So I know it may seem kinda silly to write about ways to improve Facebook, and it kinda is, but this is what I feel like writting about.
1. There needs to be a dislike option. I get that with like and dislike you would need a term to take the like off of something but that could be unlike and for dislike it could be nuetral. I get that they maybe don't want there to be bashings but the fact is that, political stuff and news stories have really taken over and it isn't right that you can't go I disagree or dislike something cause it is bad news, like a break up or something......
2. Facebook is really great at friends. They have this matrix where you can see what is the most popular and the posts are all over the place time wise. What they need is like some other sites is a way that shows who has looked at your wall posts, pictures indivual, and albums. This would include friends and non friends. Here is a perfect example of why. I went to an event at club diablo and friend requested one of the ladies in one of the bands (polly punkneck). So when I go on her page I saw a few pictures of her that where tagged so I checked out the album. There where a lot of great pictures of club diablo. Well if you aren't friends you can't say anything about anyones pictures, but they also don't know if anyone has looked at them. This would be true of the zombie walk pictures I have. I have no idea if anyone looked at them. Often times you might like someones pictures but that isn't enough to be friends over one event picture set.................
3. Facebook needs to use pop ups as new pages. This would make it so much easier to keep caught up. Say you are scrolling through what people have posted then you see a note or pictures you want to see, well when you click on it it takes you off that page and then when you are done you have to scroll back. Hey if you have hit older posts for the 2nd or 3rd time do you really want to scroll through all that stuff again....
4. More langauges. Yes Pirate is fun but they need more. How about Yoda. You could even have accents from all over the country........
Well those are the ones that come to my mind quickly
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/05/2010 18:39 #52369
Ways to improve FacebookCategory: internet
08/05/2010 18:12 #52368
THis HSBC Tower is stupidCategory: buffalo
So today at work I started to read this story about the HSBC Tower. I had to stop this entire thing is so stupid and so crazy and makes no sense.
1. The Tower they are in is fine and works, you don't need to move anywhere.
2. The signs on that building are so high up everyone in downtown Buffalo sees it, once you know that it says HSBC it is the worlds largest add. You can see that Building on the over passes out by the Boulvard Mall. That is a signature building that you can see way down elmwood (never tested to see how far), that is great advertising and has a value you can't really price.
3. Why build a new building when you have empty space in downtown, Um Hello the Statler Towers anyone???????????????????????
Don't even get me started on the fact that people want to do all kinds of land transfer stuff, when HSBC hasn't even made up their mind. ARGH
1. The Tower they are in is fine and works, you don't need to move anywhere.
2. The signs on that building are so high up everyone in downtown Buffalo sees it, once you know that it says HSBC it is the worlds largest add. You can see that Building on the over passes out by the Boulvard Mall. That is a signature building that you can see way down elmwood (never tested to see how far), that is great advertising and has a value you can't really price.
3. Why build a new building when you have empty space in downtown, Um Hello the Statler Towers anyone???????????????????????
Don't even get me started on the fact that people want to do all kinds of land transfer stuff, when HSBC hasn't even made up their mind. ARGH
metalpeter - 08/07/10 12:19
thats to bad I hope they stay
thats to bad I hope they stay
vincent - 08/07/10 11:39
I guess their point is that they want something "campus" like and they want to get out of the office tower. If I'm not mistaken they sold off the building to some Real Estate Investor in the UK and most of the offices are leased by other organizations. A woman I worked with at the Casino told me this years ago when I worked there.
I guess their point is that they want something "campus" like and they want to get out of the office tower. If I'm not mistaken they sold off the building to some Real Estate Investor in the UK and most of the offices are leased by other organizations. A woman I worked with at the Casino told me this years ago when I worked there.
metalpeter - 08/07/10 11:13
I should add that they are where I do my banking. They bought the bank that bought my previous bank, and I have had no problems with them Bank wise. That being said that may change I know they just changed a bunch of their terms and I need to read them all.
From what I Understand HSBC doesn't know if they want to stay in that building, move to a new one, move to some other city or what have you. I say what you have is working stay there. I do think that what we tried to do for Bass Pro and what we did here in aproving land so that if they decide they want it they can have it in the long wrong is bad..... It makes what should be a business decision part of the Political process and makes other people not want to come here. Take that entire Hotel on elmwood thing as an example. If I ran a business I wouldn't bring it to Buffalo, yeah the people who like it would be nice but there would be this entire other political thing and then what happens when the supporters are out of office or the enviroment changes.
I hope HSBC stays in Buffalo, and I hope they stay in that building.....
I should add that they are where I do my banking. They bought the bank that bought my previous bank, and I have had no problems with them Bank wise. That being said that may change I know they just changed a bunch of their terms and I need to read them all.
From what I Understand HSBC doesn't know if they want to stay in that building, move to a new one, move to some other city or what have you. I say what you have is working stay there. I do think that what we tried to do for Bass Pro and what we did here in aproving land so that if they decide they want it they can have it in the long wrong is bad..... It makes what should be a business decision part of the Political process and makes other people not want to come here. Take that entire Hotel on elmwood thing as an example. If I ran a business I wouldn't bring it to Buffalo, yeah the people who like it would be nice but there would be this entire other political thing and then what happens when the supporters are out of office or the enviroment changes.
