From Wikipedia:
A polymath (Greek πολυμαθής, polymathēs, "having learned much")[1] is a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas. In less formal terms, a polymath (or polymathic person) may simply be someone who is very knowledgeable. Most ancient scientists were polymaths by today's standards.[2]
The terms Renaissance man and, less commonly, Homo Universalis (Latin for "universal man" or "man of the world") are related and used to describe a person who is well educated or who excels in a wide variety of subjects or fields.[3] The idea developed in Renaissance Italy from the notion expressed by one of its most accomplished representatives, Leon Battista Alberti (1404–1472): that "a man can do all things if he will." It embodied the basic tenets of Renaissance humanism, which considered humans empowered, limitless in their capacities for development, and led to the notion that people should embrace all knowledge and develop their capacities as fully as possible. Thus the gifted people of the Renaissance sought to develop skills in all areas of knowledge, in physical development, in social accomplishments, and in the arts.
Yes Wikipedia says more then that but that is Just a start. To me what being a Renassance Man means is that you have many interests of varring things. I'm sure the term means different things to different people. I'm not what most people would consider that. One would have to Be a prowrestler, and paint (Jeff Hardy, Jerry Lawler, Mick Foley). Or maybe they would have to work a normal job and do art stuff. But that isn't how I define the term (or at least for this blog). I'm using the defination of interests so I do fit the term Renaissance Man. Now I'm not saying that I'm the only one, just that sometimes it can be tough to have different things one likes......
Yesterday there was an Art show at 464 and Blink Gallery. My original plan was to go there and eat and hang out and then watch what ever the stuff out side they where having.
The thing with is art is for some people they can tell you what they like and that is it. I don't think it is that simple. You see something and either you like it or you don't. I don't about what a piece means, or is it a reflection of something? Yes some art has a message (music for example) but that is up for interperation so you draw your own meaning from it anyways. In terms of the stuff I like based on what is on my walls: Dragons, Tigers, Wrestling, Movies, Sabres and other sports stuff, Underwater scenes, and then I have some dark or edgy stuff also. Does price factor into what you get ? Of Course it does. But you won't buy something you don't like because it is cheap. If you like something you will buy it, for what ever reason you like it.
However my many interests kinda got in the way of that. In the back of my mind i Knew the NFL started this weekend. I want to thank Mike for reminding me of that through a post. So then the question is so how do I try and follow both interests. I changed my plan and went to look at art. I saw stuff I liked and bought it and enjoyed that. I also incorporated another interest of mine, taking pictures. So I missed some of what I wanted to do, and I missed some of the induction stuff also. I had to see the induction cause my Favorite player Jerry Rice was going in.
1. Great speach
2. Best Reciever ever
3 Great worker
4. If everyone in the NFL acted like him it would be so much better for the league.
A. This brings up something I have a problem with. Football has allways been about the product on the field. Unless you are at a NFL/Football event what you do out side of the game shouldn't effect your Job. I don't count drugs to make you a better player that is different. If something is criminal that is for the law to take care off. If you get a DWI should your job beable to fire you (assuming driving isn't your proffession). No it has nothing to do with your job. In some states (NY) it is illegal to be fired for something that happens out side of the Job.
B. I Get what The Commish is trying to do. He doesn't want the thugs in the league, or at least wants to make it look that way. See the NFL is so about PR, it really is and it is scary. The entire "Big Ben" thing is a Joke and here is why. You know who makes the Descission on if he can play and when, the Commish, that is right one guy. But this is the NFL we watch for the Football. At the same time the commish has to keep the league going and to much thuggery will at some point make people stop watching, just like taking out all the hits will do the same. Hey what Happened between him and that girl at a bar late at night (did she see $$ or was it legit, what about people being drunk) is between them, I just want him as MY QB to play well........
Yes there is a flip side to this as well though. It isn't fair to players like Jerry Rice, Joe Montana, and so many others who don't get into trouble out side of the game that trouble makers get to play with them. I do get that. I wish that when Buress went to a club and droped his gun that it was news, not that he was an NFL player so it is sports. To be fair somethimes it isn't the athlete it is people they know, or trouble that comes to them, but it still unfair that players that don't have problems get thrown into this same batch. So this is why I get what the commish is doing, ultimatly it can't be fair to everyone............
