Multiple angle entendre there but really the journal"ist" I'm speaking of is me. I've been ignoring my journal for the past say, oh, month or so. It might be longer if I actually thought about it. I just haven't had a lot to say to anybody and have been bored with the idea of putting my thoughts down for posterity. However, (e:heidi) has snapped me out of it -
(e:heidi) recently said "My favorite birth control method remains lesbianism, which also makes subconscious slip ups less dangerous."
But does that really stop some lesbians on occasion? You know I'd never ask if it wasn't an honest question... this statement made me begin to analyze the psyche of lesbians and how it relates to the thought of intercourse with men.
Sexuality is a natural thing - urges are natural. I think humans, particularly females, are genetically disposed to crave intercourse, since it is what we rely on for the continuance of our species. I wonder how it works when you are a lesbian - is it really possible that lesbians don't get a primal urge to have sex with a man, regardless of how much they may not want to, when they are between the ages of say, 25 - 40? With guys I believe this is different since we have no biological clock to occasionally remind us that it is now or never.
Now is time for a very salacious detail that the likes of the Ho sisters would love to hear, which may shed some additional light on my question. Last year we visited a friend in Albany for a weekend and had a fabulous time, going out to the local bars and yukking it up with old college friends. Of course we were drinking our fair share and at our last stop we ran into some friendly people, one of which was a lesbian that I was chatting up. I caught her at a bad time - she broke up with her girlfriend earlier that day. It didn't stop her from grabbing me and making out with me in the middle of the bar!
So if the question is "have you ever kissed a lesbian," the answer is not only a yes but a fairly emphatic yes. I didn't want to hit on her too much, since I was very aware of the possibility of crazy emotions running through her head. Maybe she just wanted to feel better after a breakup; maybe she was feeling that primal urge I was speculating about. Maybe she hadn't kissed a guy in a while and wanted to feel the supple, passionate and strong masculine kisses of one Joshua Larson for a few minutes!
Maybe I thought about it too much. Later on in the evening, after I had gone back to yukking it with my friends, she left with another lesbian friend and some guy, looking about as lusty as I've ever seen two lesbians with a straight guy. O RLY? Yes rly. I wonder if they were lesbians, or really bisexuals with a heavy, heavy bias for the ladies. Depending on our outlook anyway, I clearly missed out on a once in a lifetime opportunity.
Joshua's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/17/2009 13:10 #50331
The Journalist Has No Clothes11/16/2009 16:39 #50324
TidbitSo when do internationally recognized labor standards get superseded? When union agreements are involved! Next time you find a place where employees work in excess of 60 hours per week, or even 72, or even 80... take a careful look at the collective bargaining agreement. Often times the collective bargaining agreements will even supersede written law, depending on the topic.
joshua - 11/17/09 10:23
As much as I rail against unions I'm not closed minded about their existence, or whether or not they still have a relevant role to play. Raise your hand if you grew up in a multigenerational blue collar union family like me - anyone? The fact is that unions have made a lot of mistakes and I'm glad to talk to people honestly about the pros and cons.
For me overall the golden days for unions are long gone... unions did their most important and vital work decades ago, getting labor standards codified. OSHA wouldn't exist without labor union influence over the years. Since these laws protecting workers have been written, unions have become more of a special interest or advocacy group, no different or any less sinister than any other lobbying group on Capitol Hill.
Actually, these days the SEIU is directly involved at the highest level with the formulation of healthcare policy in this country. I'm not seeing anyone complaining like they did when oil executives were meeting with the Bush administration about energy policy. If anyone would like to explain that I'm all ears!
As much as I rail against unions I'm not closed minded about their existence, or whether or not they still have a relevant role to play. Raise your hand if you grew up in a multigenerational blue collar union family like me - anyone? The fact is that unions have made a lot of mistakes and I'm glad to talk to people honestly about the pros and cons.
For me overall the golden days for unions are long gone... unions did their most important and vital work decades ago, getting labor standards codified. OSHA wouldn't exist without labor union influence over the years. Since these laws protecting workers have been written, unions have become more of a special interest or advocacy group, no different or any less sinister than any other lobbying group on Capitol Hill.
Actually, these days the SEIU is directly involved at the highest level with the formulation of healthcare policy in this country. I'm not seeing anyone complaining like they did when oil executives were meeting with the Bush administration about energy policy. If anyone would like to explain that I'm all ears!
joshua - 11/17/09 09:50
Depends on the day - I'm off the entire last week of the year! :D
PS - Jay told me you cut your hair and I was truly shocked!
Depends on the day - I'm off the entire last week of the year! :D
PS - Jay told me you cut your hair and I was truly shocked!
janelle - 11/16/09 19:12
I should get you together with my brother sometime. He is a former union organizer and he is more than happy to have an honest discussion on the serious mistakes unions have made. I think he has a pretty interesting union perspective as an organizer. Maybe you can meet him when he is here for Christmas...but you'll probably be in Jamestown, I suppose.
