So I wanted to do a video post about this but why staircase was to dark, I didn't have time with buying food to go down elmwood and talking to a camera on a bus with people on it seemed a bit off.......
I thought the Karate Kid was very good. When I saw the preview I expected it to be just like the original. Don't get me wrong I don't remember all the story of the 1st two I was young the last time I saw it. I will admit they had to set up the story before they got into the action and that is ok. I myself thought it was very good. Oh yeah one thing that through me a bit is how much the kid really looks like will smith, it is scary and was tough to get used to but I still liked the movie.
Tonight I'll be watching Funny People (Adam Sandler). I am hoping that it will be very funny. Comedy is a strange thing sometimes what shouldn't be funny is and sometimes it is the other way. Grown Ups to me at least strated out very funny. I thought there was a great cast and a good story. The thing with most of Sandler's films is that they aren't all jokes all movie long, they do put that family or meaning or getting your life on track that kind of thing in his movies and yes that was in there as well. I enjoyed it and had a good time. It was also nice to see Rob Schinder get some movie time and not just saying "You Can Do it". Guessing if you like his other movies you would like this..........
Metalpeter's Journal
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06/26/2010 19:44 #52047
Double Sandler and Karate KidCategory: movies
06/23/2010 17:06 #52018
Elmwood and Soccer aka FutbolCategory: estrip
So so far I like the New Estrip. One thing that I have to get used to is that if someone has multiple posts Like (e:vincent) has 3 showing (e:paul) has 2 that I don't have to go in order if I click on the newest one then I can also see the older posts and just go down the line. I haven't tried yet yet to go forward and see how that works.
Oh yeah the Youtube Video I figured I should test out so I made one. Yes it is dark and after that looks kinda trippy. The point I was trying to make is that Yes The World Cup is a big event but I just can't really get into soccer. I think part of what I don't like is that it takes time to go down the field and then often once you get down there no one scores. I'm also kinda the same way about Elmwood. I like the strip and there are a lot of great places but often I don't go places or I forget about places, I just went to the New ETS last weekend. I was going to buy an I heart shirt when I first saw them but then all the girls started wearing them, so I was like I don't know they are like a girl style now. I didn't really say all this in the video though. I have wanted to try Toyoko Shanghi since it opened and never gone, I forget about Louie's all the time, I can't tell you the last time I was in an elmwood bar, guessing St. Pats to Jackdaw (Yes ran into Timika and Jenks so that was some time ago), that is just a guess. So as much as I like Elmwood I don't use it as much as I should. I do think that part of it is because I think of Elmwood as for 4 kinds of people and I'm not any one of them:
1. The Cool People
2. The People who live really close and shop there
3. The Un-cool people who are now cool for not being cool (would that be a hipster)
4. The people who come from the burbs.
Well this all started out just as a test to see if the video works hope some people like it. I'm also hoping to use Elmwood more then I do......
metalpeter - 06/25/10 18:04
I forgot to mention that a couple of things, I like that when you comment on a post and someone else does that you get that comment as an e-mail.
Back to the video Blog thing. I didn't watch much of the video yes she had a great voice and was very hot (pass the choclate sauce and whip cream please to start with), but just couldn't get into the computer thing. I don't like follow a script but I do kinda know what I want to say, maybe I'll do one this weekend, won't do the nude thing somehow that wouldn't work but maybe try some shirtless thing or maybe talk about If I see a movie about the movie I saw when on a bus, that might be an idea, we shall see.......................
I forgot to mention that a couple of things, I like that when you comment on a post and someone else does that you get that comment as an e-mail.
