So Whitney released her new album on my birthday which seemed like a good sign for me and for Whit, like I really want her to come back and wow the world. But sadly this first single is just really not memorable/danceable/or that good. It makes me sad cuz I really thought she was gonna come back from her cracked out/whacked out/bobby brown loving/craziness and be a huge star again. I was starting to doubt that but then I was cleaning out Nonna's attic with
(e:paul) and my mom the other day and saw tihs on the cover of one of the 8,000 issues of Famiglia Cristiana that my grandparents saved and figured its a sign she is back. The weird part of many of these magazines is I swear that the person the cover is not actually in any story in the magazine. I know i dopn't really read italian that well but i should be able to tell if any of the stories mention Whitney Houston and I swear they did not. This is not an isolated case. I swear they just put anything on the cover even if there is no story about it. Well here is her cover, and here's hoping she is on her way back!
For a geriatric she has nice legs!
that dress is hideous. wtf.
Yea, I can see how a couple of child labor laws could be violated...
I would love that Job. But I'm an adult male who would love to go everywhere she goes and watch her change and hopefully carry stuff for her into where ever she is showering or having sex with Tommy Lee or who ever she is with now.
For some reason, this is wildly funny. HAHAHA
That's pretty funny! That little girl must be pissed.