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10/06/2009 15:19 #49946

Fun n Food
Onion rings. Do you remember when they were made by cutting up an onion, dipping the rings in batter and deep frying them? Not frozen minced onion bits covered in some sort of breading? Well, of all places, the Polish Villa has those old fashioned sliced and dipped and fried ones. Sorry i don't have snaps... prolly 'cause i ate 'em so damn fast. They efin rock.

Mexican food. I still maintain the best mexican place is in St. Catherines Ontario. Carlo's Cantina Today, i had the vegetarian taquitos and they had the jalapeno corn chowder. Without a whole heck of a lot of time due to work schedules, we drove there and back for lunch today....

Because today is mine and (e:Uncutsaniflush)'s anniversary. 8 years. Wow. We have known each other for 9 years. Got married on the anniversary of the day we met. Seems like forever and yesterday all at once. He's a good man. I am very lucky.
ladycroft - 10/08/09 12:49
Happy Anniversary!!
jenks - 10/06/09 19:48
Aww, congrats!
tinypliny - 10/06/09 18:45
Is this cantina place in the US (please tell me it isn't Ontario, Canada :/)?
heidi - 10/06/09 17:52

I really want to try Carlo's Cantina. Thanks for the recommendation (again). :-)

10/02/2009 09:14 #49902

This Week
Gee, i almost don't know where to begin with this week.

We need a new roof. ASAP. It's not an emergency in the oh-my-god-half-our-roof-just-blew-off kinda way. It's the kinda of oh-lordy-i-hope-it-doesn't-rain-today-so-we-don't-have-to-get-out-the-buckets emergency. So far, one quote, from Naples, after having to pretty much pull teeth to get it. The dude was nice, but man, how many times do i have to call to ask and then wait for a no show? Someone else is coming later this afternoon...

I got my car inspected this week for it's annual inspection. First one i ever needed to get since the Blue Bitch died a horrible insurance death before i had her a year. Found out i needed something called bushings. And was told when i left, i would notice a big difference in the steering. Sure did. But i don't think a wobble and a lateral steering wheel movement from 35mph to 55mph was what they had in mind. Turned out that i had a slow leak... and a nail in my tire. Too close to the sidewall to repair. Called Midas to have it replaced and found out that the 40 bucks i spent on warranty was for REPAIR ONLY despite it not saying that on my reciept. Almost bought the replacement tire from them... then, my smartie pants hubby suggested getting it from the place i get my car repaired at. They got it for me... and for less. Go Russo's! They rock.

Need to get the second half of my root canal done. Now that the abscess is gone with the anti-biotics so the canal won't keep filling up with puss, i should be good to go.

Speaking of...
tinypliny - 10/02/09 10:07
Sending some good wishes your way, (e:Leetee). :)

09/22/2009 12:44 #49828

As you all know, i am very close with my friend, Kirsten and her goofy lovable pugs. Sadly, this past weekend, Taj died of liver failure from eating something poisonous in his own back yard. He had a few issues and was often irritating with his high pitched bark/whine/cry when he was feeling any anxiety, which was anytime Kirsten was not within eyesight... but i would love to yell "shuddup Taj!!" just one more time. Rest in Peace, you goofy lovable good-hearted anxious little pug. Glad i knew you.

leetee - 10/02/09 09:02
Thanks, (e:peeps).

Yes, (e:Metalpeter), i do think we are talking about the same person... and yes, there is a baby in there. An adorable 6 month old baby girl named Olivia. :O)

(e:Ladycroft), the pug you played with was Ava, not Taj. He is one of the pups from her and Nolan's first litter. :o)

(e:Bridgette), it is a face... and a half, but one of the few serious looking pictures of him i have. In all the other ones, he looks goofy. Yeah, i know, this is a non-goofy one. Go figure...
bridgette - 09/26/09 01:54
man, what a face to post on his R.I.P page
jenks - 09/23/09 15:30
awww. :( Poor lil guy. RIP.
ladycroft - 09/23/09 10:20
Poor puppy! I'll always have photos of us playing at Shakespeare in the park :)
metalpeter - 09/22/09 18:27
What a messed up way to go. I don't personally know her but I've seen her around with those dogs not sure if it is four dogs or not. Recently she has been walking them and pushing a baby stroller, I can't even imagine how tough that could be. I assumed a kid was in there and not more animals but I didn't look wasn't close enough, this assumes we are talking about the same person.
theecarey - 09/22/09 14:38
awhhhh sad :(
matthew - 09/22/09 14:25
Aww... :(

09/05/2009 00:41 #49700

Dog Days of Summer
So, due to a day in which we both had time off, (e:uncutsaniflush) and i decided to go on one of our "mini-adventures" to Rochester. This post helped me a bit, too... Thanks, (e:Zobar,49663)

Here is (e:Uncutsaniflush)'s (the "Irish Setter" aka Rueben) dog and slaw


And here is his Hungarian mushroom soup.


