OMG! I want to see this movie sooo bad!I think it is out on DVD already! It looks like it would be sometihng I would love. I have always loved a Midsummer's Night Dream and anything involving it. I have always loved loved loved the character of Puck! and i love musicals. And i love everything that it seems like it is! I want to see it now!
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/22/2009 18:31 #50075
Were the World Mine10/15/2009 19:40 #50022
Happy Birthday To A Ho RemixHappy Birthday Sarah!!!I think I have the day right? Even if you are 10 million and a half miles away I am sure you are being amazingly amazing as always. If you were here we would party like this....
(the picture has been changed due to birthday girl's demands and hopes for a teaching job in the future)

(the picture has been changed due to birthday girl's demands and hopes for a teaching job in the future)

jenks - 10/18/09 12:29
hahahahahhaha @ the orange sword.
hahahahahhaha @ the orange sword.
hodown - 10/17/09 19:48
I'd like the old picture to be restored.
I'd like the old picture to be restored.
jessbob - 10/16/09 23:39
I think the new pic makes the comments even better
I think the new pic makes the comments even better
lilho - 10/16/09 22:38
thanks mike, love you peach!
thanks mike, love you peach!
terry - 10/16/09 10:28
Those were the days.
Those were the days.
terry - 10/15/09 22:57
Happy bday sarah!
I think this picture embodies you in so many ways. Grrl pwr!
Come to the Halloween party!
Happy bday sarah!
I think this picture embodies you in so many ways. Grrl pwr!
Come to the Halloween party!
metalpeter - 10/15/09 19:54
What a great picture. Happy Birthday! Yes there is a part of me that would like that but the other way around I'm the guy and there are two girls there. Of course nothing is going on it just looks like it is.
What a great picture. Happy Birthday! Yes there is a part of me that would like that but the other way around I'm the guy and there are two girls there. Of course nothing is going on it just looks like it is.
10/14/2009 19:12 #50015
Pam Anderson's little fashion slave...Have you guys heard the latest about Pam Anderson. I guess at the style awards she had her make up artists daughter come with her to hold the train on her dress up. That was the whole purpose of the girl being there the whole night. You could say oh sure that girl prolly loved it cuz she at least got to be there and stuff. BUT NO THEY DIDN"T EVEN GET HER A CHAIR! She had to sit on the floor at Pamela's feet the whole time. I guess this is stirring up quite the controversy in hollywood ...
here's a pic

here's a pic

jason - 10/15/09 16:11
For a geriatric she has nice legs!
For a geriatric she has nice legs!
jenks - 10/15/09 16:08
that dress is hideous. wtf.
that dress is hideous. wtf.
vincent - 10/14/09 22:27
Yea, I can see how a couple of child labor laws could be violated...
Yea, I can see how a couple of child labor laws could be violated...
metalpeter - 10/14/09 20:05
I would love that Job. But I'm an adult male who would love to go everywhere she goes and watch her change and hopefully carry stuff for her into where ever she is showering or having sex with Tommy Lee or who ever she is with now.
I would love that Job. But I'm an adult male who would love to go everywhere she goes and watch her change and hopefully carry stuff for her into where ever she is showering or having sex with Tommy Lee or who ever she is with now.
tinypliny - 10/14/09 19:47
For some reason, this is wildly funny. HAHAHA
For some reason, this is wildly funny. HAHAHA
libertad - 10/14/09 19:37
That's pretty funny! That little girl must be pissed.
That's pretty funny! That little girl must be pissed.
10/12/2009 22:23 #50001
Halloween Halloween ...what to beAs always at this time of year I start to fret about what I am going to be for halloween only to wait utnil the last minute to decide and make it with pure shoddiness and lot of duct tape and safety pins. The best laid plans always get pushed to the side for the last minute "great idea". My only 2 real requirements usually are that involves short shorts and glitter...we'll see what comes up this year! i love thking about it though. So many fun ideas so few days a year to wear costumes
10/04/2009 12:49 #49924
Wll Whitney Be Back?So Whitney released her new album on my birthday which seemed like a good sign for me and for Whit, like I really want her to come back and wow the world. But sadly this first single is just really not memorable/danceable/or that good. It makes me sad cuz I really thought she was gonna come back from her cracked out/whacked out/bobby brown loving/craziness and be a huge star again. I was starting to doubt that but then I was cleaning out Nonna's attic with (e:paul) and my mom the other day and saw tihs on the cover of one of the 8,000 issues of Famiglia Cristiana that my grandparents saved and figured its a sign she is back. The weird part of many of these magazines is I swear that the person the cover is not actually in any story in the magazine. I know i dopn't really read italian that well but i should be able to tell if any of the stories mention Whitney Houston and I swear they did not. This is not an isolated case. I swear they just put anything on the cover even if there is no story about it. Well here is her cover, and here's hoping she is on her way back!

tinypliny - 02/12/12 16:56
Now she will never be back. :/ She was just 48.
Now she will never be back. :/ She was just 48.
tinypliny - 10/04/09 13:29
It looks like an 8-step quantified guide to becoming a "successful E-donna" - whatever the hell that is (like an internet whore?)
Man, I LOVE Whitney's voice. Thank goodness some sense has come into her life. Let's hope she does get past her weird phase of no-good life.
It looks like an 8-step quantified guide to becoming a "successful E-donna" - whatever the hell that is (like an internet whore?)
Man, I LOVE Whitney's voice. Thank goodness some sense has come into her life. Let's hope she does get past her weird phase of no-good life.
It looks (and sounds) like an awesome movie! I want to see it as well!
You are my gay role model.