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08/06/2009 19:44 #49474

August nights?
advacado & peanut butter on the wholest wheat possible. Also put some black bean dip and some of that crazy hot sauce.

Then go drink old fashioneds & listen to jazz. -+-
tinypliny - 08/07/09 09:24
I had no choice in what I ate for the first quarter century of my life (and you have no idea just unhealthful all of that was. :/). I am making up for it now. :)

jenks - 08/07/09 01:40
tiny, have you ever in your life eaten anything unhealthy?

kook- Rebirth Brass Band is playing here next week. I can't wait.
tinypliny - 08/06/09 22:30
I never got into avocado. It has too greasy a texture for me to enjoy...

07/08/2009 21:54 #49239

I am Jim Amchower

Hola Amigos, its been a while since I rapped at ya!


comparing the price of various nuts at local dry goods shop:



blurry image of a Three-Wheeled Euro(?!)-Vehicle:


impromptu jam-off at Buffalo Thursday at/in The Square on 02June:



These guys were jamming/dancing/air-bassing at the north/house-right end of the stage.
They were pretty into it and would pose out to the part of the crowd that was yelling the loudest.

The hula girl had on uggs and/or some other brand of furry boot and it seemed to me that it was one of the nastiest displays possible.
To her tribute, a poem:
in the rainy drizzle, grimy with sweat, twirling some horrible hoop. Stank feet, thighs. Jam out with your clam out.
jenks - 07/09/09 15:07
lol i love jim amchower.
paul - 07/09/09 10:25
Sorry we missed you.
tinypliny - 07/08/09 22:39
The aliens have landed. THE ALIENS HAVE LANDED!

PS: Man, I am so disappointed in your nut review. I thought several price comparisons across the city's stores and a diverse nut-range might follow... But ALAS, my hopes were sadly - not make that VERY SADLY belied!
joshua - 07/08/09 22:30
Oh my God - what the hell is that Euro trike? LOL! Fucking hell!

07/01/2009 23:21 #49146

Category: everyone
holy toledo, I am way remiss in postings estrip.
I am drunk and sorry abot that and I miss the whole stinking lot of you.

I am in washington dc tonight but I am expecting to find myself in wonderful buffalo ny tomoeeow night for some TAT actiones.

I will be happier than a goat eating cans if I run into anyone tommorow. otherwise I will just post more often then every 4 months
jenks - 07/03/09 08:24
Miss you, kook!
tinypliny - 07/02/09 00:18
Where will you be tomorrow? Are you coming to see fireworks Mr.kooky?

03/23/2009 21:36 #48174

I saw this band that was a bunch of music school kids.
They had Four [4] trombones and their bass was a sousaphone.
If someone had described this to me I don't think I would have been into them but it was actually awesome.
They opened with a spinal tap song and I knew it was the real deal

I danced like James Brown. I tried to buy them all drinks but the bartender wouldn't take any money and ended up giving me drinks the rest of the night until well past closing time.

It was magical
tinypliny - 03/23/09 21:40
You know whom I really miss? Break Of Reality. They were in Eastman when I was in Rochester and I attended each and every one of their concerts. They just blew your mind with heavy metal cello!
tinypliny - 03/23/09 21:37
Students from Eastman?

03/20/2009 00:28 #48130


I was in Washington DC to see the Pogues this week and on the drive back home I stopped in Centralia, PA

Centralia is was a coal town in the PA mountains. One of the coal seams caught fire and has burning ever since. According to the internet, nobody really cared too much untill a kid fell in a sinkhole in his backyard and somebody threw a thermometer into the underground tanks at the gas station and it was 180+°

Anyways reading the Wikipedia article is probably better than driving to that damn place.
I didn't really see any smoke or sinkholes or zombies. Instead, there was a scheisser-lload of trash and junk. The place was a lot smaller than I expected. In fact it was less deserted than I thought: people were driving through to get to their other tiny mountain towns.

To get an idea of the size: An area bounded by Bryant, Richmond, Allen & Main Sts in buffalo


tinypliny - 03/23/09 21:36
Nice panoramic picture
imk2 - 03/20/09 11:12
i heard silent hill, the video game was based on this town.
paul - 03/20/09 03:14
I totally remember the movie about that place.