I have to admit that Part of me is glad to be posting something that has no pictures for once. So the Art Festival is this weekend. In the gusto there are two articles about it I think or maybe one was from yesterday. I will admit that I have lost some of my love for it, with the crap they Pulled with Music Is Art. But I still enjoy the festival....
How I go about things is I try and get their early and walk the entire festival and see what I can. I never buy anything until I have seen everything (this isn't true because sometimes people aren't set up till later and I know there have been people who have only been there for one day). One thing that bothers me is that some people don't have prices clearly marked. Sometimes it is a tough choice on what you want to get. You have things that are framed and unframed. Then you have different sizes and shapes. You kinda have to decide price for the size and frame and factor all that in. Sometimes you see something and know you have to have it, and it is easy. But some people alone have multiple things you like. I have been known to buy things on both days.
I wish I could Just post pictures of everything I bought there, but I have a lot. I have these cool oddities (also at elmwood festival of the arts), bought things for my family their like photos (local guys). Pen and ink dragon pictures, 3D underwater art, Hidden Villages, the point is a lot. I would like to see some more dark art there. Like maybe models dressed as fairies with waterfalls behind them or something.
This year however is going to be different for me for one reason. Last year I just Missed some how the Press Conference for MIA. This year I will be there. If you know where Robie's Studio on Franklin is, it will be at 3pm. I am to be there before then, from what I understand one of my pictures will be on display there on Sunday. I'm not sure If I won anything or not but just having my picture On display. It may be on display all day sunday, I'll slide by early and then come back later, well depending on the weather. I admit I would love to have won something it would be great. If I understand it correctly that the pictures displayed are from the winner in each category of the MIA/delaware Camera photo contest from last year. I was just happy to go see the Press Conference and now I get to go see a picture of mine (not sure what one they liked the best, of Those Idiots). Well what ever happens I'm looking forward to it [hoping no rain]. What I also think this means is anything I buy I want to buy on saturday.
Well hope everyone has a great weekend . and enjoys the festival. Oh yeah I almost forgot that The Recording studio I think is where MIA used to be every year is also having Mark Freeland art inside on display all weekend long............
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/11/2010 18:47 #51854
Allentown Art FestivalCategory: summer
06/10/2010 18:55 #51849
Pride Parade 2010Category: photos
So Before I get into Pictures from the Parade there is something I have to talk about that got to me. Now I'm not bashing anyone because they are gay, infact you see this same problem at any parade. This I think is why in places like NYC where they have those big Parades or even torch runners, they have baricades. Yes this is a problem at the St. Pats Parade also. The street is for the parade not for you to stand in. I get that you want to see and want to get a good pictures, but when you are allready at the front getting more in the front just fucks other people up. I had this great angle to get good shots and these two people show up and stand in the street to my left they where further out into the street then the people next to me. When you are in front of someone instead of next to them for them to see they have to step up to where you are . At St. Pats there where these ass holes who walked up and stood infront of people who where there a long time before they where and who where in chairs. How are you going to stand infront of someone in a chair. This is the reason I didn't stand at Spot this time. Last year it was crazy. As I walked by this year there was a cop car there all ready Maybe it was so no one would use that street but I think it was to keep down the crazyness. That same thing happened last year I was up on the curb then the parade starts and a bunch of people come out of nowhere and get in front of me. Ok now that my parade bitching is over on to some pictues.

I just have to mention one thing. I'm not saying that politicans don't want equal rights for everyone. I just never completely trust that those are their real fealings on an issue. Things like Parades and Festivals are a great way to get your name out there. In Hoyt's case I do believe him, I'm just saying I can never completely trust them......

By the end I was getting sick of posting pictures so hopefully anoyone who was looking at them didn't get to tired of them. It was a good time. It was the 1st time I didn't see anyone I know. Well I think I saw the Person at The Stripteasers but not sure if it was her on elmwood, and someone called my name and wished me Happy Pride but I'm not sure who it was.

I just have to mention one thing. I'm not saying that politicans don't want equal rights for everyone. I just never completely trust that those are their real fealings on an issue. Things like Parades and Festivals are a great way to get your name out there. In Hoyt's case I do believe him, I'm just saying I can never completely trust them......

By the end I was getting sick of posting pictures so hopefully anoyone who was looking at them didn't get to tired of them. It was a good time. It was the 1st time I didn't see anyone I know. Well I think I saw the Person at The Stripteasers but not sure if it was her on elmwood, and someone called my name and wished me Happy Pride but I'm not sure who it was.
06/08/2010 18:50 #51828
The StripteasersCategory: photos
So After Hanging with the girls for a bit and the bit of a mix up I headed down to get a good spot for the Stripteasers. There was a band that was very good before them and after them. But for now it will Just be Pictures Of around when the Stripteasers hit the stage.
Oh Before I forget I need to Mention that they are a Burlesque act. Yes there is a story and it is a great time, the photos aren't full nudes, again Burlesque not strippers. But if that isn't your thing or if that is something you shouldn't look at where you are on line then you may want to come back to this at a later time.

Oh Before I forget I need to Mention that they are a Burlesque act. Yes there is a story and it is a great time, the photos aren't full nudes, again Burlesque not strippers. But if that isn't your thing or if that is something you shouldn't look at where you are on line then you may want to come back to this at a later time.

06/09/2010 18:18 #51838
The Stripteasers Part 2Category: photos
So again Do to a crash I wasn't able to finish my stripteaser photos. So I tried to use my media and couldn't get it to work. So I'll just uplaod from where I left off about. Again if burlesque isn't your thing or if you are some place where those kinds of pictures might be frowned on, then You may not want to look at them. It really was a great time. The only thing I can remember story wise is a plane crash and something about Linsday Lohan. If anyone else remembers it feel free to ad it here.