I hope HSBC stays in Buffalo, and I hope they stay in that building.....
enknot - 08/07/10 00:10
Oh they're moving?
Classic HSBC.
Use them up and leave them a cold husk when you're done.
I know that company well. Dealing with them always ends up feeling like being toucheb by the hand that touches you where it's not supposed to.
I'd like to be ambivalent about them coming or going, but I have a lot of friends that need that place around to survive.
Hopefully someone else will move in, or something good will happen with that land. As crappy as they are to this town they're like the abusive boyfreind that Buffalo is cheating with behind our abusive husbands (the Bills) back.
Oh they're moving?
Classic HSBC.
Use them up and leave them a cold husk when you're done.
I know that company well. Dealing with them always ends up feeling like being toucheb by the hand that touches you where it's not supposed to.
I'd like to be ambivalent about them coming or going, but I have a lot of friends that need that place around to survive.
Hopefully someone else will move in, or something good will happen with that land. As crappy as they are to this town they're like the abusive boyfreind that Buffalo is cheating with behind our abusive husbands (the Bills) back.
enknot - 08/07/10 00:05
I didn't even read the post, I just knew you were right by the title.
I didn't even read the post, I just knew you were right by the title.
metalpeter - 08/06/10 17:36
A building can be mondernised. I'm sure they could have what ever they wanted in it. From what I read today one of the reason the land was transferd was so HSBC could have it in their plans even though there mind isn't made up yet. That tower is a gate way to the Arena and the waterfront and the train (subway) goes under it. Besides haven't they been doing a lot of work (not sure what kind) on it. That for location is a key spot. They should just stay there, and stop pulling the "give us what we want or we are leaving" crap, like the kid with the football, well if you call it my way I'll leave and none of you can play.........
A building can be mondernised. I'm sure they could have what ever they wanted in it. From what I read today one of the reason the land was transferd was so HSBC could have it in their plans even though there mind isn't made up yet. That tower is a gate way to the Arena and the waterfront and the train (subway) goes under it. Besides haven't they been doing a lot of work (not sure what kind) on it. That for location is a key spot. They should just stay there, and stop pulling the "give us what we want or we are leaving" crap, like the kid with the football, well if you call it my way I'll leave and none of you can play.........
tiburon1724 - 08/05/10 20:21
Well the tower is old, as are most of the other buildings. I certainly can't blame them for wanting a modern building with modern technology, open floors'd be much more efficient. That said, an abandoned HSBC Tower won't be pretty...not that it's pretty now, but at least it's mostly leased.
Well the tower is old, as are most of the other buildings. I certainly can't blame them for wanting a modern building with modern technology, open floors'd be much more efficient. That said, an abandoned HSBC Tower won't be pretty...not that it's pretty now, but at least it's mostly leased.
metalpeter - 08/05/10 20:08
There is this thing that now that there is no bass pro what will happen to that land.
Now before that there is other land that ties into Collective Bargining Agreement.
Now there is this big HSBC Tower. HSBC has basicly been hinting that they may want to move out. Now there was never anything offical. I think that what the want is the city to bend over and give them money to stay in Buffalo. Some people have been freaking out and trying to get votes on land to give them so they can build a new building. But if they did that then the space they use would then be empty in that tower and that would just be silly......
Issue #2 the statler building. I admit that I was one of the people that thought Issa Was going to turn it around and make it great. But yet there is this Grogeous brand new court house that has been going up for years across the street. Building where nocked down for it. No one at the time thought, instead of making this brand new building lets just add the stuff we need to The Statler, that is what should have happened. We have this great old building that could be used for something but never will be if we keep building new buildings we don't need when we have useable empty ones..........
There is this thing that now that there is no bass pro what will happen to that land.
Now before that there is other land that ties into Collective Bargining Agreement.
Now there is this big HSBC Tower. HSBC has basicly been hinting that they may want to move out. Now there was never anything offical. I think that what the want is the city to bend over and give them money to stay in Buffalo. Some people have been freaking out and trying to get votes on land to give them so they can build a new building. But if they did that then the space they use would then be empty in that tower and that would just be silly......
Issue #2 the statler building. I admit that I was one of the people that thought Issa Was going to turn it around and make it great. But yet there is this Grogeous brand new court house that has been going up for years across the street. Building where nocked down for it. No one at the time thought, instead of making this brand new building lets just add the stuff we need to The Statler, that is what should have happened. We have this great old building that could be used for something but never will be if we keep building new buildings we don't need when we have useable empty ones..........
tinypliny - 08/05/10 18:24
I am not sure I get the gist of your annoyance. Am I missing some big context news item for this?
I am not sure I get the gist of your annoyance. Am I missing some big context news item for this?
08/04/2010 20:28 #52364
Road Show Part 2Category: photos
This really was a fun event with all kinds of fun music and side show stuff.....

