We have had 3 renters living in the small house next door to us since we purchased this house.
First, was Rosa. I liked her. She was friendly, talkative sometimes, her dog was a bit loud, but she was nice and knew he was annoying.
Rosa had bbq's on her side porch and that first summer i had a few sleepless and smokey nights since our bedroom window is right across our driveway from said porch. Last we heard, she bought a house on Hoyt somewhere. The landlord didn't like her and thought she was messy.
Then, there was Casey and Charles. Nice younger couple. They had a cute little mutt that i cannot remember the name of, which surprises me. That dog would bark for about a minute in sharp, deep loud barks, but once she got to know us and settled in she barked less.
They were rarely home, but when they were, they were friendly and mostly quiet neighbours. They moved to Rochester for her work.
Currently, the couple that live beside us are, for all i know, very nice people. I just don't see that nice side of them much. I attempted to have some friendly words with them, but neither seemed keen, and that's cool, not everyone is chittychatty like me.
They have or had 2 dogs. A bigger, friendly one and another small barkey min-pin.One morning, at about 6, perhaps 6:30am, the little one began his barking and barking and barking. Those that have or know of little dogs and their insessant barking know how much it can freeze the brain. This was not the first morning of bark, but i had stayed quiet, hoping the dog would settle in time and get used to his new digs. No luck. This one morning, it seemed to go on forever and ever. So, i knocked on their front door. No answer. So, i rang the bell... and rang it and rang it and rang it. And when they answered, furious, i was polite. For about 5 seconds. It let to a shouting match. I attempted to stay on subject, but she let it stray all over the damn place, insulting many things about me, calling me a cracker bitch. Then, the dog was gone. No matter what she may or may not think, i like dogs and it saddens me she felt i may do the poor barker harm.
Shortly before this i was on my way home from work and was following a slow moving car. It signaled and pulled up in front of their house, blocking both their driveway pad and the entrance to our driveway. It sat there. I hit the horn. That is when and how i found out the horn on my old Saturn Blue Bitch did not work. So, i got out. Now, here is where the recollection of my neighbour's varies from my own, which i have to say is rather odd since she was never there in the first place. I walked up to the driver's window and asked him to move please. He would not roll down his window. So, i tapped it and he ignored me. So, i yelled through his window, "you're in my way, can you move?" He called me some name and moved. I got back in my car and pulled into my driveway.
During the incident with the dog in the morning, she told me that i was a rude racist bitch to her cousin.
Not too long ago, my husband politely requested that they park on their side of the driveway because he leaves for work early in the morning and wants to clear both cars easily. That exchange with the dude went well. He does seem to be a reasonable sorta person.
Today, they were fixing or adjusting something with the gate on the shared fence and standing on our property to do so. No one made any comments to each other, but
(e:Uncutsaniflush) did notice that the ragged edges of the hand tied metal wires (the ones that Casey and Charles put up to keep their dog from running and that ripped my winter coat last winter) are turned back on our side. She did, however, make a comment under her breath that she is surprised the racists next door did not call the cops for being on their property.
Seriously? How does any of this define us as racists? Must be that all white folk are, huh?
haha, I remember when estrip.com had a silhouette of a pole dancer or something like that. I have often wondered how many of my coworkers back then had typed that in. hell, even I do that on occasion.
How you write in your blog is up to you. But you might want to assume that they do read it, like not use names but again that is up to you. The other question is with out the (e:strip) bumper sticker if they googled you what would they find?