Heidi's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/25/2010 00:27 #52277
testing .707/24/2010 22:59 #52274
chocolate in toronto(crap! the main journal entry field clears itself when it i hit the back button! take two...)
Lilith fair was a big Lilith fail today. Lana and i made it to whole foods when it started to rain. not just a little rain, a real downpour. we didn't want to stand in the rain so we went to the oldest vegetarian restaurant in Toronto for an early dinner. I'll try to find the name later. Edit: Annapurna Vegetarian Restaurant.) It cleared up for about 20 minutes and then started raining again. We decided to bail on Lilith altogether. instead we went to visit her daughter at her new (first!) job at Soma, a fancy chocolatier in the amazing Distillery Historic District. omg. best. chocolate. eva. i had a spicy hot chocolate and got some pieces to go.
oh, Canadians are weirder than just milk in a bag. their marshmallows are square. and evidently my dog has an alternate life in Toronto.

Lilith fair was a big Lilith fail today. Lana and i made it to whole foods when it started to rain. not just a little rain, a real downpour. we didn't want to stand in the rain so we went to the oldest vegetarian restaurant in Toronto for an early dinner. I'll try to find the name later. Edit: Annapurna Vegetarian Restaurant.) It cleared up for about 20 minutes and then started raining again. We decided to bail on Lilith altogether. instead we went to visit her daughter at her new (first!) job at Soma, a fancy chocolatier in the amazing Distillery Historic District. omg. best. chocolate. eva. i had a spicy hot chocolate and got some pieces to go.
oh, Canadians are weirder than just milk in a bag. their marshmallows are square. and evidently my dog has an alternate life in Toronto.

heidi - 07/25/10 00:42
AHHHHHH thank you for the long-press-home info. Exactly what I need - I've been wondering how to alt-tab but hadn't put it into words.
I realized when I was typing the steps that's how the back button functions. Thanks for clarifying it for me.
Yea for save draft! :-) Thanks, (e:Paul)!!!!!
AHHHHHH thank you for the long-press-home info. Exactly what I need - I've been wondering how to alt-tab but hadn't put it into words.
I realized when I was typing the steps that's how the back button functions. Thanks for clarifying it for me.
Yea for save draft! :-) Thanks, (e:Paul)!!!!!
paul - 07/25/10 00:38
I played with the steps you gave and hitting the back button in a text area after typing is like clicking undo. That is a android default, not something I wrote. By hitting back you are essentially asking it to undo the text you just wrote.
I played with the steps you gave and hitting the back button in a text area after typing is like clicking undo. That is a android default, not something I wrote. By hitting back you are essentially asking it to undo the text you just wrote.
paul - 07/25/10 00:37
Well the next button works now in the update. However, the save feature you are looking for also kind of exists.
If you want to leave the app and have your text as is, just hit the home key. It brings you to the home screen. Then get whatever data you want and then long press the home key. It will bring up all running apps. Then select the estrip app which is running in the background and you should be good to go.
To be extra safe you can select the title again before leaving. Whenever you switch between title and entry it saves the data to you phones local database until the publish button is pressed.
Well the next button works now in the update. However, the save feature you are looking for also kind of exists.
If you want to leave the app and have your text as is, just hit the home key. It brings you to the home screen. Then get whatever data you want and then long press the home key. It will bring up all running apps. Then select the estrip app which is running in the background and you should be good to go.
To be extra safe you can select the title again before leaving. Whenever you switch between title and entry it saves the data to you phones local database until the publish button is pressed.
heidi - 07/25/10 00:37
The ready-to-eat bar at Whole Foods was $2.99/100 grams. I found a piece of cheese for comparison that was 92 grams - it was nothing! Way expensive. And I can't believe I forgot to get gas before leaving the US and paid >$4/gal. (That's C$1.049 per litre. Liter?)
The ready-to-eat bar at Whole Foods was $2.99/100 grams. I found a piece of cheese for comparison that was 92 grams - it was nothing! Way expensive. And I can't believe I forgot to get gas before leaving the US and paid >$4/gal. (That's C$1.049 per litre. Liter?)
tinypliny - 07/25/10 00:30
Apparently, "Annapurna peaks are the world's most dangerous mountains to climb, with a fatality to summit ratio of more than 40%". The wonders of wiki-surfing.
Well... at least they use SI units. We all know how weird it is to be Liberia, Burma and US. ;-)
Apparently, "Annapurna peaks are the world's most dangerous mountains to climb, with a fatality to summit ratio of more than 40%". The wonders of wiki-surfing.
Well... at least they use SI units. We all know how weird it is to be Liberia, Burma and US. ;-)
heidi - 07/25/10 00:23
1. tap estrip icon
2. tap title field
3. type. (hit next, no response, hit the back button to return to the entry fields screen)
4. tap the blog field.
5. type. don't hit the done field because the next button didn't work. hit the back button, realize you want to look up the name of the first vegetarian restaurant in Toronto, hit back button again, it clears the blog field. *sigh* and retype.
I think this means I want a "save draft" feature.
1. tap estrip icon
2. tap title field
3. type. (hit next, no response, hit the back button to return to the entry fields screen)
4. tap the blog field.
5. type. don't hit the done field because the next button didn't work. hit the back button, realize you want to look up the name of the first vegetarian restaurant in Toronto, hit back button again, it clears the blog field. *sigh* and retype.
I think this means I want a "save draft" feature.
paul - 07/25/10 00:23
Oh and there is an app update that should fix the next button and temp photo issue on your phone.
Oh and there is an app update that should fix the next button and temp photo issue on your phone.
paul - 07/25/10 00:14
What do you mean by back button? It should cancel the back button so that you can't do that like we talked about the other night.
What do you mean by back button? It should cancel the back button so that you can't do that like we talked about the other night.
07/18/2010 17:36 #52232
subway gingeri didn't know dogs could go on the subway here. that is absolutely forbidden on the dc metro.
we went to a big chinese volleyball tournament. lisa used to play all the time and coached so she knew lots oc dc and ny people there.

