Look away, work again.
Refresher SCIP-R class tonight. Scheduled to be done with my boss and a long time staffer. While there, boss' iphone tells her that an individual is making accusations against me. I was expecting it because i used planned ignoring for Monday's attention seeking behaviors. Still stings a bit, though.
Friday, i "drop my t" and go from being a DAT (developmental aide trainee) to a DA (developmental aide). It's a big deal. And, apparently, the biggest single raise in pay i will probably ever get. I made it a whole year.
But has it been worth it all?
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/02/2009 23:24 #48828
147 Minus T05/20/2009 09:45 #48701
Back From Motor CityWe got back late last night. Had a lovely time in Detroit. Yes, i said lovely. Hard to believe one could have a lovely time there, huh?
I will probably post a few pictures once i get all the upacking and laundry done, squeezed in before i go back to work... But, in the meantime, a few observations.
Detroit, bad reputation that it has, is surpisingly free of litter. Driving around, good neighborhoods and bad, there was hardly a scrap of litter.
Detroiters take pedestrians having the right of way seriously. Cars always stopped, no matter the neighborhood.
Detroit's child population has the same good manners their parents have. Please, excuse me and thank you were used.
Lots of streets that a driver is unable to make a left turn onto. Instead, there were these weird turnaround u-turn thingies. One would, for example, be driving down 9 mile and want to make a left onto Woodward. Instead, one would have to make a right, quickly zip over to the 3 lanes to the left one and wait inbetween the medians at a uturn thingie... that had a light. Very odd.
I will probably post a few pictures once i get all the upacking and laundry done, squeezed in before i go back to work... But, in the meantime, a few observations.
Detroit, bad reputation that it has, is surpisingly free of litter. Driving around, good neighborhoods and bad, there was hardly a scrap of litter.
Detroiters take pedestrians having the right of way seriously. Cars always stopped, no matter the neighborhood.
Detroit's child population has the same good manners their parents have. Please, excuse me and thank you were used.
Lots of streets that a driver is unable to make a left turn onto. Instead, there were these weird turnaround u-turn thingies. One would, for example, be driving down 9 mile and want to make a left onto Woodward. Instead, one would have to make a right, quickly zip over to the 3 lanes to the left one and wait inbetween the medians at a uturn thingie... that had a light. Very odd.
ladycroft - 05/21/09 09:35
I am surprised. I'll have to check it out for myself one day. At some point Rory and I will do a roadside America tour.
I hope your vacation glory can outlast your first day back to work.
Oh - and you so need to report that person for being highly inappropriate. It's not easy, but it's the right thing to do for everyone's sake.
I am surprised. I'll have to check it out for myself one day. At some point Rory and I will do a roadside America tour.
I hope your vacation glory can outlast your first day back to work.
Oh - and you so need to report that person for being highly inappropriate. It's not easy, but it's the right thing to do for everyone's sake.
05/11/2009 16:29 #48648
A Call To e:Matthew.. and all other (e:peeps) who like to take some pretty snaps now and then. And yeah, that totally includes you, (e:Libertad)!
Botanical Gardens has a photo contest. You both should enter some pics...!!
Botanical Gardens has a photo contest. You both should enter some pics...!!

libertad - 05/13/09 23:41
Wow there is lots of time to take photos. I wonder what the surprise is?
Wow there is lots of time to take photos. I wonder what the surprise is?
05/11/2009 00:20 #48644
Work, Holiday and MiceI smell a rat
When i left work on Saturday evening at 11pm, it was with the realization that i would not have to step foot into that unit for 10 whole days. Felt so liberating!
I think, however, i am going to call my union and my e.a.p. A co-worker was verbally abusive and nearly physically abusive to me in front of the individuals we serve. I feel slightly guilty because i may have been a bitch to him. My immediate supervisor and the on duty nurse both say i did nothing wrong, except not walk away from the situation sooner, since i was trying to reason with the guy.
Its difficult to rat someone out, though. Even if it is the right thing to do. And i hate to have to do it... but what if it goes further next time and he does hurt someone physically? How guilty would i feel then?
- sigh*
(e:Uncutsaniflush) and i are going to go away for a few days. He has some time off too. Been too long since we have been anywhere. Waaaaaaaaaayyy too long. I miss travelling....
My first thought was to fly to San Francisco, since i have always wanted to go, but we want something low key and perhaps driveable. Then, we thought of going to my old stomping grounds, Halifax, Nova Scotia, but the ferry from Portland Maine to Yarmouth, NS doesn't start up until the end of May and without it, it's too long a drive for a 6 day holiday. Instead, we are going to head out to his old stomping grounds, Detroit. Probably drive thought Canada on the way there 'cause the long weekend (Victoria Day aka May Two-Four Weekend) won't have kicked in yet... then stay in the USA for the journey back 'cause it has.
Get Out of My House!
Every year, mice invade our house for the winter. I have been very nice, insisting we don't kill them, merely chase them away or trap them and let them go. But, we have a couple of sneaky bastards that do not realize it is spring and they need to vacate NOW. I am getting to the point when i am ok killing them!!! GO AWAY MICE!!
leetee - 05/11/09 16:31
Uhm, yeah, i am totally up for the cat idea, (e:zobar). Have you not been paying attention to my not so subtle hints that i want a cat and/or a dog!?!
BTW, how is Chita besides full of vole?
Uhm, yeah, i am totally up for the cat idea, (e:zobar). Have you not been paying attention to my not so subtle hints that i want a cat and/or a dog!?!
