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03/08/2009 01:43 #47981

Spring Forward!
Don't forget that daylight savings starts tonight, (e:peeps)! For a lot of you, it may not matter until Monday, but for those of us not fortunate enough to have a Monday to Friday 9 to 5 gig, it matters Sunday morning when the alarm goes off.
jenks - 03/08/09 13:34
ugh. Yeah. I was not happy to realize it was not 1, but actually 2, when I went to bed last night- and had to get up at 430 for work.
mrmike - 03/08/09 09:12
Feel your pain, Lee, working today....
drew - 03/08/09 08:02
It sure does.

02/23/2009 10:39 #47866

some days at work i just feel it

wish i had more to blog about lately than work...

02/17/2009 10:10 #47774

Lost, The Lee Epoisdoes
On top of recently loosing my sunglasses and both my Buffalo Zoo and (e:strip) bumpber magnets, i have now, after searching everywhere and even calling Weggies to see if some nice soul turned it in, lost my orange blue tooth. Bummed. Hubs and i searched the usual places i would have it in the house and i just vacuumed out my car... we think my Sunday trip to Weggies is how i lost it. *sigh*
tinypliny - 02/23/09 21:04
Can it be that it got sucked up into the vaccum?

02/14/2009 11:42 #47752

Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day, (e:peeps). I wish you all could find the kind of love that i am fortunate enough to have in my life. Simple & uncomplicated, trustworth and solid, yet full of passion and life and verve. I adore the fact that no one else really gets us, 'cause we get us and that's all that matters.

Happy Day, y'all, whether you chose to celebrate it cynically, romanticly or indifferently. Just celebrate it.
uncutsaniflush - 02/14/09 22:45
I bless the currents that brought me to you and you to me. I love you. Go us!!!!

02/12/2009 14:11 #47730

I am getting texts from coworkers about the craziness of my job. NOW i totally understand why i got what i called the "26-2 face" of shock and horror during my training last summer. I may need to practice my SCIP-R on friends and family before i go into work this weekend.

I just coloured another bright red stripe in my hair. I am too lazy to do my whole head these days, so i have just been doing a big section at the front. I told myself when i loose a certain amount of weight, i will go get myself Goldwell Elumen-ated.

In bad news, i accepted an overtime shift without looking at my datebook closely enough and i now cannot go to my friend, Kirsten's baby shower. She is due in March and found out recently that she will be having a girl. She's very happy about that. We have plans to eat Mexican together tomorrow for dinner... yum....