines where better......
tinypliny - 11/03/10 21:18
hehehe -@(e:libertad), I actually surreptitiously kicked a Paladino one but then I found out that all of them spring right back like weighted bowling pins.
metalpeter - 11/02/10 17:50
This time it was better then the Primary and they had more stations so it wasn't bad. That being said I heard about machines not reading it last time. Last time mine was read and it was read this time. That being said though if their where a glitch and the machine didn't record it but said it did is there any way to know? What happens to those Ballots I Wonder?

I wonder if there is anyway to get off the list at all? The Reason I say that is I'm guessing that you get calls from being a registered Voter but I'm not sure. In other words everyone has the same list but I could be wrong since I'm guessing.... The Person to ask really is (e:James) I'm sure he would know........
libertad - 11/01/10 21:05
Wow, that is a lot all in one journal. I am with you on this freaking election being over. I'm sick of the calls and the trash in my mailbox and the stupid lawn signs that I am always tempted to kick when I walk by. It really is no wonder why so many people are so alienated by voting.

Those new machines are awful. I used them for the first time during the primaries and they weren't even working. Each voter had to have their ballot fed into the machine about three times before it would accept it. There was absolutely no privacy either. We shall see how tomorrow goes with all the extra people who should be there compared to the primary. It really is annoying that they got rid of the old machines that worked so well. What a huge waste.

I got the Matt Damon call too. Does anybody no if there is a way to get off these damn calling lists?
metalpeter - 11/01/10 19:59
I got a call from Matt Damon, It even has a joke about if enough people vote he will release the bourne movie early (working familes line) early then jokes he isn't even in it, but that is the exception. See I think he might be one of the celebs who maybe get it is about doing things that are good and helping people (in his case in other countries) and not about your party, and when a party member has an idea you had then you have to bash it since it is the other side, argh.....
vincent - 11/01/10 19:28

I'll be happy when Carl stops calling!

10/26/2010 19:28 #53016

The Glee Machine
Category: tv
So I admit that I like Glee. What I don't like is that makes me a gleek argh,,,,,, I was never a geek so how can I be a gleek. When it 1st came on I watched the Premiere episode. But then it wasn't on again for a month or maybe more so I didn't really get to watch it. It may have been on when I watched something else maybe wrestling not sure.... But I got caught up by watching the last few episodes of it.......

Yes Again I admit I do like that over dramatic way of singing (Musical Style) and that is why I watch it. But if it was all singing and no story would you keep watching I doubt it... There are some parts that are really funny... I wonder if the girl from the premiere who got the handler is going to show up again... I also wonder if the Asian girl is all ways the same actress (hey many people wouldn't be able to tell). Reason I say that is she doesn't all ways look the same.... But that is just me.... I also need to say that some episodes are better then others just like some songs are better then others.....

This leads me to the Glee Machine. Tonight is the Rocky Horror Picture show episode. Yes I hope it rocks and is very good. But you know you could buy the CD of the songs before the episode even airs.... That is just odd. That says to me that this is more then just a show it has turned into a selling machine. Not saying if that is good or bad really just what it is... Just hope that they don't put the selling of CDs and who they can get rights to, to sell to drive the show and base it off of that......

The Reason I say that is today On facebook I saw a link about a Glee Christmas CD that will be out before that show airs. Again I hope that is a good episode... If you go to a place like target you can buy the Glee CDs. I just hope that they are the product of the show catching on and maybe people doing there own parties or what ever and not the point of the show....

Just wanted to add that I do like musicals like Rent, Avenue Q, Phantom and I'm sure there are a lot of great ones I never saw like the Billy Joel one and the Green Day one........

I felt Like I had more to say going into this but kinda lost it someplace, ok off to make food and watch glee. Oh yeah two quick points. I have never seen the rocky horror picture show, somehow I need to change that...And somehow with Baseball the simpson's tree house of horror is after Halloween....

metalpeter - 10/27/10 16:32
(e:libertad) I will admit that all the ladies on that show are pretty hot, is it wrong since they are playing High School Kids? Not sure, but Cheerleader uniforms are really more then that just that....