we went to a big chinese volleyball tournament. lisa used to play all the time and coached so she knew lots oc dc and ny people there.

metalpeter - 07/19/10 18:16
Not sure the rule or law, but I think in buffalo they have to be in a carrier of some kind and you are fine, but out like that , that is a no. But this is NYC a bet there are some dogs or ride the train on there own and don't bother anyone (someone on this site I think posted a picture of it in fact but not sure whom and where). I have seen people take their cat and wrap it up real tight as if it was a baby and that seems to work.......
Not sure the rule or law, but I think in buffalo they have to be in a carrier of some kind and you are fine, but out like that , that is a no. But this is NYC a bet there are some dogs or ride the train on there own and don't bother anyone (someone on this site I think posted a picture of it in fact but not sure whom and where). I have seen people take their cat and wrap it up real tight as if it was a baby and that seems to work.......
paul - 07/18/10 18:07
I don't think pets should be allowed on public transportation.
I don't think pets should be allowed on public transportation.
07/17/2010 17:00 #52217
grateful dead exhibiti kust finished going through the new york histprical society's grateful dead exhibit. i am grateful to have been on the bus for 20 years. pix wernt allowed in the gallery, so here are two outside shots.
oh, this also represents my first solo trip on the nyc subway system. thank you, android, for gps.

oh, this also represents my first solo trip on the nyc subway system. thank you, android, for gps.

tinypliny - 07/25/10 00:32
Yeah, I bet it was breathtaking in person. If you concentrated hard on such a design you could emulate flying.
Yeah, I bet it was breathtaking in person. If you concentrated hard on such a design you could emulate flying.
heidi - 07/25/10 00:29
Isn't it gorgeous? At the New-York Historical Society exhibit of materials mostly from the Grateful Dead Archive at University of California Santa Cruz :::link:::
Isn't it gorgeous? At the New-York Historical Society exhibit of materials mostly from the Grateful Dead Archive at University of California Santa Cruz :::link:::
tinypliny - 07/25/10 00:24
Where is that tall wall mural located?
Where is that tall wall mural located?
07/17/2010 13:20 #52216
more gingerginger held still while lisa held treats.

metalpeter - 07/18/10 11:20
"She's so Fuzy I could Die "(in little kid voice). In this picture the dog does look like a stuffed animal (haven't seen dispicable me yet that is what the " " is from)
"She's so Fuzy I could Die "(in little kid voice). In this picture the dog does look like a stuffed animal (haven't seen dispicable me yet that is what the " " is from)
libertad - 07/17/10 17:32
She is very cute. IT looks like she is in a fur jump suit.
She is very cute. IT looks like she is in a fur jump suit.
like the cat
You phone must handle it completely different then mine. On mine the estrip_tmpPhoto.jpg is gone. I think the motorola gallery app is scanning the card for pictures and adding it. Mine totally does not do that. Not sure how I could fix it.
Oh man - looky those paranormal glow-visors!
Basement Kitteh!
I still show both the full size and stripped, resized images in my gallery.