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09/28/2009 14:53 #49877

Keeping Your Modesty
I haven't mentioned the iPhones to Dad yet. He's had a rough time after losing his job and there is something immodest about showing off a new toy to someone who is suffering. It just makes it worse when the suffering person is your father. I know that deep down Dad would never be bothered about it and insists that we occasionally reward ourselves for our hard work. I know that he loves toys and would think it's incredibly cool. However, I still can't bring myself to tell him.

I think that generally this is emblematic of the times we're living in.

09/24/2009 21:30 #49849

I Take Back What I Said RE: Smartphones

I'm throwing this out there because I distinctly remember (e:matt) being a little defensive when I really laid into smartphones and smartphone users on this journal.

Don't get me wrong - I still feel justified in lampooning people who are WAY too attached to the technology on their person and will continue to do so in this space, but recently some circumstances have lead me to... ok forced me to reconsider this hardline position I've been taking a bit.

My phone recently broke. I've been plotting purchasing a new iPod for a while. The two needs/desires converged and so both (e:jason) and I decided to get iPhones. This summer I negotiated a significant salary increase, which is sort of a magic trick these days, and I've worked my ass off. I haven't taken time off in three years. I needed a reward really badly, and after looking into the new iPhone I totally fell in love with the unit.

I wish I had one of these when I was traveling full time and I CAN'T WAIT until I can get a chance to travel for the company again, at least for part of the time (I have to accept that my role will keep me anchored to the office). You're going to get pictures/video of me, wherever the hell they send me. You're going to get Joshy singing an autotuned break on a T-Pain track posted on Facebook.

I am a little embarrassed to admit this, but I'm way behind on what's possible with phones these days. You have to realize - I've never owned a phone that could take a picture. A lot of this is new to me and finding ways to use my new phone is going to be a learning experience. I am probably going to have a lot of dumb questions but I look forward to it - I can't wait to master this thing. More than anything I just want to get the most I can out of it.
metalpeter - 09/26/09 10:52
I think you will get a good Balance going. For example at a Party or a Weeding Or some other event I bet you will learn how to talk to someone and then with one hand take some pictures with out missing a beat or maybe even video the hot chick that walks by and distracts you for a second then once the talk is over if it is an (e:strip) event upload the picture or video and tell others to get there and if that same person is on facebook go over to there page and upload it. But I know what you mean about people being to attached. There where this two pretty girls (yes I wanted to bang the blond but something was up with them not saying they where gay but they where very connected) At the Bandits games and they seemed at times more into the blackberry then they game, they are right on the glass to.
jason - 09/25/09 16:18
You should see Josh's current phone. I laughed so hard and I don't even have all that nice of a phone.
joshua - 09/25/09 09:35
I have qualifiers for that Heidi - generally it has to do with replacing your human interaction for interaction with a silly device. You'll have to trust me when I tell you that it will never happen to me. If I ever get to the point where I'm totally consumed with what is going on with my iPhone at a party, for example, rather than trying to chat people up, then that is when I've definitely crossed the line! I'm expecting my friends to keep me in check.

I'm looking forward to it though, and I'm sure I'm going to have fun! Ultimately for me these sorts of decisions are about usefulness and if I didn't think it would be a very useful device then I wouldn't have bothered. I don't really care about the cool factor or being part of a club. My favorite thing about the iPhone is the seemingly limitless creativity that the technology allows its developers to exploit.
james - 09/24/09 23:32
I am Lacutis of Borg. You will comply.
heidi - 09/24/09 22:46
What is a quantifiable indicator of "WAY too attached to the technology on their person"? And are we making bets on how long it will take for (e:joshua) to start exhibiting that indicator?

Have fun!

09/15/2009 14:19 #49778

Good Economic News in Buffalo
I report and comment on so much Buffalo-related negativity that I thought I should provide some balance and show you this -

Awesome. We need more of this. Little by little, brick by brick, this is how you rebuild a dying microeconomy. This is how you employ people. This is how you lure businesses. Operating in Buffalo isn't a privilege - without incentives people would be crazy to (re)locate here. That is, unless you have the wherewithal and resources to locate anywhere you like, flying the altruistic flag high and all. Renovating existing space makes this deal even sweeter.
james - 09/16/09 20:45
It is just too bad they are giving all those tax abatements to people like Celino and Barnes, Avanti, and Bass Pro to make the rich richer and provide minimum wage paying jobs...
dcoffee - 09/16/09 20:28
that's definitely good news, such a visible building on the 33. Genesee st is finally being renovated too, the Werner photographic building and the whole strip. good news.
jbeatty - 09/15/09 14:46
Rocco is a smart and powerful businessman in this city. He certainly has the connections to make things like this work. Unfortunately I don't think the city is willing to bend over backwards for you unless you are in tight with those in control(see Leonard Stokes ). But Buffalo certainly needs more people with the kind of capital and willingness to rejuvenate dead neighborhoods like Rocco has.

09/09/2009 11:28 #49729

OMG... Hillary...
Interesting, given the times -

tinypliny - 09/09/09 21:14
For Brutus is an honorable man...

09/02/2009 09:23 #49677

I have a few books I've thought about buying lately and decided to put together an order on Amazon. I hate it when their free super saver shipping conspires against me. I want to buy two books and the order comes to about $23. Granted, both books are discounted around 40%. I feel like asking them to just charge me $2 more for the books so I don't have to spend $10 on shipping.
tinypliny - 09/09/09 21:10
Arrgh is right. I hate this little balance dance as well. Last time, I was $0.02 short of the magic $25. I was SO MAD that I had to buy another totally unnecessary thing that I didn't end up buying anything.