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05/02/2010 03:21 #51489

Category: art
Sting sings.

The film is so comforting - like a perfect bowl of warm soup with pretty colours and crusty music to dip in. :-)

05/01/2010 10:12 #51483

Granny Smith Slices and homemade Nutella
Category: eating in
Breakfast is a triumph today. I think I have finally perfected the art of making delicious Nutella the way I like it - without the ridiculous amounts of canola from Canada, semi-hydrogenated creepoid compounds or truckloads of sugar. As a bonus, it is mind-blowingly tasty! In four short steps, you can brute force your mornings from the nadir of suckiness to a zenith of awesome!

1. Toast a handful of hazelnuts till they are a toasty earthy brown. I guess you could roast them in the oven if you don't want to stand around stirring them. But I do like to stand around in my kitchen a LOT. I think it's the chessboard floor. There is something hypnotic about chessboards. It's like I am being checkmated by the stove but I make counter-moves and show it some aggression. Anyway, I prefer hands-on active approaches that make some noise early on weekend mornings (the better to annoy that perennially whiny hag next door who seems to think I am responsible for ALL the noise everyone else in the building makes and additionally, complains about it when I am not even in town).

Maybe it's time to get some speakers (that Chuck Norris would be proud of) and give her a flavour of what it might be like if I were in the serious business of making some REAL noise. So, how many hazelnuts, you ask? The average Nutella box proclaims that it has 50 hazelnuts to a jar. Yeah, if you didn't know any better 50 is a big number. But without the canola, sugar and dodgy hydrogenates, it makes up a paltry amount, so be generous. You could toast 50 hazelnuts and it will make nutella that lasts half a week.

2. Add the toasted hazelnuts to the blender, start blending till everything is a fine powder and sticks to the blades. That's hazelnut butter coming out.

3. Add chocolate soymilk (I used Sunrich, because I am in love with the brand) - just enough to cover the hazelnuts in the blender. Blend some more.

4. Add toasted thick and hearty steelcut oatmeal. Add a good sprinkle of flax seeds. Blend. Blend. Blend. Till it gets really creamy. Add chocolate milk at intervals till you reach the consistency of that artificial sham of a Nutella they sell here. My Oster blender does this job in around 10-15 minutes. Other blenders could be more efficient or could just break-down and die. You never know till you push their limits. So I suggest you give your blender its Nutella ultimatum today. Everyone knows that you should never wait till the kitchen apocalypse hits this planet. Every small appliance will grow extra appendages to hit you with.

That's it. Slice granny smiths (yes, other apples are just inferior. Admit it.) Spread the awesomeness of delicious Nutella on the slices and breakfast like a German!

tinypliny - 05/13/10 18:37
heh - so I don't think the real nutella from Italy has hydrogenated oils. The German version is probably the best. If you ever get the German version of nutella, I would be interested in what you think of it. :-)

The hydrogenated oil is a purely Canadian idea distributed by someone in NJ - who has a franchise on the Italian Nutella brand. The nutella that is sold in the US is the real fake. ;-)
mike - 05/13/10 17:29
i'm gonna have to agree with IMK on this one
imk2 - 05/13/10 17:00
i'm sorry but i love my hydrogenated oil based, store bought, nutella. i love, love, love it! i will never cheat on it with soy milk substitute fake nutella stuff. sorry tiny, but as much as i love you, i can't let you in between me and my love affair with nutella.
tinypliny - 05/03/10 08:23
Hehe, that's the best part. :-) I scraped enough of it off and then added freshly brewed coffee, vanilla soymilk (also from sunrich), pure vanilla essence - blended again! Voila - awesome coffee-vanilla smoothie. It get all the butter off the blades. :-)
himay - 05/02/10 23:17
So once you get this lovely concoction to a consistency similar to that of the store-bought stuff, how do you get it back out of the blender?

I can see the spatula working for ~80-95% of the goodies, but I potentially see myself gravely harming my tongue trying to clean off the blender teeth assembly...
tinypliny - 05/02/10 21:48
Yes. It's a miracle sort of like miracle-whip and that other one in your holy book.
theecarey - 05/02/10 21:36
sounded awesome until.. until that picture! Is the end result a sticky, dirty baby? eek!
himay - 05/02/10 13:13
DON'T EVER DELETE THIS!!! (I just saved it on Delicious!)

Now that I have your attention, I'm soooooooo trying this when I get the time to give it a shot! I'm thinking it might be fitting next weekend (after I try to kill myself with a 5k run), but I'll have to figure out how to squeeze that in amongst the Scotch eggs I'll be making.

04/30/2010 18:10 #51481

Aggressive sisterhood.
Category: buffalo
A couple days back, my friend and I were getting in his car and driving away, when two rather cute women approached us on Linwood. They asked us if we would like to exchange cards. Turned out they were not really hookers but were out proselytizing.

I thought it was a very interesting strategy. Pick fairly attractive young people to spread your virulent message and target a younger population - not with the traditional "could you spare a minute for us" but rather "hey there! would you like to exchange cards/numbers with us (broad suggestive smile)?!"

You have to wonder at what drives these nutters to pound the pavement and attempt to convince random strangers that the strangers' families are in mortal danger if they don't belong to such and such a religion/cult-group. Maybe we should take their cue and roam the streets yelling at random people about how smoking will kill them and their friends and why they should eat more fruits and vegetables.

What really worries me is do we already sound like this? Do people listen to us politely and then go home and shake their heads about how unlikely they ever are to change their lifestyles? What does it take for people to stop, think and change? I wonder if the tipping point towards religious commitment or adopting scientific lifestyles are similar. Do personal inexplicable losses lead to a more religious outcome while scientifically explained losses lead to conscious changes in lifestyle - for the better?

04/28/2010 22:01 #51469

Less things. More space!
Category: goals
I gave away my corner table and two chairs today. I am 3 steps closer to my absolute-minimal clutter-free goal.

My next elimination target is the pile of books, magazines and notes - about 3/4th of which I have digitized. I don't think I have ever re-read any of my class notes from mandatory coursework. I wonder why I have kept them so long. All my really useful notes and ideas are online or on the pages of books and pdfs I scribble on.

I love the wonderful feeling of living and breathing floors without those annoying chairs or that table that I didn't need anyway.

Yeah, if you wondered, that evil clutter fairy is banned from my flat. She better quake at the sight of my curtainless windows.

ladycroft - 04/29/10 06:46
Yes, I've been trying to counter that Fairy because she keeps sneaking into Rory's mind! Luckily I 'won' on some counts because we have like 7 trash bags full of donations so far, and a few more things to weed out! Congrats on the victory for space over 'stuff'!

04/22/2010 19:21 #51438

Category: flat hunt


libertad - 04/24/10 22:39
I'm so glad you found something! Congrats.