Hola Amigos, its been a while since I rapped at ya!
comparing the price of various nuts at local dry goods shop:
blurry image of a Three-Wheeled Euro(?!)-Vehicle:
impromptu jam-off at Buffalo Thursday at/in The Square on 02June:
These guys were jamming/dancing/air-bassing at the north/house-right end of the stage.
They were pretty into it and would pose out to the part of the crowd that was yelling the loudest.
The hula girl had on uggs and/or some other brand of furry boot and it seemed to me that it was one of the nastiest displays possible.
To her tribute, a poem:
in the rainy drizzle, grimy with sweat, twirling some horrible hoop. Stank feet, thighs. Jam out with your clam out.
It's Canarese not Karnatakan. LOL
I swear I saw you at the Square this year.
Woot for possible kooky b-lo shenanigans!