We are asking you for a donation of a teensy bit of your saliva and a bit of your time for Cancer Research.

With the help of the saliva you donate, we can pool together information from a large number of people with and without cancer and find answers to the question of why some people get cancer while others don't.

With the help of the questionnaire we send you to fill out, we will try and figure out what kind of lifestyle changes will reduce the risk of cancer.

Though you won't personally benefit from donating your saliva, this is your chance to make a personal difference against cancer!

Your small and personal but incredibly valuable gift to cancer research will go a long long way!!!!

We need more weapons than ever to fight this scourge called cancer! Pitch in and spit it out!!!!

See you all at Susan G. Komen's Race for the Cure at Delaware Park's Rose Garden tomorrow morning!! Comment, drop me an email, post a chat if you have any questions!!

Together, we can research this evil little disease out! :)

Come and spit for the cure!! June 13 (Saturday, 7:00 AM to 1:00PM, Delaware Park Rose Gardens)
me and dave tried to make it but didn't get there til like 5 to 1 and everything was packed up and gone!
Thank you!! I will keep a look out for you! My *really awesome* advisor will be there as well. :)
see you there.