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08/26/2009 08:50 #49630

Edward Moore Kennedy 1932 - 2009
End of an era indeed. I can't think of many people that lived a fuller life than Sen. Ted Kennedy. Yes, there were some controversies, but on the other hand I can't think of many people that have lived through more tragedy than Sen. Ted Kennedy either. God Bless him - he is the only Kennedy brother to have died a natural death. He was the best looking Kennedy brother as well.
james - 08/26/09 10:59
"We owe respect to the living; to the dead we owe nothing but truth"

jason - 08/26/09 10:02
He was the most dapper Kennedy by a country mile. There was good and bad in his life, but I hope people don't waste time dwelling on the bad. I hated it when the left did it to Reagan and I won't agree with it now. He's gone, God rest his soul.
james - 08/26/09 09:46
I am never phased by celebrity deaths. But while reading his obituary this morning I was choking up. I guess that is why I like Politico better than Tiger Beat.
mrmike - 08/26/09 09:11
Indeed, regardless of the controversies he did lay down a map for public service. He was very bi-partisan and endeavored to work with everybody regardless of political affliation. I still remember how he verbally took Jimmy Carter to the woodshed, and then took on the sitting president of his own party. Bet if the controversies weren't there, he might have had em. That would have set up a Kennedy vs. Reagan presidential faceoff. The speeches during that would have been worth the price of admission.

08/19/2009 11:51 #49575

Carmen's Kitchen, Pt. 2
No pictures this time. If you want to see my pictures, go to Carmen Kitchen's Facebook page. I just found out that they "borrowed" two of my pictures from my previous blog entry here and used them for wall photos on FB.

I really don't mind, and in fact I think they should ask people to submit pictures of their food... or even of themselves with the food. But jeez, can't you guys at Carmen's at least say "thanks for promoting us on your blog, we'd love to use your pictures on FB to promote our restaurant?" C'mon y'all! Que tal unos pastelitos? Ustedes necessitan hook a gringo up! :) (solomente una chiste, see you soon).

08/06/2009 12:21 #49471

"BJ" Bill Clinton - Patriot and Hero
You know the world is upside down when Obama makes me feel nostalgia for the Clintons. Yes, both of them - the Presidential philanderer and his better half. Actually, I have a lot more esteem for Hillary these days than I used to have. Maybe it is a result of her not being a politician anymore?

I've never really thought much of Bill, although over the years I've always enjoyed his shenanigans and the public's seemingly endless ability to forgive him. Really, let's think of this - Bill Clinton, Rhodes Scholar and brilliant man, arguing about what the meaning of "is" is? Surely we can agree that arguing about the meaning of "is" is preposterous regardless of context.

Which brings us to the present day. Man you've got to love Bill Clinton, riding in like a knight in shining armor, carrying the damsels in distress on his white horse Hollywood producer/donor funded airliner.

The public is being bamboozled into believing the imagery, that Bill Clinton was the driving force behind the release of the two extraordinarily foolhardy journalists who broke the law in the most despotic country on earth. The real truth? The Administration was much more involved than they want to let on - to suggest that this was a "private humanitarian mission" was a flat out lie. Washington Post, and pretty much every other outlet, made it clear that negotiations went along on the side, involving senior WH and State Dept. personnel, and others.

So again, I'm really, really loving how Bill Clinton is getting all of the credit and soaking up the love on the backs of other people. I miss Slick Willy in action. He's not even paying for the jet! One would think that Al "$100 million fraudulent dollars in mah con man pockets" Gore might have fronted that cost, as he is the founder of Current TV.

My real question is this - what's up with this wholly dishonest and easily debunked assertion that Bill Clinton was on a "private humanitarian mission" and what did we give up? The press has reported that our government, including WH level personnel, were directly involved with negotiations (the piece refers to this as "conversations" but you know better).

There isn't a rational person on earth that believes the North Korean government released these two ladies out of the goodness of their hearts, or for a mere photo op with The Artist Formerly Known As The First Black President. So, what did the North Koreans get in return? We may not know for years, although the underlying irony was not lost on me during Clinton's visit.



I wonder how many North Koreans starved to death that week!
tinypliny - 08/06/09 22:26
I like Soul Coughing!! :)
vincent - 08/06/09 21:44
Pyongyang is in the room...

Ok, I just needed to get a soul coughing lyric out there.

But I totally agree with you, seeing a bit of Bill's old charm did give me a case of the warm fuzzies!
metalpeter - 08/06/09 19:34
Well I don't know what Kim Jong got I have no clue. Maybe it is one of those now you owe us one type of thing. I'm guessing that what Kim wants is the same thing he has wanted for a long Time. One Korea. I find it odd how he loves our movies and music but not us. I think that is because we get in the way of making Korea one country. I'm sure he would want to be part of the leadership. But from what I hear our buddies want nothing to to with unification. Hey maybe Kim likes bill and Hates Bush, I heard he asked for Bill and Only bill.
james - 08/06/09 17:39
Thanks Josh. I will with my homies K-Jong and Mad Dawg
joshua - 08/06/09 14:56
Happy birfday James, by the way. Go get sloshed.
jason - 08/06/09 14:33
NK wants to be seen as being merciful. They want good PR. We're more than happy to oblige and have been for some time. I read a funny AP article that quipped hopefully that it might lead to more discussions on the nukes. Lol. No, how about the same issues are going to keep on coming up again and again.
james - 08/06/09 13:57
North Korea wants one thing and one thing only: attention. This is why they hastily patch together a rocket and fire it over Japan. So Japan and South Korea can flip out, the US can re-think and re-thinking its policy, and China privately tells them to knock it off. They are the runt of the Communist nation bloc. The little boy who misbehaves because Mommy and Daddy aren't giving him enough love.