(e:matthew) I'm not sure when I first saw the Simpson's Tree House of horror. There have been times when it was way before Halloween. I have no idea how they do sports scheduling but this past Sunday Baseball was over and they could have had it on. The Problem is that, that would have been unclear there was no baseball since the series ended but if it would have gone another game then there would have been a game on that Sunday. I don't hate baseball I just wonder if keeping with Glee effected when baseball gets played I'm guessing it is the other way around. As a side note the world Series starts tonight.

As a way to catch up.... Thought Glee was pretty good and thought John Stamos was pretty good. Looking forward to 2 weeks when they do Living On a Prayer......
matthew - 10/27/10 12:45
ARGH!! I hate it when they air The Simpsons Halloween special AFTER Halloween. Stupid baseball! I remember watching the first one after I was done trick n treating, I was 8 years old. Wow, that was a long time ago.
libertad - 10/26/10 22:18
You will like GQ's new spread, :::link:::

10/31/2010 10:13 #53040

E:strip Halloween Part 1 of 1
Category: photos
So I few things , argh where to start:
1. It was a great time and I really enjoyed myself
2. The Ho Family is awesome
3. Where was (e:tinypliny) she all ways has an interesting take or perspective of things
4. The Grapes and the mosh pit and the hug or was it a tackle was funny
5. Not that there is a contest But Cindy and Keith had the best costume again this year!
6. Mike's changing costume was pretty intersting
7. Paul's costume was pretty out there, how he didn't fall out I have no idea, wish I could pull that costume off but on me I don't think it would work
8. The Pulling of the call reps hair was great and funny or maybe it is just me......

Well here are some Photos


Just a thought here I think Tony should crop out that little bit to the left there and new avatar aka user picture, hey but that is just me..........


I don't know as my shots really explain the changing outfit of mike, hopefully the others who took pictures will post some of them as well. Again thanks to (e:pmt) for having this. Also picture wise I know I didn't get everyone. A few of these will make facebook but not all of them. If you like your picture or a picture of someone you know go for it, and it doesn't have to only be facebook there are places like myspace and friendster... A great time was had... I was a monk and saying I was Prior Philp from "The Pillars of the Earth" . Yes he did god's work and not the Church's but he still seemed to do bad things or where they things that turned out bad?
samathon86 - 11/08/10 23:02
(e:metalpaeter) you describe what happened perfectly; I didnt move quick enough! Next time, I'll be prepared (e:heidi) or (e:tinypliny) if you try ;)
(e:tinypliny) dont remember what I look like?! what the what now!? ouch! Just unacceptable!! Time and place and I will be there.
metalpeter - 11/08/10 18:57
well there are various pain levels. As an example if say my hair gets tangled and I'm brushing it or combing it. I learned quickly that if you pull through the hair and hit the snag it hurts (sis has done this to me on occasion and it hurts like a son of a bitch). But If start at the snag and pull it is way less painful.

The point I was getting to is. When I saw it what it looked like to me is she grabbed you by your hair and expected you to move and you didn't move as fast as she pulled....

In any event it was a great party and I hope everyone had a great time.......
tinypliny - 11/08/10 18:53
Why one earth were people pulling your hair?! I now wish I had been there to pull it...

But hold on - didn't you say you didn't have dreads? Now, I can't remember what you looked like! Gaah. I may have to stop by the 901 one of these days.
samathon86 - 11/08/10 18:42
i dont think there is more than one way to get your hair pulled..getting your pulled in any way by a drunk heidi/anyone results in the same experience, shock followed by pain! ;)

its ok heidi...i know it was the alcohol.
metalpeter - 11/08/10 18:08
So If I'm reading into this correctly the being pulled by the hair was ok, it was just that some how the technique was wrong and so hair was pulled........?
heidi - 11/08/10 12:06
I'm sorry for pulling your hair, (e:samathon86) :-(
samathon86 - 11/07/10 23:31
getting my hair pulled was not fun at all! :-|
metalpeter - 11/01/10 18:45
Well I'm not an Italain mother so I don't do the "Guilt Trip" or in the words from some trailer from many years ago by charlie sheen in some car action adventure move I neve saw "Pack your Bags cause where Going on a guilt Trip"

Now in terms of what Terry was not sure some else will have to answer that, maybe a bird. He had on multiple color toe socks and on his back kinda around his ass where wings....

