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05/09/2010 13:25 #51529

The best cup of coffee ever.
Category: eating in
The best cup of coffee:


- Brew Trader Joe's house blend in any coffee machine
- Add fat-free/1% milk in blender
- Add a heaped tablespoon of mascarpone to blender
- Blend and blend till foamy
- Heat 1/2 mug blended milk in microwave for a minute
- Fill rest of the mug with brewed coffee
- Stir vigorously
- Enjoy with homemade speculoos!

tinypliny - 05/09/10 19:49
LOL because adding mascarpone to whole milk makes it too thick and crazy. It takes away the sharpness of the coffee flavour.

I mainly drink skim milk for the protein and calcium and I drink nearly 2 gallons per week. If I drank 2 gallons of whole milk every week, I would seriously not fit through any doors in a month (well, except you know, church doors, legal doors etc).
paul - 05/09/10 19:41
Seriously sounds delicious but why bother with fat-free or 1% milk if you are going to add mascarpone to it. I am all about whole milk. Skim milk seems like milk flavored water to me.

05/09/2010 09:27 #51527

Acai Berry and the logic of creationism.
Category: science
Ever wondered about the nutrient profile of the berry that promises to be the "one weird trick" and the "one ancient rule" to recurrent $80 dollar losses?

From: Schauss GA et al. Phytochemical and Nutrient Composition of the Freeze-Dried Amazonian Palm Berry, Euterpe oleraceae Mart. (Acai). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2006 54 (22), 8598-8603


None of the claims about Acai Berry have been scientifically proved. The berry doesn't taste exceptionally awesome either. It's a berry, just like any of the zillion other berries. The people in the Amazon eat it for subsistence just like the Irish eat potatoes. A look at the nutritional profile tells you why. Eating 100 g of this berry gives you nearly 534 calories - the amount you get from 5 100g small potatoes.

The people of Amazon live in tropical forestlands and don't drive cars all the time. They probably don't have 24 hour access to pizza delivery, fast-food, potato chips and all kinds of high-sugar snacks that were heaped in the cart during a recent grocery visit. They are not being force-fed high-fructose corn syrup through EVERY conceivable product on grocery shelves. They probably eat a lot of vegetables because they don't have as many staple-cereal farmlands.

But all that doesn't really matter, correct? We could totally have a million cakes in our pantry, eat a billion more, drink a zillion bottles of this "magic berry" and voila! - we will be magically moulded in the form of the lean and fit Amazonians. Sure, and we were all created from scratch in 7 days flat. It just wasn't enough time to give us a functional brain.
tinypliny - 05/09/10 17:28
LOL @(e:metalpeter). If you put the evil genius of the fast food companies and diet companies together, I am sure you could sell those 3 ideas to people. hahaha

@(e:james) Sounds like a good strategy. You could get your carbs *and* proteins from legumes/lentils and get a bonus of fibre. Why were you avoiding fava beans? They seem comparable with other legumes (slighly less fibre, though...).

Rice is plainly evil with respect to the type and density of carbohydrates you get. So are other refined grains. Potatoes are another big carbohydrate cesspit. Bananas might be good for potassium but in terms of carbohydrates, they give you too much.
james - 05/09/10 15:17
Yeah, I am a type one diabetic, so this diet makes even more sense.

My old macronutrient break down was roughly 10/60/30 fat/carbs/protein. I now try to keep it 30/30/40. I do that by getting almost all my carbs from fruit. Most of my fat comes from nuts and avocado, as my protein is lean meat, soy, or dairy.

But, I also love to cheat. I am cooking up some fava beans because I have been fiending for them for weeks!
metalpeter - 05/09/10 14:19
Berries are healthy but stuff made from them wouldn't mean that it is healthy but most people don't think of that.

For some people there are things that can help them lose weight. If that don't ever have caffeine it will help speed up their metabolism hence why it is in diet pills. Also ephedrine worked great but it also caused Heart Attacks so that is illegal now.

There are 3 things that other then changing your diet will cause weight lose.

Sound the drums
1. Get a crack Problem
2. do lots of Heroin and coke
3. Go around people who have the flu until you catch it and are sick for a week in bed not moving that always seems to take some weight off

tinypliny - 05/09/10 12:04
heheh - ask anyone to increase their water intake and decrease their cookies etc and I bet 40% would complain that they don't like that they have to pee all the time. There is always some crazy excuse.
tinypliny - 05/09/10 11:59
Also, eating out is a major problem that no one seems to care about. You just can't control what you eat if you eat out more than even 40% of the time. You will have to compensate for eating out the rest of the 60% of the time with drastic measures - that are just not practical.
tinypliny - 05/09/10 11:57
@(e:james): Missed your comment. :-) So what is your diet like? I am interested, because you have Type I DM, correct? What were you eating before? What are you eating now?
tinypliny - 05/09/10 11:53
I think the volume of 100g dried Acai berries is roughly 1/4th of a pint box of blueberries. So non-dried volume will be about 1/2 of that box. The fibre value is pretty surprising. Interestingly, it is used as an antidiarrhoeal agent in parts of rural South America. I guess that makes sense then. :)

I don't think antioxidants can do anything to increase anyone's BMR. BMR is determined by the size of the major metabolic organs (liver mainly) and of course, the metabolic status of the body.