I should get you together with my brother sometime. He is a former union organizer and he is more than happy to have an honest discussion on the serious mistakes unions have made. I think he has a pretty interesting union perspective as an organizer. Maybe you can meet him when he is here for Christmas...but you'll probably be in Jamestown, I suppose.
11/09/2009 23:41 #50261
Jason the ChefHe's like a leopard, prowling up the side of a mountain. That mountain is called French cuisine and Jason the leopard is conquering this mountain a recipe at a time. Not to brag, but my brother is getting his shit together in the kitchen and it's about time someone gave him some damn recognition for it.
I feel so bad about that journal entry where I compared his picture to a picture of Shaggy!
(If you missed it -
- really only I can get away with this)
I feel so bad about that journal entry where I compared his picture to a picture of Shaggy!
(If you missed it -

metalpeter - 11/10/09 13:46
I forgot about that post it was funny
I forgot about that post it was funny
joshua - 11/10/09 11:16
There's nothing malicious in this and never has been - if anybody called you Shaggy I'd headbutt their fucking nose off, don't worry. =p
There's nothing malicious in this and never has been - if anybody called you Shaggy I'd headbutt their fucking nose off, don't worry. =p
jason - 11/10/09 11:14
God dammit Josh!~~ Now I'm getting all kinds of peanut gallery comments!!
God dammit Josh!~~ Now I'm getting all kinds of peanut gallery comments!!
james - 11/10/09 06:20
Leopards are known for their knife skillz
Leopards are known for their knife skillz
11/05/2009 10:34 #50220
La LunaHas anybody been here recently - say, the past couple of months and can tell me about the atmosphere, vibe, etc.? I haven't been to La Luna in many, many years and I've been recruited into going at the end of the month. Just want to make sure my latin lady friends will have a good time and will not be exposed to some sort of bad night. Any info would be helpful!
ladycroft - 11/10/09 08:57
Not living there anymore I can't say if they are open, but they aren't always 'latino' music. I think they only did salsa etc. 2 nights a week. The rest was ordinary 80's/modern stuff. It was a clean place and they had black rum, so I was happy enough.
Not living there anymore I can't say if they are open, but they aren't always 'latino' music. I think they only did salsa etc. 2 nights a week. The rest was ordinary 80's/modern stuff. It was a clean place and they had black rum, so I was happy enough.
joshua - 11/09/09 23:58
Man I don't know but I can tell you for sure I'm going to be there at the end of the month, celebrating my co-workers birthday with a bunch of latinas. I'll be the only gringo, which is fine, because *this* guy with a table full of latinas is in good shape. Nobody except for you has responded to my La Luna inquiry, which makes me suspicious.
Man I don't know but I can tell you for sure I'm going to be there at the end of the month, celebrating my co-workers birthday with a bunch of latinas. I'll be the only gringo, which is fine, because *this* guy with a table full of latinas is in good shape. Nobody except for you has responded to my La Luna inquiry, which makes me suspicious.
libertad - 11/06/09 10:42
I'm totally out of touch. Are they still open?
I'm totally out of touch. Are they still open?
11/02/2009 15:22 #50201
Minor alteration to A Vincent PictureJust had to make a minor alteration to the picture -

I don't recall the last time I drank so much but we hung close with the Brits - we were in fact the last Americans standing and there was no way in hell that I could allow anyone else to have that honor. I am proud to say that we got props on a few occasions during the night from our out of town guests for the Larson sticktoitiveness.
We had a great time and it was a pleasure to get to meet and hang out with (e:rory)'s close friends. Each were great guys who I'd buy a beer (or three) for any day and their respective ladies were really nice gals. The fellas from the UK have friends in the Larson bros. I was pleased with how everything came off with the wedding and it was an honor to have the opportunity to serve as an usher for two wonderful friends.
I have a lot of friends who have wonderful spouses - genuinely fantastic people. However, there was something different about this event that I can't really put into words or express in the way that I'm really feeling about it. I think the best approximation I can come up with is that it is cliche and not always correct to suggest that fate intervenes in people's lives in this way. I've never been convinced of this anyway, at least until this weekend. If you think about the spectacular odds of having a lad from Essex meet a lass from Buffalo in Qatar and having it result in a perfect union of two people who couldn't be more right for each other, it's a bit amazing to consider. It really did bring me joy to actually see this happen in front of my eyes. Today I think about the day that Timika told us that she was moving to Qatar and I can't think of a more consequential decision that any of my friends have ever made.

I don't recall the last time I drank so much but we hung close with the Brits - we were in fact the last Americans standing and there was no way in hell that I could allow anyone else to have that honor. I am proud to say that we got props on a few occasions during the night from our out of town guests for the Larson sticktoitiveness.
We had a great time and it was a pleasure to get to meet and hang out with (e:rory)'s close friends. Each were great guys who I'd buy a beer (or three) for any day and their respective ladies were really nice gals. The fellas from the UK have friends in the Larson bros. I was pleased with how everything came off with the wedding and it was an honor to have the opportunity to serve as an usher for two wonderful friends.