The Holy Roller Sideshow
I loved the Guitar Playing but had trouble hearing the lyrics, I don't think it was them I think it was me........

Ok Back to the sideshow stuff

ThE strIpteasers:

So it dawned on me that I missed like the laying on glass part and some stuff but for now this is good enough I still have more to post, this saturday is coming up soon, I'm going back to Blink and 464 to buy stuff and see more art............... so hoping to post all the pictures by then but who knows I still have to try that virus stuff suggested last post.
The Holy Roller Sideshow
I loved the Guitar Playing but had trouble hearing the lyrics, I don't think it was them I think it was me........
Ok Back to the sideshow stuff
ThE strIpteasers:
So it dawned on me that I missed like the laying on glass part and some stuff but for now this is good enough I still have more to post, this saturday is coming up soon, I'm going back to Blink and 464 to buy stuff and see more art............... so hoping to post all the pictures by then but who knows I still have to try that virus stuff suggested last post.
08/01/2010 11:43 #52344
argh SafariI was working on garden walk part 3 and Safari crashed so by by Journal for now.............. I was hoping the newest pictures would be in My Gallery but since I couldn't hit publish they are not, ah oh welll..........
paul - 08/01/10 12:06
Have you tried chrome yet. I think it seems to be the fastest browser.
Have you tried chrome yet. I think it seems to be the fastest browser.
08/02/2010 20:00 #52354
Cockabilly Roadshow Part 1Category: photos
So at hoping to get back to the garden walk but after I posted some and the web crashed I'm sick of posting them. So I thought I would post some Photos from The Coney Island Cockabilly Side show (or what ever it's offical name is). It was a great time to see bands that are rockabilly and to see the sideshow stuff.

The 1st performer was Hickory Hawkins

So as an example of how this show kinda went down is an act would preform then as the change over was going on they would do the side show stuff, like the big rat trap, or mouse trap or the guy getting out of the stright Jacket:
Next Up Jason and The Punknecks I really like the chick she is really hot and had a great voice and sounds so sweet of stage, oh yeah the hair is awesome also, plus the music was pretty good to, sorry I don't know enough about it to describe it....

Well time wise that is it for now, I really need like my own computer that is by the TV so that I can do Photo stuff like download and upload with out missing any thing, by the way speaking of that does anyone know of (yes have norton) a legit free place that scans your computer for virus. The way the internet just slows to a crawl sometimes makes me wonder......
The 1st performer was Hickory Hawkins
So as an example of how this show kinda went down is an act would preform then as the change over was going on they would do the side show stuff, like the big rat trap, or mouse trap or the guy getting out of the stright Jacket:
Next Up Jason and The Punknecks I really like the chick she is really hot and had a great voice and sounds so sweet of stage, oh yeah the hair is awesome also, plus the music was pretty good to, sorry I don't know enough about it to describe it....
Well time wise that is it for now, I really need like my own computer that is by the TV so that I can do Photo stuff like download and upload with out missing any thing, by the way speaking of that does anyone know of (yes have norton) a legit free place that scans your computer for virus. The way the internet just slows to a crawl sometimes makes me wonder......
heidi - 08/02/10 21:01
Best free antivirus: AVG :::link:::
Best free anti crap scanner: Malwarebytes :::link:::
Best free antivirus: AVG :::link:::
Best free anti crap scanner: Malwarebytes :::link:::
That is a good point. Maybe the dislike could be reserved for friends only. So if you wanted to say Taco Bell sucks you would have to like them first and see all there postings. I mainly mean for status reports.... That being said I like that you can like comments add a dislike to that as well........ For some time firefox had a way that you could dislike stuff, but I think it really was only see able for others using firefox (maybe only the user who did it) and you wheren't told when someone disliked you (firefox not my space thing)...... But I can't even get firefox to work. I don't see facebook ever doing dislike though....
Dislike button would be great for us, but not Facebook. What advertiser wants people to be able to post a big fat DISLIKE on there for them? And it's all about the $$$