I agree with the "eat less than you can burn" strategy. It is true that the net harvest of calories is much higher from fat but carbohydrates and fats affect the satiety centres of the body a bit differently.

It is usually tough for people to eat several large portions of fat all the time. Lesser quantities of fat are required to reach satiety. (Recall how famous French foods that consist of maybe 90% butter are served - in tiny portions. And people don't really ask for more, because they can't generally eat more. That, and the frogs are boorish snobs. hehehe)

Carbohydrates are a bit tricky. Their metabolism is through the insulin pathways and pretty quick. These pathways control the glucose levels in blood - a the major driver of hunger. Even if there is a minor insulin resistance (common in nearly everyone nowadays, because they are fat to begin with) you continue to feel hungry. The result is that you can continue to eat nearly 5-10 times as much carbohydrate based foods as fat based foods. You can end up with 2-5 times more calories than eating a fat-based (but very much smaller) diet.

It's so typical however, that fast-food joints distort this whole idea. They might as well serve Acai berry shakes with the avocado-cheese "healthy" burgers.
james - 05/09/10 11:36
Meh, I do think carbs are evil. I am on a diet now that is low carb and high fat, it makes controlling how hungry I am real easy because carbs get turned into blood sugar real fast. Fat and protein has to take up space for a while before that happens.

But, this berry - like the goji berry, the blue berry, the mangostein - isn't going to do anything magical. Less calories in than out.

And metabolism.. you want to increase metabolism? Fucking jog. GHA!

People are stupid.
jenks - 05/09/10 10:08
32g of fat per 100g?? These magic berries are 32% fat?? Wow.
I thought most fruits and vegetables, while loaded with sugars, were low in fat... except maybe avocados... Yikes. And 44g fiber?? How much is 100g?! I thought that was like a big handful.

But yes, we are always suckers for any sort of "get (rich/thin/famous/etc) quick" scam. I don't know why people haven't figured it out yet... if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. there is no magic pill.

When I was in med school, our dean lost about 100lb. Everyone kept asking him his secret. He would stop what he was doing and say "want to know my secret? are you ready? I burned more calories than I ate."

I thought the claim with all these new magic super foods was that they have 'antioxidants' etc and are supposed to increase your basal metabolic rate.

I dunno. Perhaps I'm just too simple minded, but that's how see it. You need to consume less calories than you burn. I see fat as the biggest culprit, simply since it has more calories per gram than carbs. I don't understand why carbs are seen as so 'evil' and this low-carb craze. Are the calories in carbs somehow 'worse' than the calories in fat? I'd think the opposite- because of cholesterol etc.

Like when restaurants offer their 'healthy' burgers. Load it up with avocado and cheese- but take away the bun, and now it's good for you?! Huh?

I still think that if you take a vitamin and drink lots of water you could starve the weight off without .

Anyway, this comment is way too long. But, I'm with you tiny.

05/09/2010 08:19 #51526

UB 2020 Plan?
Category: opinion
I just read about someone called Silver blocking the Bill that would make the UB 2020 plan a "success".

An editorial and opinion column in today's Buffalo News supports Assemblyman Mark Schroeder's criticism of Speaker Sheldon Silver for blocking a bill that would free up restrictions and allow UB and other SUNY campuses to become stronger economic engines in their regions. The editorial notes Silver "seems devoted to nothing greater than maintaining the disastrous status quo" and calls the bill "good for upstate." A related column in The Buffalo News and a story on WNED-AM also look at the issue.

I didn't quite get what exactly these restrictions were. So I read the three PDFs linked out from that page.

The only sentence about the content of the bill was:

Reports are that downstate members oppose letting campuses set their own tuition rates, a key part of the bill, because it could jeopardize the ability of poor New Yorkers to go to college.

Was the bill all about tuition? Does anyone know? Why can't these news items be clear instead of a mass of run-around-in-accusatory-sentence-cycles paragraphs? If writing about politics is this confusing, it's no wonder that people don't get whatever politicians are doing in their offices or if they are doing anything at all..
tinypliny - 05/13/10 08:33
Thanks so much, (e:Heidi) - exactly what I wanted to know. :-)
heidi - 05/12/10 23:55
Here's a summary from the governor's office:

Here's the bill text:

05/02/2010 03:21 #51489

Category: art
Sting sings.

