I was working on garden walk part 3 and Safari crashed so by by Journal for now.............. I was hoping the newest pictures would be in My Gallery but since I couldn't hit publish they are not, ah oh welll..........
Metalpeter's Journal
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08/01/2010 11:43 #52344
argh Safari07/28/2010 20:49 #52323
part 2 2010 Garden WalkCategory: photos
The Internet and This computer are so frustracting. It seems I all ways have time and then for some reason something all ways decides to move super slow out of no where or pictures don't upload or work or something all ways go wacky. Well here are more pictures from The Garden Walk

Well that is my time. I'm glad I got up Grandma's garden, that is tough to describe had food and Chees and and kinds of things, that one with the bowling balls was pretty cool also......
Well that is my time. I'm glad I got up Grandma's garden, that is tough to describe had food and Chees and and kinds of things, that one with the bowling balls was pretty cool also......
07/25/2010 16:58 #52283
Garden Walk 2010 part 1 of?Category: photos
So I first of all have to say that it was nice to go to some places I haven't seen before, then stumble onto Gardens I didn't even plan on going to. I thought it was great and funny some guys on Richmond where selling Beer for a Buck and set up a Kissing Booth. Then in Grandma's Garden she had food she wanted you to eat, wish I was brave enough to eat the Vegan Chilli, with her she wanted to show people what they used the garden for, I saw a lot of great places and had a good time, even with getting soaked. We shall see how many pictures go up with the small amount of time......

I don't know if it is clear how high up the bird house is in that tree. In that same place is where the have the church and grave yard and all that stuff on the side of the house well there is a sampling. If I'm lucky maybe i'll get all of this weekends stuff up by next weekend oh yeah I haven't posted the Zombie walk to webshots yet so who knows. I really need my own computer or maybe two to do photo and internet stuff. Hope everyone had a great weekend, argh work is to soon......
I don't know if it is clear how high up the bird house is in that tree. In that same place is where the have the church and grave yard and all that stuff on the side of the house well there is a sampling. If I'm lucky maybe i'll get all of this weekends stuff up by next weekend oh yeah I haven't posted the Zombie walk to webshots yet so who knows. I really need my own computer or maybe two to do photo and internet stuff. Hope everyone had a great weekend, argh work is to soon......
metalpeter - 07/26/10 19:48
Interesting.... I kinda think that last year that house may have had a garden in the walk but I can't remember, I can remember last year was odd cause people where in the pool.....
Interesting.... I kinda think that last year that house may have had a garden in the walk but I can't remember, I can remember last year was odd cause people where in the pool.....
carolinian - 07/25/10 18:47
Random factoid: In 31st picture in the series (the one with the pool) , the upper apartment in green house to the right is where I used to live when I first came to buffalo.
Random factoid: In 31st picture in the series (the one with the pool) , the upper apartment in green house to the right is where I used to live when I first came to buffalo.
07/25/2010 16:33 #52282
464 and Blink GalleryCategory: summer
So I'm really liking summer so far. I didn't think that their would be outside multi media stuff at 464, I would have liked to stay for it, but had some what of a headache and figured it was time to go. I think the Headache was caused by those two color 3D glasses. What is supposed to happen is your brain is supposed to take the two images of your eyes and over lay them, yes it makes a blind spot. But with me I see the blue on one side and the red on the other. But this makes me think back to when I took some eye test years ago and you look through this thing with light on each side and back then my mind had trouble yes I often saw the stuff on the right as on the right and the stuff on the left as on the left and they didn't integrate . Maybe this has something to do with why I like the old style 3D movies better and why often in these new ones nothing comes at me, I can feel the movie but sometimes have a headache. That being said there was some great art and it was a great time. I also wonder if this has something to do with that I seem to get that so many times in life People want to take simple things and make the complex actions, and often times Things that are complex and have many layers people make simple in their views....
In any event here are some pictures:

Again I have to say there was some amazing art work, there some of that I'm looking into buying maybe on tuesday.......
In any event here are some pictures:
Again I have to say there was some amazing art work, there some of that I'm looking into buying maybe on tuesday.......
07/24/2010 10:40 #52270
Garden and stufCategory: summer
So Just wanted to throw this out, garden walk just started and I will be there in some form should be interesting today and sunday. I love that all these people descend into my hood, maybe I'll see some of you out there
Last night 464 and the 3D stuff was fun. I think the 3D gave me the headache. Turns out that with the two color glasses I looked up a light and saw a rainbow well ok color specturm felt like being dramatic. but I see blue out of the right eye (wasn't it green though) and red out of the left. Ones brain is supposed to combine them and yes the 3D effects looked different kinda from each eye. Maybe this explains the 3D movie thing....... Oh yeah it was great to see you (e:heidi) (I think I might have talked also, HA).
Tonight planning on go to Diablo, that should be a good time. I admit I only listened to like one song from one of the bands. Hoping my pictrues come out good. Wish I could drink at the bar and take pictures but then you get the mirrors on the stage and I wish I would good enough to take pictures that way but no way am I......
Last night 464 and the 3D stuff was fun. I think the 3D gave me the headache. Turns out that with the two color glasses I looked up a light and saw a rainbow well ok color specturm felt like being dramatic. but I see blue out of the right eye (wasn't it green though) and red out of the left. Ones brain is supposed to combine them and yes the 3D effects looked different kinda from each eye. Maybe this explains the 3D movie thing....... Oh yeah it was great to see you (e:heidi) (I think I might have talked also, HA).
Tonight planning on go to Diablo, that should be a good time. I admit I only listened to like one song from one of the bands. Hoping my pictrues come out good. Wish I could drink at the bar and take pictures but then you get the mirrors on the stage and I wish I would good enough to take pictures that way but no way am I......
metalpeter - 07/24/10 17:51
Just wanted to add the garden walk was pretty good even with getting soaked at the end. My Grey TSO shirt looked black and my dark blue pants looked black, they where all most the same black. It was nice to see some places I haven't seen before........
Just wanted to add the garden walk was pretty good even with getting soaked at the end. My Grey TSO shirt looked black and my dark blue pants looked black, they where all most the same black. It was nice to see some places I haven't seen before........
metalpeter - 07/24/10 11:13
Hope you had a great time, I had a pretty good time minus the headache and minus that I didn't think about the money issue (didn't know the 3D stuff was next door and how much I would like it), {have money in the bank but not enough in the account attached to the card to buy any thing costly}
Hope you had a great time, I had a pretty good time minus the headache and minus that I didn't think about the money issue (didn't know the 3D stuff was next door and how much I would like it), {have money in the bank but not enough in the account attached to the card to buy any thing costly}
Have you tried chrome yet. I think it seems to be the fastest browser.