And my veggie dog junkyard plate with homefries and coleslaw with veggie chili and onions on top.


Then, we went to a very beautiful old cemetery, Mt Hope The older parts were breathtaking and natural, not overly landscaped. Must be the goth girl in me that just adores cemeteries and finds them peaceful and romantic...


We went to the zoo... but ya'll have seen enough of my elephant pics to last a lifetime...

Then, we traveled north to Lake Ontario where we tried to find a lighthouse. Made the mistake of looking on the water side of the road only to find we had passed it a few times... and found it by looking away from the water. Go figure.


As i mentioned in my previous post, (e:LeeTee,49620), i had yet another bad hair experience in Buffalo. John Simon of Simon Inc at 735 Elmwood (@ Breckenridge) was unable to colour my hair red. He tried, then he tried again. I did not wish for another attempt, so i paid someone at Style Lab to fix it. Whole thing, start to finish has cost me 300 bucks... and i have the blah brown hair to prove it. He may be a nice guy with a really cool jukebox, but the dude can't colour hair.

Captain Jack's Fish N Chips on Elmwood between Bird and Forrest is a rip off. My friend Kirsten and i got take out there tonight. We ordered 2 orders of fish and chips (for her and her mom), a veggie burger and fries (for me) and an order of coleslaw for us all. The fish order consisted of 3 pieces smaller than fish sticks, the fries were an undercooked wad of potato that would fit into the palm of my hand, the veggie burger was morningstar farms bean burgers... and they did not give us any coleslaw. They handed us 2 white paper bags all stapled up nice and tidy... so, unless we ripped open the bags, we just assumed they gave us what we ordered. Silly us. Don't go there. They suck.

I will refrain from complaining about work...

'cause i swear, i am not always a negative nelly....
tinypliny - 09/23/09 10:56
OH MY! That was my most favourite cemetery to hang-out the entire two years I was there! I lived a mere 2 blocks away and walked and explored that place every weekend and sometimes even weekdays (and some weeknights - when we jumped the walls for a crazy meeting).

I miss Mt. Hope SO MUCH! Forest Lawn is not as spooky and creepy as Mt. Hope. If you ever get the chance, you MUST take the "Friends of Mt.Hope" architecture and local-lore walk through the place. The guide tries his best to spook you out and even does sound-effects (while people all around are dying of suppressed laughter).
ladycroft - 09/23/09 10:21
I love cemeteries too...must be a cool girls' thing ;)
paul - 09/05/09 16:50
I am so sad that the fish place wasn't delicious.
zobar - 09/05/09 07:55

- Z

08/24/2009 12:37 #49620

Hair, Damnit
Why can i not find a good hairdresser in Buffalo? I have had more bad hair days here than anywhere else. I thought i found a new one that i liked...

I went to him last week. Picked out the colour i wanted and he pretty much ignored my warnings that the brown back there was not my natural and would not lift the same as the rest of it... Guess what he did, (e:lilho)? He pretty much did my hair like a virgin application... yeah, like my hair hasn't been virgin since i was in grade school!

Cut, well, i do like the cut, but he actually didn't ask me what i wanted. I just told him i need to be able to put it up for work.

Now, after having it done, then going back to have it redone, i need to go a third time. I have bright pink/red roots, brownish red on the ends and some sort of red/orange in the middle of each strand of hair.

And, he either is not open today or does not want to deal with me and my hair anymore.

Perhaps if i don't hear from him and/or get something decent, i will be publishing the dude's name....

Rant over.
jenks - 09/23/09 15:36
yeah, I went to euphoria for a couple years. I liked it. (but I never had any color done so I can't comment on that.) Then I switched to New Age on Hertel- not b/c of anything bad at euphoria, but just b/c I'm friends with Amanda at New Age. But again, can't comment on their coloring. (however, amanda goes crazy with her own hair, and it always looks great, so I'd imagine they do a good job.)
lilho - 09/23/09 10:51
wow, i never do hair anymore except for the occasional haircut, but even i know that you can't life color with color. that was one of the first things i learned. he should have lifted the color first and then used the color as a stain and then rinsed and used the actual color... sorry to hear about that! this is why i never color my hair.
ladycroft - 09/23/09 10:23
oh dear. not hat i'm really around buffalo much these days, but i'll definitely stay away from that guy. i know euphoria is the mall, but if you get one of the 'good' hairdressers (the italian lady is awesome) i really like what they do.