I have a lot of friends who have wonderful spouses - genuinely fantastic people. However, there was something different about this event that I can't really put into words or express in the way that I'm really feeling about it. I think the best approximation I can come up with is that it is cliche and not always correct to suggest that fate intervenes in people's lives in this way. I've never been convinced of this anyway, at least until this weekend. If you think about the spectacular odds of having a lad from Essex meet a lass from Buffalo in Qatar and having it result in a perfect union of two people who couldn't be more right for each other, it's a bit amazing to consider. It really did bring me joy to actually see this happen in front of my eyes. Today I think about the day that Timika told us that she was moving to Qatar and I can't think of a more consequential decision that any of my friends have ever made.
metalpeter - 11/03/09 17:26
I don't know what to say really other then good post.
I don't know what to say really other then good post.
jason - 11/03/09 08:42
One thing that was different from a lot of weddings was that immediately after the ceremony he was BEAMING....and maybe even getting a little teary? I don't know too many guys who express it so vividly. I thought that was cool.
One thing that was different from a lot of weddings was that immediately after the ceremony he was BEAMING....and maybe even getting a little teary? I don't know too many guys who express it so vividly. I thought that was cool.
jason - 11/03/09 08:40
Oh my GOD, disgraceful is right!!! That's what the brits call "bleary eyed" correct?
Oh my GOD, disgraceful is right!!! That's what the brits call "bleary eyed" correct?
lilho - 11/02/09 22:32
this made me laugh! im glad you all had fun, wish i could have come!
this made me laugh! im glad you all had fun, wish i could have come!
libertad - 11/02/09 21:00
Very nice. I also want to add that (e:vincent) has got a nice camera. I wanted to tell vincent on his own journal but I didn't log in to do it. It was very dark in there and my camera just sucks in darkness. Don't get me wrong mine takes beautiful pictures but just not with the flash.
Anyways, I truly conked out at the reception but still had a good time. I'm glad the photo booth was there too. All in all, the Webber wedding was pretty awesome. I really enjoyed doing the photography. I'm glad that you guys got to hang out until the end with the awesome brits. They fascinated me, real genuinely good people.
Very nice. I also want to add that (e:vincent) has got a nice camera. I wanted to tell vincent on his own journal but I didn't log in to do it. It was very dark in there and my camera just sucks in darkness. Don't get me wrong mine takes beautiful pictures but just not with the flash.
Anyways, I truly conked out at the reception but still had a good time. I'm glad the photo booth was there too. All in all, the Webber wedding was pretty awesome. I really enjoyed doing the photography. I'm glad that you guys got to hang out until the end with the awesome brits. They fascinated me, real genuinely good people.
jenks - 11/02/09 16:35
Aww, that's touching. :)
Aww, that's touching. :)
I'm glad I spurred your journalism... but I'm just going to ditto (e:james). *kisses*
This post makes me think of a drunken conversation I had with a bunch of Women Rugby players this summer. It's funny as the one I was talking to was just venting to me on how her Ex broke up with her, went to some guy who was abusive to her and ended up getting pregnant within a month. The odd thing in my head was we were talking about sex & our sign "Libra" while there seem to be some weird chemistry building the entire time.
Who knows if these women are just trying to be something they are not and are in the end just confused.
First of all good post and great question.
I agree with what people have said about labeles not fitting and the sexuality is fluid. There are all kids of things that I could never understand. I won't mention one of the things I don't get. The reason is, it is very often used as a way to bash lesbains, I wouldn't use it that way but I'm still not going to ask it anyways.
I'm guessing the women you met was really bi-sexaul. Or maybe she is one of those varations like she likes couples. Yes there are some men and somewomen who want to be with a man and women at the same time. Then there are women who would call them selves stright but go do bars and make out with girls, for fun, or to see what it is like, but who like guys and want to date only guys. So there as others have said lots of varations that don't fit into those little boxes.
(e:james) really summed it up, sexuality is fluid.
I'm a "straight" women who is only interested in men, have no working biological clock that I am aware of (haven't had any desire, real or abstract at any point thus far, and I would be shocked if the feeling ever emerged) and have made out with enough "gay" men to write a book. (quotes are to indicate the loose interpretation of the use of lables)
and I've met men through the years that had babies on the brain, but that is another story for another day.
So that is my long way of saying,the clock ticks in some and not in others, regardless of gender and sexual orientation.
I have been wicked horny lately so it's not helping :( Haha!
ha! yeah! haven't had any good ol' sex talk on this site in a while! go joshy! ;)
Our model of sexuality is fucked. It really is a lot more fluid than we think it is.
For one, we think of sexuality on a continuum between gay and straight. Really, there are hundreds of other axises to consider.
We think of sexuality as being independent. Really, it is connected to everything in our lives. The relationships we seek, the way we spend our time, our sex, our history.
We live in a sexual universe but we think of it as geocentric. We need the Galileo of sex to fuck this shit up.
IMO, I think it all comes down to the individual. I know for a fact there are some lesbians who have absolutley no desire to sleep with man. I know there are some gay men who never have the urge to sleep with women (I'd go more into this but I know my mom reads this site lol) just as there are surley straight men who never get the urge to sleep with another man, and vice versa. And then there's everybody else in between.