i didn't know dogs could go on the subway here. that is absolutely forbidden on the dc metro.
we went to a big chinese volleyball tournament. lisa used to play all the time and coached so she knew lots oc dc and ny people there.
metalpeter - 07/19/10 18:16 Not sure the rule or law, but I think in buffalo they have to be in a carrier of some kind and you are fine, but out like that , that is a no. But this is NYC a bet there are some dogs or ride the train on there own and don't bother anyone (someone on this site I think posted a picture of it in fact but not sure whom and where). I have seen people take their cat and wrap it up real tight as if it was a baby and that seems to work.......
paul - 07/18/10 18:07 I don't think pets should be allowed on public transportation.
07/17/2010 17:00 #52217
grateful dead exhibit
i kust finished going through the new york histprical society's grateful dead exhibit. i am grateful to have been on the bus for 20 years. pix wernt allowed in the gallery, so here are two outside shots.
oh, this also represents my first solo trip on the nyc subway system. thank you, android, for gps.
tinypliny - 07/25/10 00:32 Yeah, I bet it was breathtaking in person. If you concentrated hard on such a design you could emulate flying.
heidi - 07/25/10 00:29 Isn't it gorgeous? At the New-York Historical Society exhibit of materials mostly from the Grateful Dead Archive at University of California Santa Cruz :::link:::
tinypliny - 07/25/10 00:24 Where is that tall wall mural located?
07/17/2010 13:20 #52216
more ginger
ginger held still while lisa held treats.
metalpeter - 07/18/10 11:20 "She's so Fuzy I could Die "(in little kid voice). In this picture the dog does look like a stuffed animal (haven't seen dispicable me yet that is what the " " is from)
libertad - 07/17/10 17:32 She is very cute. IT looks like she is in a fur jump suit.
07/17/2010 12:48 #52215
ginger is lisa's chinese crested powder puff puppy.
paul - 07/16/10 21:41 Can you email me a pic directly so I can test with it?
heidi - 07/16/10 21:40 it may also be that the phone can't tell the orientation of the picture?
(thanks for deleting the extra blank one - could you fix the Ethiopian honey wine user issue? ;-)
paul - 07/16/10 21:11 Some of your pics are sideways. This makes me think your phone suffers the same issue as the droid that (e:chris) has, where instead of actually rotating the image, it embeds the rotation in the EXIF data. If I switch the mobile app to send the original size images to the server, I can read that and fix. Unfortunately, I am using androids built in image resizing routines to make the files smaller before sending as sending mulitple 8MP images of 3g is way to slow.
Not sure the rule or law, but I think in buffalo they have to be in a carrier of some kind and you are fine, but out like that , that is a no. But this is NYC a bet there are some dogs or ride the train on there own and don't bother anyone (someone on this site I think posted a picture of it in fact but not sure whom and where). I have seen people take their cat and wrap it up real tight as if it was a baby and that seems to work.......
I don't think pets should be allowed on public transportation.