Before the Official Start:
I should ad that the pictures I took are of the guys in the red suit coats called "Those Idiots", they do rock songs kinda as polka kinda, if you have seen them you know what I mean.
Well Just learned You can only do 10 pictures at a time, I used to only 9 mostly anyways.
It Starts:
Then After the Reveal more dancing:
I just have to add a few things. The picture of me next to the pictures I took wasn't taken by me, it was by Bob (robert) the guy who took the great picture of the lady with all the tattoos. The picture of David Butler in the casket looked amazing, it is hard to tell here how much depth it had it was really amazing looking. The same Person took the picture of the Marching band, yes the girl is my cousin and she is married to the person (seth) Playing what ever that huge instrument is called. It was a nice time now to see how the pictures look and if they are spaced or if to do that I have to move them apart by hitting the space or enter key we shall see.
The two kids where great. I didn't capture the aspect of it but at one point on the the kids ran right out into the dancers and mom went and got the little kid, that was funny
Nice pics - I really like the one with the dance troupe dancing opposite the little kid who is trying to imitate their moves.
I got an Olympus Baseball Cap, a pen, and One of those things that is like a bag holder for the fridge for like snacks. The guy even said it isn't much, It is less then what I hopped I was getting, but I was expecting to get nothing really. The lady in blue who was the grand prize winner got some like really expesive SLR type of camera. I didn't see it but I remember that is what the winner gets from the contest.
A little bit of back story. Once I heard about the Delaware Camera (through Facebook) contest, I like many others submitted pictures online. After the dead line had passed I didn't hear anything. I also thought it was odd that Delaware Camera nor MIA said anything on their pages, so a month or so went by and I figured they must have just let the winners know and not said anything publicly. Well when I got the e-mail about my pictures being displayed I was very surprised. I knew it was going to be a picture of those Idiots but wasn't sure what one it was going to be. I like how they used the 4 shots, that looks really nice.
So In the end I wound up getting much more then I expected. I think these pictures will also be on Display at MIA this year. And from what I have heard they are having another photo contest. I'll enter again. It was fun just to post the pictures to MIA's Facebook Page and to have them want to use any of them. I'm thinking though this year I will have to take pictures at a Higher MegaPixel rate.
Nice images, peter
Well done Peter! Congratulations :) AND you got a photo with you in it, eyes open and everything! Yay!
I second Heidi, what did you win??
Congrats, (e:metalpeter)! What kind of Olympus gear did you win? (I've got an Olympus... actually several.)
I see that a natural space forms between pictures cool, glad it is that way. I had some other point that I wanted to add but forgot what it was, oh yeah, love those dancers, not sure if their hotness shows through, can't really pick a favorite that would be to tough......