The 1st performer was Hickory Hawkins
So as an example of how this show kinda went down is an act would preform then as the change over was going on they would do the side show stuff, like the big rat trap, or mouse trap or the guy getting out of the stright Jacket:
Next Up Jason and The Punknecks I really like the chick she is really hot and had a great voice and sounds so sweet of stage, oh yeah the hair is awesome also, plus the music was pretty good to, sorry I don't know enough about it to describe it....
Well time wise that is it for now, I really need like my own computer that is by the TV so that I can do Photo stuff like download and upload with out missing any thing, by the way speaking of that does anyone know of (yes have norton) a legit free place that scans your computer for virus. The way the internet just slows to a crawl sometimes makes me wonder......
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