The film is so comforting - like a perfect bowl of warm soup with pretty colours and crusty music to dip in. :-)

05/01/2010 10:12 #51483

Granny Smith Slices and homemade Nutella
Category: eating in
Breakfast is a triumph today. I think I have finally perfected the art of making delicious Nutella the way I like it - without the ridiculous amounts of canola from Canada, semi-hydrogenated creepoid compounds or truckloads of sugar. As a bonus, it is mind-blowingly tasty! In four short steps, you can brute force your mornings from the nadir of suckiness to a zenith of awesome!

1. Toast a handful of hazelnuts till they are a toasty earthy brown. I guess you could roast them in the oven if you don't want to stand around stirring them. But I do like to stand around in my kitchen a LOT. I think it's the chessboard floor. There is something hypnotic about chessboards. It's like I am being checkmated by the stove but I make counter-moves and show it some aggression. Anyway, I prefer hands-on active approaches that make some noise early on weekend mornings (the better to annoy that perennially whiny hag next door who seems to think I am responsible for ALL the noise everyone else in the building makes and additionally, complains about it when I am not even in town).

Maybe it's time to get some speakers (that Chuck Norris would be proud of) and give her a flavour of what it might be like if I were in the serious business of making some REAL noise. So, how many hazelnuts, you ask? The average Nutella box proclaims that it has 50 hazelnuts to a jar. Yeah, if you didn't know any better 50 is a big number. But without the canola, sugar and dodgy hydrogenates, it makes up a paltry amount, so be generous. You could toast 50 hazelnuts and it will make nutella that lasts half a week.

2. Add the toasted hazelnuts to the blender, start blending till everything is a fine powder and sticks to the blades. That's hazelnut butter coming out.

3. Add chocolate soymilk (I used Sunrich, because I am in love with the brand) - just enough to cover the hazelnuts in the blender. Blend some more.

4. Add toasted thick and hearty steelcut oatmeal. Add a good sprinkle of flax seeds. Blend. Blend. Blend. Till it gets really creamy. Add chocolate milk at intervals till you reach the consistency of that artificial sham of a Nutella they sell here. My Oster blender does this job in around 10-15 minutes. Other blenders could be more efficient or could just break-down and die. You never know till you push their limits. So I suggest you give your blender its Nutella ultimatum today. Everyone knows that you should never wait till the kitchen apocalypse hits this planet. Every small appliance will grow extra appendages to hit you with.

That's it. Slice granny smiths (yes, other apples are just inferior. Admit it.) Spread the awesomeness of delicious Nutella on the slices and breakfast like a German!

tinypliny - 05/13/10 18:37
heh - so I don't think the real nutella from Italy has hydrogenated oils. The German version is probably the best. If you ever get the German version of nutella, I would be interested in what you think of it. :-)

The hydrogenated oil is a purely Canadian idea distributed by someone in NJ - who has a franchise on the Italian Nutella brand. The nutella that is sold in the US is the real fake. ;-)
mike - 05/13/10 17:29
i'm gonna have to agree with IMK on this one
imk2 - 05/13/10 17:00
i'm sorry but i love my hydrogenated oil based, store bought, nutella. i love, love, love it! i will never cheat on it with soy milk substitute fake nutella stuff. sorry tiny, but as much as i love you, i can't let you in between me and my love affair with nutella.
tinypliny - 05/03/10 08:23
Hehe, that's the best part. :-) I scraped enough of it off and then added freshly brewed coffee, vanilla soymilk (also from sunrich), pure vanilla essence - blended again! Voila - awesome coffee-vanilla smoothie. It get all the butter off the blades. :-)
himay - 05/02/10 23:17
So once you get this lovely concoction to a consistency similar to that of the store-bought stuff, how do you get it back out of the blender?

I can see the spatula working for ~80-95% of the goodies, but I potentially see myself gravely harming my tongue trying to clean off the blender teeth assembly...
tinypliny - 05/02/10 21:48
Yes. It's a miracle sort of like miracle-whip and that other one in your holy book.
theecarey - 05/02/10 21:36
sounded awesome until.. until that picture! Is the end result a sticky, dirty baby? eek!
himay - 05/02/10 13:13
DON'T EVER DELETE THIS!!! (I just saved it on Delicious!)

Now that I have your attention, I'm soooooooo trying this when I get the time to give it a shot! I'm thinking it might be fitting next weekend (after I try to kill myself with a 5k run), but I'll have to figure out how to squeeze that in amongst the Scotch eggs I'll be making.