So Back to the Hall of Fame. It was great to See Rice Inducted. It was also great to see Emmit Smith inducted also. What A talent. Glad I wasn't playing a drinking game cause I'm sure there would have been a lot. People here may hate Dallas. But what a class act and what a great speach. For those that didn't see it was amazing, he was crying and having people who helped him stand up, it was amazing. I'm not saying it wasn't genuie but it was almost like a movie, ah it was great it really was. But as good as it was during some that I don't really know about I was hanging a piece of art I had bought earlier that night. There was still a part of me that wanted to be at 464 and Blink. There was a small part of me that wanted to get UFC But I didn't, didn't even know who was fighting, bet the fights where good though........
I have no idea if anyone is reading this but if they are I hope it isn't to all over the place. I think that I like many things Working Hard (can't belelive I said that), Music (a form of art), Taking Pictures, looking at cool buildings, art and buying it, watching sports, going to sports, Pro Wrestling, movies, Documentaries, Reality TV, Musicals (ok some not claiming to go to the Thearte weekly) and Plays (Wizzard of OZ), Dancing (watching not doing and none of the dance shows), and Sideshow freak show kids of things including some modeling. I think I have lots of interests hey I'm not saying I'm the only one, I'm just saying that it can be tough when you have lots of things you are into..... Sometimes the choices are tough. I could I have forgot Monster trucks or maybe that falls into sports I do find it odd that I can like that and wicked but maybe that is just me......
Today is another example of how my interests overlap and how it may be tough to decide what one to do. I think I'm going with the TNA Hardcore Justice PPV. I think I know like one match. There are wrestlers who I haven't seen wrestle in some time. I'm guessing it will be like an old ECW PPV before WWE bought them out. I bet the matches will be just like them and seem like I have seen this before, but I still think it will be worth it. But see I also like football, and I would love to make this my first NFL weekend. But see there in lies 2 more conflicts. The NFL means the end of summer and I'm not ready for that yet. I still haven't made it Niagara Falls to go on the maid of the mist, or to NYC. I was thinking about going by Train, I've heard it was a great way to go. I love NYC but have never been, crazzy...... Then the 2nd conflict is that I love to watch Trueblood on Sunday nights and have my entire lineup thing I do and that is fun.
So do I have a point? I don't know? I guess even though I wouldn't want to be simple I think sometimes that might be better. It would be great to be someone who Watches football and only football and has no choices to make, or someone who is into the arts and that is all they do. yes you would have sub choices in there but it isn't like do I do this thing or that thing. So being a Renaissance man is tough sometimes, but it is fun to..................................................
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/08/2010 10:39 #52391
Being a Renaissance Man is toughCategory: philosophy
08/07/2010 11:58 #52386
Part 4?Category: photos
So somehow I published the last journal maybe by chatting I'm not sure so those pictures above where from Sunday. I'm going to add a few from Sat. We shall see how far I get. I don't want to do to many since I can't remember where I left off on sat's photos. This is a perfect example about how once I figure out what I want in a computer I need to get one, I think the tougher choice is what to do about internet
There sure was a pretty good rain that day

Not sure where I left off so that is my time!!!!!!!!!!!!
metalpeter - 08/07/10 12:26
I am in the process of adding more pictures. One thing I just found out is that if you are writing a post and put something into chat it publishes your post. Glad you like the pictures....
In terms of a computer I do want a nice DVD drive and CD writter as well, but not sure what direction I want to go in.......
I am in the process of adding more pictures. One thing I just found out is that if you are writing a post and put something into chat it publishes your post. Glad you like the pictures....
In terms of a computer I do want a nice DVD drive and CD writter as well, but not sure what direction I want to go in.......
tinypliny - 08/07/10 12:18
Nice pictures. :^) I have really enjoyed your garden walk series this year, especially since I didn't go out to see the gardens. If you are okay with fairly good connectivity for ~ $23-$25 a month, verizon dsl could be your choice. But 2-3 days in a month, it will give you ulcer-inducing grief and disconnect you exactly when you need it. TWC is a greedy little organization that specializes in arbitrary rates and unfriendliness over phone - especially in the Buffalo area. I have spoken to their reps in NYC and there they seemed to be super-friendly. The basic package from TWC is Road Runner Lite - on par with the Verizon dsl but I don't really know how to wheedle this out of them because they keep trying to push TV-Phone-Net bundles on me - when I don't need any of the other two.