Back to the video Blog thing. I didn't watch much of the video yes she had a great voice and was very hot (pass the choclate sauce and whip cream please to start with), but just couldn't get into the computer thing. I don't like follow a script but I do kinda know what I want to say, maybe I'll do one this weekend, won't do the nude thing somehow that wouldn't work but maybe try some shirtless thing or maybe talk about If I see a movie about the movie I saw when on a bus, that might be an idea, we shall see.......................
metalpeter - 06/25/10 17:45
Doing video unless some hot chick is dumb enough to come back home with me won't replace writing. See when you write and have a pause in thought not a big deal but video wise it is bad. The 1st video blog or vlog was just a bit to long so youtube tossed it off. I may do more of them, not really sure. I wondering how a walk past spot would work but that would just be a video really. In terms of the screaming part that is something I used to do a lot where you kinda hold the sound of the last letter, to do it right there is no quiver and it just goes on. That being said I have only done it inside and don't know how it would fly outside? I used to do a pretty good siren, well not as well as the guy from Police Acadamy, did that once outside and someone pulled over so that was the end of that, not sure I could do that anymore though.
Doing video unless some hot chick is dumb enough to come back home with me won't replace writing. See when you write and have a pause in thought not a big deal but video wise it is bad. The 1st video blog or vlog was just a bit to long so youtube tossed it off. I may do more of them, not really sure. I wondering how a walk past spot would work but that would just be a video really. In terms of the screaming part that is something I used to do a lot where you kinda hold the sound of the last letter, to do it right there is no quiver and it just goes on. That being said I have only done it inside and don't know how it would fly outside? I used to do a pretty good siren, well not as well as the guy from Police Acadamy, did that once outside and someone pulled over so that was the end of that, not sure I could do that anymore though.
paul - 06/24/10 22:27
Nice. I like your video blog - the screaming part at the end was awesome. I have a hard time with them myself. (e:lilho) and I tried a bunch of times when I first got a video phone/camera. The problem was we would always videoing people like annika who would get angry with us, or end up making fools of ourselves. A lot of the later in late night drunken crazy moments. Some people totally awesome like this hot computer/video game girl. :::link:::
Nice. I like your video blog - the screaming part at the end was awesome. I have a hard time with them myself. (e:lilho) and I tried a bunch of times when I first got a video phone/camera. The problem was we would always videoing people like annika who would get angry with us, or end up making fools of ourselves. A lot of the later in late night drunken crazy moments. Some people totally awesome like this hot computer/video game girl. :::link:::
metalpeter - 06/24/10 19:17
I have a few videos up there. I honsetly don't think anyone will really watch them. I just throw them up there and don't tag them or anything. I may have named this one something. So I assume no one will really see them. I may try it some more who knows.
I have to add some stuff about soccer
1. Watched the cousins play
2 Been to stallon's game not that I really remember it
3. Been to atleast one Blizzard's game
4. Have watched soccer and liked it
5. At one point I knew all the rules
6. Cornor kicks and throw ins or what ever those other things are called is exciting
7. Back when you didn't need a passport I thought about going up to see a Toronto game I think that would be fun (out side league)
8. Not sure if the league the Blizzard are in is still around but I would go see one of those games or another outside game in person (never been to one)
I just can't really get into it, but that doesn't mean I think it is bad. Oh yeah Bend it like Beckham was a good movie what little I remember of it.
I have a few videos up there. I honsetly don't think anyone will really watch them. I just throw them up there and don't tag them or anything. I may have named this one something. So I assume no one will really see them. I may try it some more who knows.
I have to add some stuff about soccer
1. Watched the cousins play
2 Been to stallon's game not that I really remember it
3. Been to atleast one Blizzard's game
4. Have watched soccer and liked it
5. At one point I knew all the rules
6. Cornor kicks and throw ins or what ever those other things are called is exciting
7. Back when you didn't need a passport I thought about going up to see a Toronto game I think that would be fun (out side league)
8. Not sure if the league the Blizzard are in is still around but I would go see one of those games or another outside game in person (never been to one)
I just can't really get into it, but that doesn't mean I think it is bad. Oh yeah Bend it like Beckham was a good movie what little I remember of it.
vincent - 06/23/10 21:13
Kudos for having the balls to put yourself out there on YouTube. I'm just afraid of people leaving stupid ignorant comments in my vlog. I write crazy stuff and pour my entries that just scream my sad life and issues to the world, but I have no problem with that at all. I have just seen too many nasty comments in people's vlogs on there that I'm just straight up apprehensive.
