Infringement Festival is quickly approaching! I'm really excited because I'm having my first art show! Please come to the opening reception/party:
Friday, July 23
6:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.
464 & Blink Galleries
464 & 466 Amherst St. Buffalo, NY
between Elmwood & Grant on Amherst. Street parking.
Food, drinks, live music, (Michael Sheffield and Three Degrees of Separation), DJ, performances, including a 3-D Pop Art piece (glasses provided!).
Our favorite
robot music t-shirt guy will also have an installation!
Bring friends!
Looks so good!
man, why did you have to link this today? Now it will torment me the entire weekend.
A huge collection of Ethiopian recipes: :::link::: :::link:::
I really like Ethiopian food - at the Abyssinia @ Roc.
NYT review of Zoma :::link:::
Can you email me a pic directly so I can test with it?
it may also be that the phone can't tell the orientation of the picture?
(thanks for deleting the extra blank one - could you fix the Ethiopian honey wine user issue? ;-)
Some of your pics are sideways. This makes me think your phone suffers the same issue as the droid that (e:chris) has, where instead of actually rotating the image, it embeds the rotation in the EXIF data. If I switch the mobile app to send the original size images to the server, I can read that and fix. Unfortunately, I am using androids built in image resizing routines to make the files smaller before sending as sending mulitple 8MP images of 3g is way to slow.