In terms of the passing out I have done that many times, it happened last night watching football I wanted to stay up and watch this new Zombie show.....
tinypliny - 11/01/10 17:43
Who or what was (e:Terry)?!
tinypliny - 11/01/10 17:42
I saw (e:matthew) on the way back from work today - he shut the door before I could say hi...


PS: I am sure he wanted to get out of the cold but that is how guilt feels. LOL
tinypliny - 11/01/10 17:40
Nice guilt-trip there. ;-) I would have come had I not fallen asleep! I must have been completely unconscious, I didn't even turn my lights off and bright sunlight was streaming in when I woke!

OHHHHHH so that's what they were... sameer, cindy and the 7 footer.
metalpeter - 11/01/10 17:11
That Zombie isn't James I forget his name but from my understanding he came with the girl in green the Boarder Agent or knew her not 100% on that I think her name is Sarah.

I'm still not sure how Paul or maybe he did and it got missed keept everything in there, at one point he hung a Startrek onorament.

Couple things to add there where Samir (hope I spelled that right) had some funny stuff going on as the Call Center guy and even had some stuff with The boarder agent (she's hot). Now for those that didn't catch it I shoul explain Keith and Cindy's costume. Keiths is animal control and there are even red paw marks on his shirt someplace or maybe they where hoves not sure. I can't think of the offical name of that whip crop thing he had hanging on one side. He then also had a chain. Cindy was the cat and had cufs on her wrist and on what ever you call a cat collar......

On a sidenote (e:tinypliny) now I kinda sort of know how (e:beast) use to feel when I would say I'll be there and then wouldn't show at the party....

In Terms of the monk costume I saw and thought that was the way to go. They also had a prior costume that came with a cross and like a chest piece that I thought about but with my hair I knew the wig wouldn't get used so... Now on the show Prior Philp didn't have a beded cross from what I remember but I went with that one cause I thought that was more traditonal ..........

" I Follow God's Laws and not the laws of the Church" I think I only got to use that line twice......
theecarey - 11/01/10 00:42
Nice job on the pics, Peter!
and Paul, your Halloween outfits are now the one thing I can say that I like about Christmas ;)
mrmike - 10/31/10 18:53
whole new side to you Paul
tinypliny - 10/31/10 15:48
Oh and the girl with the olive-green costume - is that (e:mtornow)?
tinypliny - 10/31/10 15:47
Is that (e:James) in the last picture (as the zombie)?? Looks awfully like him. See the chat (e:metalpeter). Your costume was spot on. :)
tinypliny - 10/31/10 15:19
You know, I don't think I have eaten that much in around 1 year now. I must have breathed down 4000 Kilocalories at the other party.
tinypliny - 10/31/10 15:18
LOL (e:paul). I totally missed your wegmans xmas. hahah
tinypliny - 10/31/10 15:18
I love (e:mike)'s costumes - was he the epitome of all the glittery greek water gods?
tinypliny - 10/31/10 15:16
Looks like I missed a tonload of fun. I really repent having eaten too much at another party I was at earlier. I put on my costume and everything and felt somewhat groggy, so I thought I would sit down for a while but I think I fell asleep (in costume on my papasan!) and didn't wake up till today morning at 11:00AM. I have no idea what happened. One of the skeletons in my costume dug into arm and I have a nasty bruise there. I had a LOT of cheese/butter at the other party. I think my system must have gone into overload since I have been off cheese and butter for a LONG time now...
paul - 10/31/10 13:03
Just to be clear I was wegman's christmas this year. Last year I was target brand christmas.