BTW, how is Chita besides full of vole?
paul - 05/11/09 09:49
When we first moved in we had a problem but they are all gone now. The two things that worked were:
1. box up all food in plastic bins until it is over.
2. Buy spray foam insulation bottles and foam up every hole on the first floor that allows them access. Same around the outside of the house as they simply get in that way.
Then, once no new ones can get in, all you have to do is catch the old ones. Those human mouse traps with peanut butter really seemed to work.
When we first moved in we had a problem but they are all gone now. The two things that worked were:
1. box up all food in plastic bins until it is over.
2. Buy spray foam insulation bottles and foam up every hole on the first floor that allows them access. Same around the outside of the house as they simply get in that way.
Then, once no new ones can get in, all you have to do is catch the old ones. Those human mouse traps with peanut butter really seemed to work.
zobar - 05/11/09 09:26
We had a family of voles living in our garage this winter. We also have a mouser. [This helps eliminate those pesky ethical dilemmas, and also the fact that voles are basically the fruitflies of the mammal kingdom.] She went on a murderous rampage this spring. It kind of freaked me out how many she was bringing back [we wish she wouldn't bring any back, but that's another story] so when I went to clean out the garage I was a bit trepidatious. Found lots of vole poo, but nothing skittered across my feet. Problem solved!
- Z
We had a family of voles living in our garage this winter. We also have a mouser. [This helps eliminate those pesky ethical dilemmas, and also the fact that voles are basically the fruitflies of the mammal kingdom.] She went on a murderous rampage this spring. It kind of freaked me out how many she was bringing back [we wish she wouldn't bring any back, but that's another story] so when I went to clean out the garage I was a bit trepidatious. Found lots of vole poo, but nothing skittered across my feet. Problem solved!
- Z
05/06/2009 10:19 #48600
RIP TofuShe started off with the name "uh-oh" (e:LeeTee,43805)
Then, we named her and her "sister" Tux and Tofu (e:LeeTee,43858)
Tux, sadly, did not live very long with us (e:LeeTee,44386)
Then, yesterday, we made the decision that Tofu had experienced enough discomfort and perhaps pain.
She had developed a rather large growth, most likely a breast tumour and it was steadily growing larger.
At first, she found alternative ways to make it around her cage just fine. The growth was under her right armpit, so she she couldn't just walk from place to place. She had to jump, then arch her back, then, she had to scale the walls up, then scoot across, then scoot back down.
Then, we had to get rid of some of the higher platforms, because she was stumbling. A couple of nasty falls were enough.
Just the other day, we moved her water right beside her cubyhole house and dump some food right at the door, too. She couldn't getup the wee ramp to get to her food and water.
Yesterday morning, she didn't want any leftover cold pasta. Gasp! She LOVED pasta. And lettuce. She did not want either. It was time.
RIP old girl. Our tenacious T.
Then, we named her and her "sister" Tux and Tofu (e:LeeTee,43858)
Tux, sadly, did not live very long with us (e:LeeTee,44386)
Then, yesterday, we made the decision that Tofu had experienced enough discomfort and perhaps pain.
She had developed a rather large growth, most likely a breast tumour and it was steadily growing larger.
At first, she found alternative ways to make it around her cage just fine. The growth was under her right armpit, so she she couldn't just walk from place to place. She had to jump, then arch her back, then, she had to scale the walls up, then scoot across, then scoot back down.
Then, we had to get rid of some of the higher platforms, because she was stumbling. A couple of nasty falls were enough.
Just the other day, we moved her water right beside her cubyhole house and dump some food right at the door, too. She couldn't getup the wee ramp to get to her food and water.
Yesterday morning, she didn't want any leftover cold pasta. Gasp! She LOVED pasta. And lettuce. She did not want either. It was time.
RIP old girl. Our tenacious T.
libertad - 05/06/09 13:39
Oh they were so cute! Sorry for your loss. I made the picture of the two of them my wallpaper at work.
Oh they were so cute! Sorry for your loss. I made the picture of the two of them my wallpaper at work.
theecarey - 05/06/09 12:45
wow, a year has passed since Tux died- rereading that entry made me sad all over again. Especially where Tofu was trying to keep her warm. It is always sad to say good bye to the fuzzy loves in our lives. *hugs*
wow, a year has passed since Tux died- rereading that entry made me sad all over again. Especially where Tofu was trying to keep her warm. It is always sad to say good bye to the fuzzy loves in our lives. *hugs*
Happy 1 year anniversary! Most people don't last a month in that kind of work, it really does take a lot out of you. It's worth it if it ultimately makes you happy :)
Wow... good job, (e:Janelle), making it 6 years without any false allegations!!
Sorry to hear, however, that you have had issues with staff. That, somehow, seems so much worse to me.
In my case, this person has a dual diagnosis of DD with mental illness and i worth with her often. The fact that i have gone this long has been impressive to other staff and i knew it was a matter of time.
Unfortunately, the union does not back trainees, which i still am until Friday. Anything between now and then is fair game and i am out twisting in the wind. I have an amazing supervisor, though, who is trying to quell the whole thing...
I've thankfully managed to make it through 6 years of working in the DD field without a false accusation from clients. I'm not sure how I have made it this long. People with DD know darn well how to make false accusations with the intent of hurting staff or just to enjoy the resulting show. It's only a matter of time for any person who works in the field to be subject to a client accusation.
I imagine your union has a really good process in place for investigations of accusations if it goes to that level.
I do understand it stings. I had complaints filed against me twice by staff. And it stung. And after the complaints were resolved it took a little bit to get back into a professional relationship with the people. It will probably take you a little bit to feel comfortable with the client again, but it will get there.