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10/21/2009 16:45 #50070

Now You're Cookin'!
Is anyone interested in an old gas range? I had the far fetched idea that we would spruce it up and i would use it and love it... but that was back when we bought the house. Four years later, and it is just sitting there.... and i don't think we will ever get 'round to giving it the tlc it needs.

When National Fuel was here last week for something completely unrelated, they used it as a test to see if our gas lines were bled/working (rather than our furnace!), so we know it is functional. Mostly, i think it just needs a good clean up....

I just tested it and the "visiminder" timer works.

It's a Tappan delux gas range, probably from the 50's, but i am not sure.

A google search revealed that someone is trying to sell one for as much as $275, yet someone else is trying to give one away for parts on Craigslist (some idiot even painted one red; how crazy is that?).

It is 40" wide, 29" deep (including the knobs), and 46" tall (at the tallest bit at the back).

Free to any (e:strip)per or friend/family of (e:strip)per that can come get it.

Any questions, feel free to email myself or (e:Uncutsaniflush).

Here are the visuals:




tinypliny - 10/22/09 14:01
I want to swap my electric range for your gas range but there is a possibility that my building management might send me to jail.
libertad - 10/21/09 20:04
I love that thing but there is now way it will fit in my apartment. I'll ask my friend Lydia, but I doubt she will want it considering she has a similar model. I really do want that.
metalpeter - 10/21/09 19:40
I don't want it. What I do want to say is that it looks nice. It looks like it would be great in those vintage photo shoots.

10/14/2009 00:05 #50010


libertad - 10/14/09 19:44
We will have to work with what were given lady. I love this place!
ladycroft - 10/14/09 04:54
ooooh....we'll be there soon!!! although i wouldn't be upset if it was a grey day :)

10/13/2009 08:45 #50004

Yummy & Cute
We decided to be one of the many (e:strip)pers to try Tokyo Shanghai Bistro. Yesterday for lunch. Sorry, no pics (i totally need to remember to bring my camera more often). We both ate Chinese. (e:Uncutsaniflush) had a singapore curry dish and i had a mildly spicy tofu dish..... all i all, not too bad. I think we will return. Sadly, the buffet looked... well.... sad.

To keep to the food theme, we went to a movie.... and the spaz that i am, we went a theatre that was only showing the 3D version. A waste since i can't see 3D.....

So, we took the opportunity to replace the bird feeder that the high winds and rain we had a few weeks ago took away. Wild Birds unlimited is a bit expensive, but really has everything we needed.. including a new "dinner bell" just like the one we got my mom last year.

Eventually we made it to the movie. Cute, more amusing than we thought it would be and enjoyable escapism. Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. Steve was very amusing....
paul - 10/14/09 00:21
You can't see 3D? Even the new kind with the clear glasess? That sucks ;(

10/06/2009 15:19 #49946

Fun n Food
Onion rings. Do you remember when they were made by cutting up an onion, dipping the rings in batter and deep frying them? Not frozen minced onion bits covered in some sort of breading? Well, of all places, the Polish Villa has those old fashioned sliced and dipped and fried ones. Sorry i don't have snaps... prolly 'cause i ate 'em so damn fast. They efin rock.

Mexican food. I still maintain the best mexican place is in St. Catherines Ontario. Carlo's Cantina Today, i had the vegetarian taquitos and they had the jalapeno corn chowder. Without a whole heck of a lot of time due to work schedules, we drove there and back for lunch today....

Because today is mine and (e:Uncutsaniflush)'s anniversary. 8 years. Wow. We have known each other for 9 years. Got married on the anniversary of the day we met. Seems like forever and yesterday all at once. He's a good man. I am very lucky.
ladycroft - 10/08/09 12:49
Happy Anniversary!!
jenks - 10/06/09 19:48
Aww, congrats!
tinypliny - 10/06/09 18:45
Is this cantina place in the US (please tell me it isn't Ontario, Canada :/)?
heidi - 10/06/09 17:52

I really want to try Carlo's Cantina. Thanks for the recommendation (again). :-)

10/02/2009 09:14 #49902

This Week
Gee, i almost don't know where to begin with this week.

We need a new roof. ASAP. It's not an emergency in the oh-my-god-half-our-roof-just-blew-off kinda way. It's the kinda of oh-lordy-i-hope-it-doesn't-rain-today-so-we-don't-have-to-get-out-the-buckets emergency. So far, one quote, from Naples, after having to pretty much pull teeth to get it. The dude was nice, but man, how many times do i have to call to ask and then wait for a no show? Someone else is coming later this afternoon...

I got my car inspected this week for it's annual inspection. First one i ever needed to get since the Blue Bitch died a horrible insurance death before i had her a year. Found out i needed something called bushings. And was told when i left, i would notice a big difference in the steering. Sure did. But i don't think a wobble and a lateral steering wheel movement from 35mph to 55mph was what they had in mind. Turned out that i had a slow leak... and a nail in my tire. Too close to the sidewall to repair. Called Midas to have it replaced and found out that the 40 bucks i spent on warranty was for REPAIR ONLY despite it not saying that on my reciept. Almost bought the replacement tire from them... then, my smartie pants hubby suggested getting it from the place i get my car repaired at. They got it for me... and for less. Go Russo's! They rock.

Need to get the second half of my root canal done. Now that the abscess is gone with the anti-biotics so the canal won't keep filling up with puss, i should be good to go.

Speaking of...
tinypliny - 10/02/09 10:07
Sending some good wishes your way, (e:Leetee). :)