What did we give up? The view that we are foaming-at-the-mouth dicks who don't know diplomacy from a cocktail weenie.

Now, how about those three Americans detained in Iran?
tinypliny - 08/06/09 13:22
Clinton has done a lot of personally driven good deeds for medicine so yes, I am a genuine fan.

08/04/2009 12:55 #49455

Is Vlad Putin Telling Us Something?
You be the judge. Vlad Putin barechesting it on horseback -
metalpeter - 08/04/09 19:45
Yes he wants to come to WWE and Wrestle, HA.
tinypliny - 08/04/09 19:40
Come on. He has a reputation to keep up. How can a non-bare-chested man loom over Alaska?
lilho - 08/04/09 18:35
maybe he is trying to take fabio's place on the cover of all of those romance novels???
james - 08/04/09 16:41
Vladdy has been doing shots like that for years. Photos circulated of him hunting while shirtless when he had his old job.

Russians love their leaders to be 1) Philosopher-Kings and 2) big meaty bears. Czar Alexander III was fairly dim, but was a juggernaut of a man and was loved for it. Nick2 was seen as neither, and Russia ate him alive. That is why Putin is so beloved even though he is an autocrat. He is a big bearish philosopher-king. He will possibly eat Medvedev someday if he gets too close.
mrmike - 08/04/09 15:03
He saw Obama's surf shots and want to show he's manly too. Or not

07/30/2009 11:07 #49414

Outlet (not a place where you shop)
I've got nobody I can really talk to about the stress in my life. My father lost his job and is preoccupied in a cloud, my grandmother is 80 and I can't lay my worries at her feet, and my brother has his own problems. My grandpa is gone and for those of you who didn't know, we were raised by our father and grandparents after our mother gave up custody when we were 9 months old. In other words, I can't draw on my mom for advice either.

I'm trying to figure out how to cope with this - I'm usually the listener, the source of optimism and enthusiasm for the people around me. What happens if I don't have it in me anymore? Lately I've been feeling a little worn down and I've been at a loss... I've been begging God to provide me with some clarity and to remove this spectre over me.

metalpeter - 07/30/09 20:00
I like (e:drew)'s Idea. The other option is if writing helps. Type it out in a post and get the stress out and click on that draft button. Then the only person who can see it is some logged in as you or when paul is logged in how ever he views the site. If you don't want to take that chance I have heard of people writing journals on paper to get it out and then they don't want any one else to read it so they after they get stuff out burn what they wrote.
tinypliny - 07/30/09 16:29
Dear Father, I have TERRIBLE confessions to make!
drew - 07/30/09 15:27
The offer stands for you and just about any (e:strip)per--glad to put on the "pastoral counselor" hat and just listen--keep confidence and all that.

And if you want to find a stranger, I could refer you to somebody who is (and who will listen well--no charge)
jason - 07/30/09 13:44
My input has always been consistent. Suffering needlessly is a waste of time and energy.
bridgette - 07/30/09 12:25
Sometimes, right before something really great happens, some really crappy times come along first. Stay encouraged! DO you have a church? Ask God to lead you to a church where His hand is working, give Him time to work- keep the faith! When I had my babies I lost most of my friends. They stopped calling and coming over, I wasn't such a good party buddy anymore, I guess. My fam was always waist deep in drama, all I had was my guy. There were days I was so lonely I would cry- sitting in my house like a recluse for a year or so. What I didn't realize was that God was listening my prayers- the WHOLE time. He was lining people up to come into my life, people who would be perfect for this new season in my life. In the last 8-9 months i have been experiencing things I never thought were possible- amazing things. keep praying, and hang in there- You're breakthrough may very well be right around the corner!!!
tinypliny - 07/30/09 11:50
And what is more interesting is most of my friendships have fallen apart when the element of judgement entered into them - either on my side or theirs. Its so hard for people to just take you for what you are but its what most parents do bes. Maybe because they know that they can't change things and maybe because they have to believe steadfastly in something and evolutionarily and biologically believing unswervingly in a kid makes sense.
tinypliny - 07/30/09 11:45
Which makes me think its all about judgement really. If you can find someone who absolutely does not have a shred of judgement about who you are, they might probably be the closest to a parent.
joshua - 07/30/09 11:42
(e:tiny) - there are some things I don't even tell my oldest friends.

(e:jim) - you are right, on both accounts. =P
tinypliny - 07/30/09 11:42
I know. :/ Friends don't make the cut somehow. There is some level of generosity missing. My mum still thinks I am in kindergarten and treats me likewise. Its sometimes very annoying but most times, its just a relief that she doesn't judge me in the same terms as a grown-up and everything I do seems like a childish misstep to her. I am forever a kid in her mind and very strangely I feel like one when I talk to her.
jim - 07/30/09 11:34
Nothing quite replaces sobbing to a parent about how the world mistreats you, in terms of stress relief.
tinypliny - 07/30/09 11:32
Hmmmm.. so friends don't figure in this circle, eh?
jim - 07/30/09 11:29
I can relate. My mom and I were very close, but she's gone now. And talking to my Dad -- hate to say it but he sounds like an old, old man now -- is usually me consoling him for his dead wife, dead dog, dead parents, job that he hates, and for the girlfriend that just left him.

We're both, you and me, getting towards being on the ragged side of our ancestral lineage, I'd say. I think what most people do is have kids so that they're too busy to be preoccupied with their own problems and stress. And then when their kids are grown up they can be vented to...

Circle of Life!
tinypliny - 07/30/09 11:22
You will do fine! You have no reason to feel lost. Post all your worries, amd I promise to shake you out with my super-annoying comments - you know, sort of like a counter-irritant is good for pain.