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Kookcity2000's Journal

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07/11/2010 21:15 #52151

My idea: [A] Curbside rib service. Feel free to take me up on that, Rochester area Rib Joints.

[A] can feature my Other Idea: [B] rib singles.

i just want one or two


paul - 07/11/10 22:12
Ribs are so freakin' delicious.

07/01/2010 20:55 #52077

Category: thrs
at the square: wanna go to that place that.had kareoke. jaysus they better have kareoke tonight

paul - 07/12/10 22:38
(e:jason) was logged in as her too. I cannot seem to reproduce it.
kookcity2000 - 07/02/10 13:01
whoa that was me last night. guess we found a new bug
terry - 07/02/10 00:48
wha wha wha?!?
mike - 07/01/10 22:43
ur in blo?

06/30/2010 00:46 #52061

chalk genius
cheers to the Rembrant that turned

Shop Locally


Poop Globally

your work is more poignant than you ever expected.
chico - 07/12/10 21:54
Our dog aspires to poop globally. So far he's only notched Buffalo, Orchard Park, and Akron.
vincent - 07/03/10 13:54
I wasn't able to send you a message as it is giving me an error message.

Did the Burns Boys end up having their 4th Party this year?
james - 07/01/10 01:37
tinypliny - 06/30/10 19:15

06/23/2010 21:46 #52019

paul elbow
Thank you all for your kind words, its hard to explain but it was really appreciated.
Re: the jumping: I don't know if I learned anything at all besides reinforcing the old "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" thing.

Ask me about it sometime at a party, I don't really want to talk about it anymore here.

Except to say I learned how to treat a skinned elbow pretty good.
No need for pictures, it looks like pauls except is bigger, but these sonofabitches work like champs


at first i tried covering up the elbow/arm with a bandaid like contraption, but it was all oozy and leaked through (seriously)

the nonstick deal covers the bastard but doesn't make it all wet and lousy.

Definitely worth having under the old bathroom sink.
tinypliny - 06/24/10 14:04
Paul now has a first-dibs trademark on gruesome roadkill AND fungating elbow scrapes.
kookcity2000 - 06/23/10 21:58
I wish it was just the elbow. Wait till I get the bill!
heidi - 06/23/10 21:53
I'm confused... your picture below indicates a grave head wound, but it was all just from your elbow?? :-)

06/19/2010 17:38 #51965

I got mugged last night


Walking home these kids came up behind me and knocked me down. At least one had a pipe.
I pulled my knife and they ran off then I ran several blocks to get to a better lit street.

Just 90 seconds prior to this I turned down a cab ride because I like to walk at night, especially after I've been drinking.

It took forever to get stapled up at the hospital but thats the way it goes.
jason - 06/24/10 10:23
Let me know if you want to go to the gun range.
paul - 06/20/10 11:15
Hope you are doing better. That and a I agree with tiny. You have some rockin' facial hair going on.
tinypliny - 06/20/10 01:30
I know I said this before but aarrrgh, I am just SO irked that someone thinks that they are entitled to beat skulls in. You should form an anti-mugging gang and throw them all in juvie for a bit.
libertad - 06/20/10 00:48
I'm so sorry this happened to you. It makes me so angry. This is surely going to affect you for a long time.
uncutsaniflush - 06/19/10 23:03
Wow! I hope you have a quick recovery.
tinypliny - 06/19/10 20:56
did you have any money with you? did they demand money before they hit you? The security people believe that if you give them what you have, they won't attack you. But I am doubtful about this strategy...
tinypliny - 06/19/10 20:52
Good lord! I am so sorry to hear that, kook!!!! Looks like you lost a ton of blood there! :(

There have been several muggings in Rochester recently. I frequently get security notices from the UofR public safety dept. The area around the music school is getting notorious for the most violent muggings till date. If you are female, you are pretty much guaranteed to be molested. And if you are a male, they apparently hit you on the head. :/ The area around the main River campus is not much better either. Rochester always had one of the highest crime rates earlier but its now spilling to the more affluent side of the river. I was talking to an Eastman student recently, who lives near Alexander and she was totally freaked out about going out alone anywhere.

Again, I am so sorry this happened. Did you get a good look at them? Did you make a police report? I hope you heal soon. Incidents like these make me so annoyed with humanity in general. :/

PS: btw, the beard and moustache look über-sexy. :-)
vincent - 06/19/10 20:52
Yikes! as (e:metalpeter) said at least they didn't get anything.
metalpeter - 06/19/10 18:53
At Least they didn't get anything, that still sucks though. That reason is why I don't really like to go out and get fucked up. In my mind I'm sure there are people who can tell by how someone walks that they aren't 100% there. And if they can't tell that they are willing to take that chance if they see you leave an area where there are bars. I'm surprised they ran when they had a pipe. Hope you aren't hurt to bad and get better soon.
kookcity2000 - 06/19/10 17:59
it was a couple blocks from my apartment on a residential st. they didn't get anything.
paul - 06/19/10 17:48
Here in Buffalo or in Rochester? I hope you did not come to visit here and then get mugged. This is why I want a tazer. Get well soon.
terry - 06/19/10 17:46
whoa dude that is so shitty. Where were you when that happened? Did they actually take any shit?