Kudos for having the balls to put yourself out there on YouTube. I'm just afraid of people leaving stupid ignorant comments in my vlog. I write crazy stuff and pour my entries that just scream my sad life and issues to the world, but I have no problem with that at all. I have just seen too many nasty comments in people's vlogs on there that I'm just straight up apprehensive.
06/19/2010 19:53 #51967
A-team and Jonah Hex RockedCategory: movies
So I will be the first to admit that yes I wrote a blog about the A-Team previous to when I saw it. Turns Out I was a bit wrong. Murdock was amazing. I was laughing but it just might be me. From what I understand the guy playing him was the same guy from District 9. You would never be able to tell really so that is a good piece of acting. I like how the movie started out. Yes there was good action and still a story line. Hey "I love it when a plan Comes together" means you still have to have story. Now some might not agree but it was worth it to wait through the credits, like you don't have a couple of minutes extra with all the money you just paid to see the movie, plus you want to see who did the music some of the time anyways. Hannibal was great also, and I love the BA Fight scene can't say anything else, don't want to give anything away.
Couple preview things. Insurection with Leonardo DiCapio looks really good and really confusing. Predators looks like a through back to the first movie I want to see that. I don't remember what it is called but there is going to be some movie with Bruce Wills, Sly, The Gov of Cali, and Jason Strathen (Jet li Movies, Transporter, Crank). That should be interesting. Oh yeah the new Resident Evil movie in 3D looks increadable. But that brings up a question I have. There was this ad for Wonka bars, yes they look like they are coming right at me off the screen, it was amazing it really was, but if they can do it in an ad why not in these 3D movies?
Onto Jonah Hex. Yes I admit Megan Fox is hot and I won't say all the dirty kinky things I would love for her to do to me. But in this movie that is the role is playing plus I think she pulls off the action Parts. I have heard that this movie has been bashed and things from the comic have been changed, but I never read it so..... I thought action wise it was pretty good. I liked the story and the settings. There where also some pretty cool visual things as well, and I don't mean just Fox, again don't want to say anything to give anything away. What I will say is that the movie really moved quickly and had great rocking music. The stuff in the end credits was really good, wish I could have thought of more interesting stuff to say to the hot lady who comes in to clean about the movie music, like hey have you ever seen this band live, who knows if anyone can fill you in on the music in the movie that they like it might be someone who works there.
All in alll I really liked both movies. Here is what I will say is if these are your type of movies you will like them, if romantic comedy is your thing go see Killers (haven't seen it but it looks like it will be funny, yes I want to see it) I had stuff I had to get at target so I missed the Zillycakes 1 year cupcake thing, it sounded really tasty to, oh well. I guess I'll try them some other time.
Couple preview things. Insurection with Leonardo DiCapio looks really good and really confusing. Predators looks like a through back to the first movie I want to see that. I don't remember what it is called but there is going to be some movie with Bruce Wills, Sly, The Gov of Cali, and Jason Strathen (Jet li Movies, Transporter, Crank). That should be interesting. Oh yeah the new Resident Evil movie in 3D looks increadable. But that brings up a question I have. There was this ad for Wonka bars, yes they look like they are coming right at me off the screen, it was amazing it really was, but if they can do it in an ad why not in these 3D movies?
Onto Jonah Hex. Yes I admit Megan Fox is hot and I won't say all the dirty kinky things I would love for her to do to me. But in this movie that is the role is playing plus I think she pulls off the action Parts. I have heard that this movie has been bashed and things from the comic have been changed, but I never read it so..... I thought action wise it was pretty good. I liked the story and the settings. There where also some pretty cool visual things as well, and I don't mean just Fox, again don't want to say anything to give anything away. What I will say is that the movie really moved quickly and had great rocking music. The stuff in the end credits was really good, wish I could have thought of more interesting stuff to say to the hot lady who comes in to clean about the movie music, like hey have you ever seen this band live, who knows if anyone can fill you in on the music in the movie that they like it might be someone who works there.
