Saturday both before and after the zombie walk I had a good time at the taste of Buffalo. I did wind up going to Roxy's and had a good time, yes it was my first time there. Mistress J of the stripteasers had a Burleque class and these where her students on stage, they where all pretty good, and (not that I had a chance with any of them regardless of their sexual preference) Some people there watching where pretty nice to.
One of the Foods I tried before the zombiewalk you saw up there was a Buffalo Burger. It was listed as a healthy item but to me tasted pretty much like a hamburger so I wonder how it was healthy and if it was really buffalo?
The Zombie walk was a great time. It would have been better if I left the taste about 5 minutes later then I would have been on the right side and shot them all directly but it was a great time and then back to the taste, the funny thing is I'm not the only one who left the taste to go watch the zombie walk these two ladies did the same thing I did but they went and got into the back of the walk and then later as I returned they passed me to go back to the taste, that was interesting, but kinda odd......
So Back to the bar for a second, I wish I would have had my camera, maybe the hot zombie chick would have posed with me or maybe she would have kicked my ass who knows. One of the people I was with told me some chunky girl was checking me out, I never noticed it. But it is tough when Hardware is small and then people are dancing, then you are checking out people your self, then you also want to try and get to the bar. If it was when I was talking to (e:chicho) maybe it was him who was getting checked out, but I know when talking to someone I would never notice it, Sat was a great time and very busy.
The Pictures of the Motorcylcle that will be coming up is from inside New Era cap.......
This last weekend was great and I don't really see another weekend this summer that will be this good for some time, of course I don't know what is going on or have anything planned yet. But I do have an (e:strip) question the Taste Of Buffalo is a Summer thing but also it is a bunch of pictures, is there a way to have a post under two catergories?
Just wanted to say it sounds like you had a great time, glad you enjoyed it
It was very nice to see you after such a long time, (e:metalpeter). :-) I got to see my bread demonstration and also saw (e:mike) and (e:libertad) later at the show.
glad you like the pictures, it was a great weekend
Good to see you too, (e:metalpeter) !! Thanks for posting these pics.