As for a computer, you can get a really good one with plenty of storage (without the optical DVD drive) for around $200 if you watch out for sales. If you want a CD/DVD drive, then the lowest configurations of small laptops start at around $250. Newegg and Amazon and a number of brick and mortar stores such as Best Buy regularly have steep sales on these.
Nice pictures. :^) I have really enjoyed your garden walk series this year, especially since I didn't go out to see the gardens. If you are okay with fairly good connectivity for ~ $23-$25 a month, verizon dsl could be your choice. But 2-3 days in a month, it will give you ulcer-inducing grief and disconnect you exactly when you need it. TWC is a greedy little organization that specializes in arbitrary rates and unfriendliness over phone - especially in the Buffalo area. I have spoken to their reps in NYC and there they seemed to be super-friendly. The basic package from TWC is Road Runner Lite - on par with the Verizon dsl but I don't really know how to wheedle this out of them because they keep trying to push TV-Phone-Net bundles on me - when I don't need any of the other two.
As for a computer, you can get a really good one with plenty of storage (without the optical DVD drive) for around $200 if you watch out for sales. If you want a CD/DVD drive, then the lowest configurations of small laptops start at around $250. Newegg and Amazon and a number of brick and mortar stores such as Best Buy regularly have steep sales on these.
08/07/2010 11:51 #52385
3rd? Garden Walk 2010Category: photos
Well I thought I'd put up some pictures from the Garden walk and say that is it on that....................

metalpeter - 08/07/10 15:52
each year that I've gone on the walk that place has some kind of art out front and then some theme in the back yard, one year I think it was like badminton rackets, I don't know if they do that all summer? I assume just for the walk but who knows
each year that I've gone on the walk that place has some kind of art out front and then some theme in the back yard, one year I think it was like badminton rackets, I don't know if they do that all summer? I assume just for the walk but who knows
heidi - 08/07/10 13:55
I love the garden with the green tea cups & saucers! that's so cute.
I love the garden with the green tea cups & saucers! that's so cute.
08/07/2010 11:26 #52384
JackassCategory: movies
If this was done right it could be the greatest 3D movie ever, or it might just be a little bit funnny
At Least it has a good AD.
I will admit that I didn't really watch Jackass untill I saw the movies. I did watch Viva La Bam though. I'm not about like nut shots. I more like the funny stuff and stunts where like he fills the house with snow and goes down steps. Some of the gross out stuff is gross and some of it is funny. In terms of how 3D it is we shall see. That Last bit reminds me of a funny bit from one of the other movies
At Least it has a good AD.
I will admit that I didn't really watch Jackass untill I saw the movies. I did watch Viva La Bam though. I'm not about like nut shots. I more like the funny stuff and stunts where like he fills the house with snow and goes down steps. Some of the gross out stuff is gross and some of it is funny. In terms of how 3D it is we shall see. That Last bit reminds me of a funny bit from one of the other movies
metalpeter - 08/07/10 12:34
Some of the stunts are great some of them are funny, it is tough to know untill you see it, I'm not even sure when this opens.................
Some of the stunts are great some of them are funny, it is tough to know untill you see it, I'm not even sure when this opens.................
tinypliny - 08/07/10 11:53
That was unhinged.
That was unhinged.
08/05/2010 19:57 #52371
Coney Island Roadshow Part 3Category: photos
The Band is called Guitar Bomb, next up walking on Swords or would that be michettes not sure but it sure was interesting to watch.
So the way this next part worked is you got to staple different parts based on how much money you gave, oh yeah and the money you gave you stapled on him........
Viva Le Vox
Okay, I got somewhat lost in between all that intricate game and player analysis but... being a renaissance man or woman is about listening to your heart and listening to ideas flowing in from people around you who are also listening to their hearts.
Well if I could find some twins or even a MILF with Legal age Daughter (14 year difference would be one 7 years older and one 7 years younger or something like that) or even two or more friends that would be great, HA.........
I am all about being poly* ;)