I think this about Where LL (not cool J joins the story)

Again it was a great time the Stripteasers are all ways a great time. Hope you like the pictures.

I think this about Where LL (not cool J joins the story)

Again it was a great time the Stripteasers are all ways a great time. Hope you like the pictures.
metalpeter - 06/10/10 16:50
The First one felly and Heidi are in I just took a picture of the crowd and Had no Idea they where there untill I saw the picture on the screen. Then that last one, I was waving to you gals but you may not have seen me, even if you did by then where I was I had lost the seats anyways so.....
Hope everyone had a great time I know I had a lot of fun...........
The First one felly and Heidi are in I just took a picture of the crowd and Had no Idea they where there untill I saw the picture on the screen. Then that last one, I was waving to you gals but you may not have seen me, even if you did by then where I was I had lost the seats anyways so.....
Hope everyone had a great time I know I had a lot of fun...........
lauren - 06/10/10 06:47
you got some really great shots Peter, and I see you were sneaking some of us when I wasn't looking :)
you got some really great shots Peter, and I see you were sneaking some of us when I wasn't looking :)
06/06/2010 16:47 #51814
Dyke March and so much moreCategory: photos
So I will admit that I don't really like to put up a bunch of Photo posts togther but I really have no choice. On Saturday I was just going to go up and watch the march and go home. (e:heidi) was having people over for it and it turned into a very nice time. I met some new people and it was nice. I don't think I could remember all of their names but in any event here are the pictures.

At the street festival for Pride we ran into (e:chico).

Then It was back to (e:Heidi)'s Place. I forgot to mention that (e:lauren) was there also . I thought you could tell from the dog and the picture of her. One thing about Pride was that I saw some really nice ink. But It would have been weird to just walk up to chick and go "Ok I know this is kinda weird but I love your chest piece can a take a Picture of it" In some cases on an arm it wouldn't be so odd but it still would be like way to creepy............

That Tea place was pretty cool, I just couldn't handle anything else at that time. I noticed I don't think I really got any pictures of the people I didn't know. I'm pictured out. Not sure if my next post should be the Stripteasers, Fudgy Chewy, The Stamplickers or if I should try to put them all in one huge, estrip Huge, post or break it up or jump into pride Pictures, hey if anyone reads this or cares let me know, I'm not sure what the best way to do this is. Oh yeah and sorry about the mis understanding and getting seperated. I"m not sure but I think I saw the girl who was with her freinds on the strip twice today, how do a breach that, go Hey are you and then try to find the picture, plus she was with a guy so he might read into more or what ever. Again not sure if it was her or not. Again it was a great time thanks.

At the street festival for Pride we ran into (e:chico).

Then It was back to (e:Heidi)'s Place. I forgot to mention that (e:lauren) was there also . I thought you could tell from the dog and the picture of her. One thing about Pride was that I saw some really nice ink. But It would have been weird to just walk up to chick and go "Ok I know this is kinda weird but I love your chest piece can a take a Picture of it" In some cases on an arm it wouldn't be so odd but it still would be like way to creepy............

That Tea place was pretty cool, I just couldn't handle anything else at that time. I noticed I don't think I really got any pictures of the people I didn't know. I'm pictured out. Not sure if my next post should be the Stripteasers, Fudgy Chewy, The Stamplickers or if I should try to put them all in one huge, estrip Huge, post or break it up or jump into pride Pictures, hey if anyone reads this or cares let me know, I'm not sure what the best way to do this is. Oh yeah and sorry about the mis understanding and getting seperated. I"m not sure but I think I saw the girl who was with her freinds on the strip twice today, how do a breach that, go Hey are you and then try to find the picture, plus she was with a guy so he might read into more or what ever. Again not sure if it was her or not. Again it was a great time thanks.
libertad - 06/08/10 22:38
I love Nisha. I wish I could have her.
I love Nisha. I wish I could have her.
metalpeter - 06/08/10 17:56
Glad you like the pictures. Now I just have to decide what pictures to put up Next.....
Glad you like the pictures. Now I just have to decide what pictures to put up Next.....
ladycroft - 06/08/10 09:18
Thanks Peter. You always help me feel like I'm not missing out on everything!
Thanks Peter. You always help me feel like I'm not missing out on everything!
In terms of the companies I'm not sure. I think that some companies all the care about is the money and it doesn't matter who's money it is they don't care about you. Then you have some companies that do care about the people they sell to. It is to tough to know really. I admit I hope Frito Lay does and think that they might. The reason being is them and Pepsi and all one Giant Huge company and Pepsi does have that refresh everything promotion, where they give people money for good ideas. I don't know if they really want a better world or if they think if they look like they do they will get more sales it is hard to know.....
In Terms of McDonalds, I haven't seen the ad so I can't say. What I will say is that I think, they think if it ran here they would lose a lot of customers.
This reminds me of a post I wrote on here and for facebook as well. I don't know if this would work, but I think the way to get gay Marriage legal in many states, maybe all of them and maybe nationally is to get a lot of companies to see that gay Marriage would increase their profits. Some places there would be no way to prove this, but anyplace that ties into to weddings like target or other places would be a start.
I also wonder if like HSBC for example where there more to say, we don't discriminate and welcome everyone into the work place?
It is tough to know really? I hope everyone enjoyed the pictures anyways......
I agree with you Peter, both about annoying parade goers, and about the politicians...and I would add the same for any corporation like Frito Lay. I can't help but think that they don't care about gay people, they care about gay people's money. Have you seen the "gay" McDonald's add that is all over youtube? It plays in france, but not in America. Why? Because it wouldn't make McDonald's any money here...but if they were really pro gay, they would play it anyway. So yeah, thanks for the pics :)
I never trust hem either. The politicians that is.