All in alll I really liked both movies. Here is what I will say is if these are your type of movies you will like them, if romantic comedy is your thing go see Killers (haven't seen it but it looks like it will be funny, yes I want to see it) I had stuff I had to get at target so I missed the Zillycakes 1 year cupcake thing, it sounded really tasty to, oh well. I guess I'll try them some other time.
06/18/2010 19:00 #51952
Wish #6 SpontaneousCategory: wishes
I wish I was Spontaneous. I think it would be great to see that say some musical is playing in NYC and just go there and buy a ticket and have a good time and then zoom Home (yes it is an 8 hour drive or longer by bus or train). Or it would be great so see the Blue Jays are playing some where and then just go there. Or it would be great to like just go on an adventure somewhere. In my mind this was going to be much longer but this is all I can think of................
metalpeter - 06/20/10 13:15
I have Never been to NYC, yet I have Pictures of it on my Kitchen Wall. I would love to go there or say Chicago and just go there on like a whim. Or hey this band is playing there lets see If I can find the club and see if they have tickets left and just shoot down down there (of course it takes some time to get anyplace you go)................
I have Never been to NYC, yet I have Pictures of it on my Kitchen Wall. I would love to go there or say Chicago and just go there on like a whim. Or hey this band is playing there lets see If I can find the club and see if they have tickets left and just shoot down down there (of course it takes some time to get anyplace you go)................
tinypliny - 06/19/10 20:57
What I meant was I like NYC without any spontaneity involved. ;-)
What I meant was I like NYC without any spontaneity involved. ;-)
tinypliny - 06/19/10 20:56
I like NYC. :)
I like NYC. :)
metalpeter - 06/19/10 18:40
I think one thing that would really be great is to have a camera phone also, I think it would be fun to just leave go someplace and mobile post pictures and stuff like that along the way on the trip.
I think one thing that would really be great is to have a camera phone also, I think it would be fun to just leave go someplace and mobile post pictures and stuff like that along the way on the trip.
paul - 06/18/10 20:40
I feel the same way.
I feel the same way.
06/16/2010 19:50 #51903
2010 Artfestival ArtCategory: event

The above site is for one of the people's art I bought. I know the festival gets bashed by many but I do like the art that they have, well some of, and I'm sure some people don't like what I do. This post is also a test the one I did yesterday was in Safari and this one is IE just want to try it out and see if anything is different well here is that guys art that I bought:
Rip Bodman has some really interesting art and is pretty interesting himself .

Paul Massaro is a Tattoo Artist

The One I really wanted the most:

The reason I like it is you have the historical stuff like the moon and the bombers. What does a burning time magazine mean and what about that mask on the TV? But also in the room that animal has an arm and is the same thing that is happening in the picture, plus the entire thing is so striking.
Well I might as well include some pictures from the festival and the general sense of things:
Before I got to a few pictures from Sunday I have to say that is sure seemed when I was there that less people where there compaired to last year. But that is just me.
Well Now it is time to see how it comes out, I enjoyed the festival hope those that partok or didn't had a good time.
metalpeter - 06/17/10 20:19
There is way more then I took pictures OF :) one thing I really liked where these pictures made of multiple layers of stuff looked like paper maybe, but they where too much for me........
There is way more then I took pictures OF :) one thing I really liked where these pictures made of multiple layers of stuff looked like paper maybe, but they where too much for me........
tinypliny - 06/17/10 17:54
wow - guess it doesn't really matter that I didn't go this year. I got to see everything virtually. :)
wow - guess it doesn't really matter that I didn't go this year. I got to see everything virtually. :)
Turns out Funny People wasn't (to me atleast) a Comedy it was an Adam Sandler Serious movie. Yes there where parts that where funny, like all the stand up scenes.
Next up was Strikeforce on showtime. There where some good fights and I enjoyed that. Frank Shamrock did the Offical Retirement thing. It was a good time.
The next movie I got to see was on Sundance Triade Ellection. It was good but with the subtittles hard to follow. The reason is it was tough for me to follow who was who but I got most of it by the end.